owning-my-truth:This MLK Day I remember not the “sanitized,” white washed, hollowed out
owning-my-truth:This MLK Day I remember not the “sanitized,” white washed, hollowed out version of King that white people have turned into a puppet of white supremacy. Instead, the King I remember and give homage to today was the radical anti-capitalist who led the Poor People’s Campaign before his murder. I remember the anti-imperialist who worked with Thich Nhat Hanh and called the US government the “greatest purveyor of violence” on Earth, and forcefully condemned the War in Vietnam. I remember a King who NEVER condemned rioting as a form of resistance because he understood that using non-violence only worked in certain contexts and was just one tactic of many in dismantling white supremacy. And I remember the King who was one of the most hated men in white America on the eve of his death and who was assassinated by the US government for his radical anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist and anti-white supremacist message. We must #ReclaimMLK today and in the process #ReclaimOURstory as well. -- source link