superfrancesco16101977:I knocked on his door. “Nick? Can I come in?”“Hold
superfrancesco16101977: I knocked on his door. “Nick? Can I come in?”“Hold on a minute!” he yelled. “Don’t come in, I’m.. changing.”More like franticly tucking his hard-on into his pants, I thought. I nervously chewed at mythumbnail as I waited, resisting the temptation to bail out and forget the whole thing.“Okay!” Nick called. I took a deep breath and opened the door.His room smelled faintly of boy sweat and old socks, but because it was my boy I found it almostpleasing. Or maybe that was just the pheromones talking.Nick was sitting on his bed, his laptop on his lap. It would have seemed innocent enough if Idid know for a fact that it was concealing his erection. I forced myself not to glance up at the smallwindow just above him, and I sat down on his bed. I looked him in the eye and gave him my mostloving smile.“I have something I’d like to discuss with you,” I began, “and I don’t want you to be embarrassedabout it.”“Aw, geez,” he rolled his eyes. He thought he knew what was coming.“You don’t have to act that way.” I gave him a playful slap on the knee. “At your age it’simportant that you understand the changes you’re going through, and a big part of that has to dowith sex. I don’t want you getting bad information from your friends, or anywhere else. As yourmother, I’m responsible for you, and that includes your sexual well-being.”“Mom,” he whined, “I’m not having sex. Okay? End of talk!”“That’s not exactly true, is it?”“Yes, I swear.”“You’re having sex with yourself, aren’t you?”“Huh?” A guilty look came over him.“You’re masturbating.” My voice sounded funny saying the word aloud.“No, I don’t do that… ” He wasn’t the least bit convincing.“All boys your age do it.” I patted him reassuringly on the knee. “And most girls as well. Imasturbated all the time when I was your age. It’s not something to be ashamed of.”He chuckled nervously. “All the time?”“Sure.” It felt surreal confessing this to my son. I always kept my self-pleasuring habits strictlyprivate, and never spoke of them to anyone - not even my husband. “Everyone does it. Even momsmasturbate from time to time.” I gave him a wink.He looked shocked. “But… you’re married,” he stammered.“True… ” I knew what he was getting at, but I was hoping to draw him out.“I mean, well, I figured that was something people did only because they didn’t have a, um,partner, or whatever.”“That’s what I thought too, but I suspect you’ll find yourself masturbating for the rest of yourlife, whether you’re with someone or not.” I couldn’t help wondering if he still had a boner underhis laptop or if hearing his mother talking about jerking off killed it. “Pleasuring yourself is aspecial treat that you will always want to enjoy, even when you have a girlfriend or a wife. No oneunderstands how to make you feel as good as you can make yourself feel.”He took a moment to absorb that. I couldn’t help but notice his eyes stealing a quick glance atmy chest. This set my heart beating a little faster. I wondered if he was picturing what I mightlook like while pleasuring myself. At least that’s what I wanted him to be imagining. “So, let’s try again,” I said in a bouncy tone. “You can be honest with me. I’m not going tojudge you. Nick, are you masturbating?”His cheeks reddened, but he nodded, confirming what I already knew.“A lot?”He shrugged. “Once in a while, I guess.”“That’s good,” I said encouragingly. I could have called him out on the frequency, but I decidedto let him slide for now. “I usually try to do it at least a couple times a week myself. It’s a greatstress reliever, but I’m sure you already know that.”There was an awkward silence as my mind drifted to the thought of how thrilling it would befor him to watch me doing myself.“Okay, so that’s all?”“Sorry, no,” I snapped out of my daze. “I wanted to talk to you about cleaning up your ’mess’after you’re done playing with your penis.”“Um… ”I got up and plucked the cum-stained towel from under his bed, then sat back down. I handledit like it was a normal towel, not like it was an object of revulsion.“I noticed this the other day. You’ve been using my good towels to clean up your sperm.”He looked like he wanted to disappear forever, or at the very least die on the spot.“I… I, ah… ”“It’s okay, sweetheart, I’m not upset.” I rubbed his leg to comfort him. “I understand how thesethings work. Your sperm has to go somewhere. I’d just you rather use something else to cleanyourself up with after you cum.”“I’m sorry.” He was still mortified. I hated to see him so embarrassed, but it was more than alittle adorable.“I bought you a set of your own towels just for that purpose. Okay?” I was still holding hissoiled jizz rag in my lap. “And you don’t have to hide it under your bed. It’s all dusty and dirtyunder there. I don’t want you wiping off your penis with a filthy towel.”