al horford
s sculpture
Checked Secretary Skirt . . #vintageclothes #lazygirlsunday #vintage #vintagestore #vintageapparel #
Vera Newman Inspired Skirt . . #vintageclothes #lazygirlsunday #vintage #vintagestore #vintageappare
Good Vibes . . #vintageclothing #lazygirlsunday #vintagelooks #vintagegirls #vintagestore #vintaget
Happy Lazy Girl Sunday! Soon Hopefully, But Not Yet!!! . . #vintageclothes #lazygirlsunday #vintage
Most Adorable Handmade Set . . #vintageclothes #lazygirlsunday #vintage #vintagestore #vintageappare
A Bouquet . . . #vintageclothes #lazygirlsunday #vintage #vintagestore #vintageapparel #vintageootd
What we all should be wearing . . #vintageclothes #lazygirlsunday #vintage #vintagestore #vintageapp
Blouse it up . . lazygirlsunday #vintageshop #vintagestore #vintageclothing #vintagestreetstyle #vin
Whatever you want it to be . . lazygirlsunday #vintageshop #vintagestore #vintageclothing #vintagest
Wrapping-up another week! Wait, what? . . lazygirlsunday #vintageshop #vintagestore #vintageclothing
knitted this blouse from an actuall vintage pattern! I love the shape(for me it can be a little bit
I need this for my lobster roll day!!ロブスターロールを食べる時には必須なアクセ❤Lucky Lobsters! - Beachcomber 50s vintage
I made nibushiki-juban from my vintage beautiful silk juban by myself.I bought this juban from Hyota
Happy St.Patrick’s day! セィントパトリックスディは緑の物を身に付けなくてはいけません。 #stpatricksday #green #clover #緑 #
The outfit of the last Friday.For some reason I thought the outside was warm, so I chose this spring
A month ago I welcomed this lovely and warm Norwegian hand-knitted vintage sweater from @cambridgera
ヘッドドレス, 沢山見るけど中なか綺麗な状態のいいものを見つけるのは難しい。白いのんは新婚の友人へ。 いちごはお塩とコショウ入れ。かわゆさにひとめぼれ。日本製。アメリカのヴィンテージ陶器類は日本製がと
#Handmade #knitting #jumper #sweater #ハンドメイド #手編み #ニット
Beautiful finds at Cur.io VintageCur.io Vintage is one of my favorite vintage clothing stores i
I’m getting used to make these vintage inspired hairstyle, also getting used to tease my h
Wearing kimono to work on Sundays! 日曜日はきもので接客中。昔はきものを着て仕事をするのが夢だったので、それが海外で実現とは何とも感慨深いです。今日はイースターなの
Faux Flower Earrings and Brooch Set from Bobby From Boston.This store is very cool, and well-known v
Today’s outfit, vintage blue dress from a vintage clothing store in OKC, sadly they are closed
Thank you so much for your birthday wishes! Here’s how I spent the night :) Red wine, rasp
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