my cosplay
shop cat
victoriousvocabulary:ANGELOPHANY[noun]the appearance of an angel or angels; manifestation of a celes
victoriousvocabulary:ROTA FORTUNAE[noun]also known as the Wheel of Fortune - a concept in mediaeval
victoriousvocabulary:swan-bones:All is WellGouache on paper, 2015by Kelly Louise JuddVOLUP [adverb]
victoriousvocabulary:SOMNIUM[noun]daydream; dream; fancy; foolishness; nonsense; wishful thinking.Et
victoriousvocabulary:GALLIARDISE[noun]extreme gaiety; merriment.Etymology: from Middle French gailla
victoriousvocabulary:PATHEAPHOBIA [aka PATHOSOPHOBIA][noun]the fear of emotional suffering; the fear
victoriousvocabulary:OPTATIVE[adjective]1. mood expressing a desire or wish.2. expressing a wish or
victoriousvocabulary:MYSTAGOGUE[noun]1. a teacher of mystical doctrines.2. one who prepares candidat
victoriousvocabulary:MEA CULPA[noun]a Latin phrase that translates into English as “through my fault
victoriousvocabulary:FLORIFEROUS[adjective]1. bearing flowers.2. bearing or capable of bearing many
victoriousvocabulary:APRICATE[adjective]to bask in the sun; to lie in or be exposed to a pleasant wa
victoriousvocabulary:GALLIARDISE[noun]extreme gaiety; merriment.Etymology: from Middle French gailla
victoriousvocabulary:DAFFADOWNDILLY[noun]an archaic and poetic variation for daffodil, a yellow or w
victoriousvocabulary:STASIS[noun]1. the state of equilibrium or inactivity caused by opposing equal
victoriousvocabulary:havfiske:KópakonanSeal Woman or Selkie statueMikladalur, Faroe Islands SELKIE[n
victoriousvocabulary:THEOPATHY[noun]experience or capacity for experience of the divine illumination
victoriousvocabulary:CERVICORN[adjective]1. branching like antlers.2. bearing antlers.Etymology: tho
victoriousvocabulary:GALLIARDISE[noun]extreme gaiety; merriment.Etymology: from Middle French gailla
victoriousvocabulary:MULTIVERSE[noun]the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes (including
victoriousvocabulary:ACCOLENT [adjective] neighbouring; dwelling near by; one who dwells near by. Et
victoriousvocabulary:OPACUS [noun] 1. Meteorology: (of a cloud) dense enough to obscure the sun or m
victoriousvocabulary:NOSTOMANIA[noun]intense homesickness; an irresistible compulsion to return home
victoriousvocabulary:DYSTHYMIA[noun]also known as neurotic depression, dysthymic disorder, and chron
victoriousvocabulary:ACCAREZZÉVOLE[adjective/verb](Italian: “Fawningly”) a music term that is marked
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