“Okay,” he croaked.“And speaking of dirty,” I lifted the towel and took a whiff, “your towels should be cleaned moreoften. At least once a week. Just leave the dirty ones by your door and I’ll wash them for you.”“I can wash them. It’s too gross… ”“Oh, sweetheart, moms are immune to gross.” I gave his cheek and exaggerated pinch. “Espe-cially when they love their darling boys as much as I do.”I put the nasty towel aside and tried to figure out where to take the conversation next.“Masturbating is something that should normally be kept private, but I want you to know thatthere’s no need to hide it from me.” I was feeling warm all over. I knew where I wanted to gowith this, but I didn’t know how Nick might react. “I know you do it. It’s a natural part of yoursexuality, and I think it’s a beautiful thing. As a matter of fact, I think for a boy your age youshould be doing in more than just ’once in a while.”’“Geez, Mom,” he said while trying to keep from cracking a shy smile. “Okay, I’ll do it more,alright?”“Do what?” I prodded gently.“What you said.” I want you to say it.” I gave him a playful nudge.“Whatever. Masturbate, I guess.”“Is that what you call it?”“Not really.” He noticed me looking at him expectantly. “I don’t know. I guess I call it jerkingoff or something.”That got a big smile out of me. “Jerking off,” I repeated wistfully. “I always thought that hada nice ring to it.”“God, Mom, you’re so weird sometimes.” He said it in a lighthearted way.“Tell me,” I said with a conspiratorial whisper, “when was the last time you jerked off?”“I don’t know,” he said bashfully.“I played with myself just yesterday,” I confessed boldly, as if I was proud of it. He probablycouldn’t tell, but my nerves were jangling inside me like crazy.“Really?” His eyes went to my chest again for a split second. “Yeah… me, too.”If he only knew how horny I was at that moment…“Wouldn’t it be funny if we were both doing it at the same time and didn’t even know it?”“Yeah,” he chuckled nervously.I gave him an appraising look. “Honey, can you do me a favor and put your laptop aside for aminute.”“Um, that’s okay.”“It’s all right,” I assured him. “Please.”Hesitantly he slid the computer off his lap and set it next to him on the bed. The bulge in hispants was plainly obvious.“It looks like you have an erection,” I mentioned matter-of-factly.He shrugged.“Has your penis been hard this whole time we’ve been talking?”“Pretty much,” he admitted with a sly grin.“Were you hard before I came into your room?”“Yeah.”“You were probably getting ready to masturbate before I came barging in, weren’t you?”“Sort of.”“Oh, I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” I hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell Iwas lying. “Do you want me to leave so you can jerk off?”“I guess… ”“Or I can stay,” I said as nonchalantly as possible. “I don’t mind if you do it around me.”“Yeah, right!” he laughed.“You think I’m joking?” I nudged him again affectionately. “I saw your little penis every day foryears, there’s no need for you to be shy around me.”“Things have changed.”I looked meaningfully at the bulge in his pants. “I can see that they have.”He made a move to cover himself, then didn’t. “So, you’re really serious?” he asked, incredulous.“You want me to jerk off in front of you?”“Only if you want to.” I almost couldn’t catch my breath. “I’m not telling you to do it, but Ithink it could be nice… for both of us.” And you won’t be grossed out, or think I’m a freak?”“Of course not, sweetheart.” I gave him my most understanding smile. “I want you to be proudof your body, and not feel guilty about doing what comes naturally. If there’s anyone in the worldyou should feel free to be yourself in front of it’s me. I love you more than anybody in the world,and all I want is for you to be happy. If jerking off makes you happy, then it makes me happy, too.”He looked around his room nervously, like he was trying to make up his mind. I waited quietlywhile he processed it all.“This is weird,” he said with a bit of a laugh.“I don’t want to pressure you. If you don’t want me to see you playing with your penis, that’sokay. I’ll let you have your privacy and you can jerk off by yourself.”“No,” he said quickly. “I mean I sorta want to, but it’s still weird, that’s all.”“Everything is weird the first time you try it,” I assured him. “Maybe if you start slow and justtake it out and show me how big you’ve grown since the last time I saw it.”He swallowed hard, checked one more time to make sure I meant it, and began fumbling withthis zipper. This was it! He was really going to do it! My mouth began watering, and could barelycontain my jitters. When I saw that first peek of cock flesh I almost came on the spot.Nick, with some difficulty, fished his erect penis out of his boxer shorts, and then quickly movedhis hand away. There it was, within hand’s reach. It was my turn to swallow hard.He had a nice thick shaft topped with a perfect mushroom-shaped head. The tip glistened witha hint of pre-cum. As I stared at his dick, it jumped. I couldn’t hold back a delighted giggle.