Unknown History
wicked hag
wattle bank
colombia disaster
Tits and bums
Naophorous (temple-bearing) greywacke block statue of Psamtik[seneb], governor of Sais. Artist unk
Granodiorite statue of a man named Minemheb, accompanied by a baboon representing Thoth. Artist unk
Theatrical performers with masks. Detail from a relief sculpture on a Roman sarcophagus, artist unk
lionofchaeronea:Attic black-figure globular aryballos decorated with sphinxes and lions. Artist unk
printing-stamp Cultures/periods: AztecField Collection by: GlennieFindspot: Mexico Provenience unk
slit-drum Cultures/periods: MixtecProduction date: 1200 - 1521Findspot: Oaxaca Provenience unk
printing-stamp Cultures/periods: AztecField Collection by: GlennieFindspot: Mexico Provenience unk
printing-stamp Cultures/periods: AztecField Collection by: GlennieFindspot: Mexico Provenience unk
vase Cultures/periods: ColimaProduction date: 300 BC - AD 300 Findspot: Colima Provenience unk
Gazanfer Ağa Madrasa is located between Unkapanı and the Women’s Bazaar, next to the Bozdoğan
Limestone slab depicting Hapy (Hapi), ancient Egyptian god of the annual Nile flooding. Artist unkn
Gilt bronze statue of the seated Buddha holding a mango. From Thailand (Bangkok style), artist unkn
Gold daric of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, showing a king or hero with bow and spear. Artist unkn
Ngady a Mwaash royal mask of the Kuba people, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Artist unkn
Ancient Egyptian statue of a crocodile, perhaps representing the crocodile deity Sobek. Artist unkn
Phembe (mother-and-child statue) of the Yombe people, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Artist unkn
Anthropomorphic mask of the Yaka people, southwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Artist unkn
A northern section of Australia is revealing an entirely different form of rock art, previously unkn
lionofchaeronea: Mayan polychrome figural urn, decorated with jaguars and skulls. Artist unkn
Female statuette of the Holoholo people, present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo. Artist unkno
Terra-cotta beer pot of the Zulu people. Made in the village of Eshowe, South Africa. Artist unkno
Ancient Mesopotamian stamp seal, carved in the shape of a reclining bull or bull calf. Artist unkno
Aztec statue of a seated man, sometimes identified as the fire deity Huehueteotl. Artist unkno
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