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Finally got my injection! Felt very freeing. #vaccinationdone✔️ #johnsonandjohnson (at Fitchburg, Ma
Vaccinaaation, it’s half of the fun of making you yelp, uh making you well. #sinovac #coronavi
The one and only @sindywithansofficial We love your energy and enthusiasm Ps. You look stunning in
#vaccinationdone✔️ www.instagram.com/p/CNotIqesUF2/?igshid=1gilq33jeqrd9
Raise your hand if you’re ready to say hello to 2022! This year, thanks to many of you,
Ciò che conta nella vita sono le ore in cui amiamo. (#youandme #love #passion #family #good #
Aside from extreme fatigue today (and some of that from the antihistamines I take due to seasonal al
Achievement unlocked. Vaxxed, masked, and grateful. No symptoms thus far to either dose. . #vaccina
That vaccine glow☺️ // I did it! I got my Johnson & Johnson vaccine shot today Finally! I ca
Aww yeah, got poked in the arm with the good stuff. #vaccinationdone✔️ #fyoucovid #vaccine
Aww yeah, got poked in the arm with the good stuff. #vaccinationdone✔️ #fyoucovid #vaccine
Just got my COVID Vaccine Booster AND my flu shot!! Helllllz YEAH!!!!! I gots the VAX y’all!!!
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