minds eye
tan japanese
Today I started painting a cat portrait commission
Another original painting has got itself framed! . My original paintings are available on www.jasuw
My new shelf in the mini-gallery! Welcome to Huvilatie 8-10 B11, Rovaniemi ⬅️ Mon-Fri 10am - 6pm Sa
”Lushious tendensies” 2020, mixed media on 300 g/m paper, 55 x 37 cm.✨This is like my view of Oshun
”Into the Light” 2020, mixed media on 300 g/m paper, 24 x 32 cm.✨Finally finished this piece! I sta
”Glithing” 2021, mixed media on 300 g/m paper, 31,5 x 23,5 cm. ✨I just saw a reindeer on my yard, so
”From ashes” 2020, watercolor on 300 g/m paper, 50 x 35 cm.✨✨Struggles with your insecurity are hars
”Piglet” 2021, mixed media on 300 g/m paper, 32 x 24 cm.✨I love the fact that pigs are smarter than
”Kesän vaeltaja” 2020, mixed media on 300 g/m paper, 30 x 40 cm.✨Haven’t got much to say, I’ve been
9/12 finished and this one became my new favourite. Now I gotta get some other work done to be able
October 2023 ✨ Soon all the calendar illustrations will be finished! Find more of my art and art pro
7/12 calendar illustrations finished! ✨ over half way there before May. Maybe finally this year I&am
I finished this on Tuesday, which means there are only 4 illustrations left to paint! I’ve
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