“Sorry,” Nick said with a bashful smile.“My goodness,” I proclaimed, “you certainly have grown. Look how nice and big your penis is.”I could see how proud he was to hear me saying this. “You’re almost as big as your father, and youstill have some growing to do yet.” I wanted it in my mouth, but I had to stay in control. “You’regoing to make some girl very happy one of these days.”“Some girls, with an ’S’ !” he corrected me playfully.“Don’t get cocky,” I quipped. “Although, I now see why you’re playing with it all the time.”“Not all the time.”“If I had a nice big penis like that I’d be jerking it off every chance I got.” It sounded like I wasjoking, but I really did mean it. I often thought about what it would be like to have a dick. I wouldbe playing with it nonstop!“Geez, Mom, I never knew you thought about that kind of stuff.”“Everybody thinks about sex. Just because I had a couple babies doesn’t mean I’m not just ashorny as the next girl.”His cock jumped again, and a little bead of pre-cum dribbled out.“Looks like you’ve sprung a leak,” I said.He looked down at himself. “I don’t know why it does that.”“It’s just a little extra lubrication to make it easier to slide your penis into a girl’s vagina,” Iexplained, worried I was sounding too much like a lame sex-ed teacher. “And it tastes very good,too.”“How do you know that?” he blurted out.“What? You don’t think I’ve ever sucked a cock before?”That got his cheeks blushing. “Whoa, Mom Sorry, sweetheart, I shouldn’t be talking like that in front of you. It’s just that with your penisout in the open like this it seems silly to hold back.”We both looked at his erection for a few pleasant moments. “I thought girls didn’t like givingblowjobs,” he said.“Some don’t. But only the stupid ones.” It was all I could do to stop myself from ravishing himright there on the spot. He was so damned cute! “There’s something very wonderful and specialabout having a man’s penis in your mouth. If you’re with a girl who hasn’t figured that out yet,you need to think twice about being with her.”“I’ll be sure to remember that.”I patted him affectionately on the knee once again and let my hand linger there. My boy wasso grown up.“So, how’re you feeling now about having your penis out in front of your mother?”“It’s all right, I guess. Maybe it’s not as big a deal as I thought it would be.”“Do you want to try playing with it a little? It would be a shame not to put a nice hard-on likethat to good use.”“Just admit it, Mom, you totally want to see me jerk off, don’t you?”It was my turn to blush. I was so anxious that I couldn’t help being obvious.“Okay, fine! I admit it! But can you blame me? You’re such a handsome boy, and just look atthat beautiful cock.” I took a deep breath and reined myself in. Nick seemed surprised by what Iwas saying, but not upset. “All I’m trying to do is let you know that I understand that you’re ahealthy young man, with certain urges, and that there’s nothing you have to hide from me or keepsecret. There’s no reason that you have to be sneaky about doing what only comes naturally to allof us, and I think it would be nice if we could be comfortable enough around each other that youcan masturbate when I’m around and not feel embarrassed about it. That’s all.”“It sounds funny hearing you say ’cock,”’ he teased.“Would you rather I say ’penis’ ?”“No, the other way is better.”“You like the dirty talk, eh?” I couldn’t wait any longer. “Then why don’t you pull those pantsdown, grab a hold of that big cock, and jerk it off for me.”Nick smiled from ear to ear and quickly shucked off his pants. It was like all he was waiting forwas a definitive green light from me.My tummy was fluttering as I eyed my half-naked boy. Actually, more than just my tummy wasreacting. My pussy was soaking my panties, and it was a real effort not to rub myself between thelegs as I drank in the site of Nick wrapping his hand around his stiff shaft.Now that I had a full view of everything I was taken with how scrumptious his balls looked.They were two perfect, oblong spheres of masculine enchantment. I wanted so badly to cup themand give them a nice gentle squeeze. Nick had a dark patch of pubic hair above the root of his cock,but his balls were nearly bare. I imagined how nice they would feel in my mouth.“So… just go for it?” he asked.“Just do it like you would if I wasn’t here.”He gave himself a few tentative strokes. “All the way to the finish?”“The whole point of masturbating is to make yourself cum, right?”“I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see that part of it. (to be continued) -- source link
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