Kip sits patiently behind bars while the Black man’s medicine worked to clear up his lungs. Li
Kip sits patiently behind bars while the Black man’s medicine worked to clear up his lungs. Like most construction caucs, Kip’s mane is kept in a mohawk which reinforced his animal status to passing Black citizens. It’s common for construction slaves to cough from all the dust they inhale. But, when the Overseer keenly spotted Kip wet sick cough he sprang into action and dragged the confused buck away and strapped a muzzle around his snout and mouth.The honkey was sent to a nearby honkey vet for a barrage of aggressive X-Rays to determine the problem. Cases like these are a Catch-22. Cancer means you’ve got an early expiration sunk cost on your hands, but the herd isn’t at risk. Infection means you’re only losing a few days of labor, but who knows how many caucs the dumb animal coughed on already. It turns out Kip just has bronchitis, but none of the other honkeys are showing signs of anything.The days behind bars are painfully boring. Nothing to do but take his pills and reduced rations. He knows he’s going to be the target of every Overseer’s whip to make up for his lost time on his “little vacation.” -- source link