superfrancesco16101977: (Part 2)“Just assume that I want to see whatever you’re willing
superfrancesco16101977: (Part 2)“Just assume that I want to see whatever you’re willing to show me. Trust me, I can handle alittle cum. How do you think you got here in the first place?”We shared a nervous laugh, and then I forced myself to keep quiet. My gaze moved conspicuouslydown to his cock and balls. He took the hint and began stroking again. His hand moved up anddown nice and slow to start. My son looked so cute with his penis in his hand. I couldn’t believeit was happening. After watching him so many times secretly from the window, I thought it wouldonly ever be a fantasy to be sitting on his bed with him as he pleasured himself.He picked up the pace a little. Our eyes met and we exchanged apprehensive smiles. He wasobviously enjoying it, and I was certainly enjoying it, but there was still a tension between of usas we pushed ahead through uncharted waters together. Nick must have been wondering if I wasgoing to pull the rug out from under him at any moment, or suddenly cover my eyes and run fromthe room disgusted with him. I know I was anticipating him realizing how perverse this all wasand covering himself up in a fit of shame and guilt. We both held our breath, while he continuedstroking and I continued watching.Nick’s hand was moving at a steady rhythm. He was more relaxed now that we’d gotten pastthe initial minute or so without incident. I caught myself licking my lips, and quickly stopped. Ididn’t want to lead him to believe I wanted to do anything more with him that what we were doingalready. As much as I would have loved to indulge in that beautiful cock of his, I wasn’t going toallow myself to go so far as to engage in full-contact incest with my own child. That just wouldn’tbe right.Watching him masturbate wasn’t anything all that bad, if you thought about it. If he was okaywith it, and no one was being forced, what could be the harm? It seemed a wonderfully special wayfor me to form a new kind of bond with my son. There were sure to be all sorts of practical benefitsthat could come from us having a closer and more open relationship. What better way for him tolearn the finer points of love and sex?I was mesmerized by his motions. The action seemed so natural to him. He knew the exactamount of pressure, the perfect speed, and the right moment to give his wrist a slight twist at thetop of his stroke. It was apparent that he’d been practicing for years. I was thinking that I couldwatch him do this all day when the sound of his voice startled me.“Sorry it’s taking so long,” he said. It seemed like only a few moments had passed, but it wasprobably more like four or five minutes. “Maybe because I’m nervous.”“No need to rush, honey, I’m enjoying the view just fine.”“Okay, I just didn’t want you to get bored.”“Not likely.” I gave his thigh a motherly caress. “I notice you’re not using any lotion or oil.”He shrugged. “It’s alright like this.”“Here, hold out your hand.”Nick took his hand away from his cock and gave it to me. I turned his palm up and spit as muchsaliva as I could into his palm.“There, see how that feels,” I said and let him have his hand back.He grabbed his cock with his spit-slicked hand and resumed stroking. A wet noise now came fromhis pumping fist that sent chills up my back. His broad grin told me he was feeling the difference.“It might be taking longer also,” I supposed, “because I’m assuming you’re usually looking atsome type of porn when you’re jerking off. “No… not really… ” he lied.“I don’t mind, honey. Do you use your computer, or do you have magazines hidden around hersomewhere?” I knew the answer, but I didn’t want him to know how familiar I was with his privatehabits.“The computer… but that’s okay, I don’t need it.” He started beating off faster as if he reallywanted to prove it.“Maybe I could help.”“What do you mean?”I began unbuttoning my blouse. “Tell me if you want me to stop.” I undid another button andhe didn’t say a word. His hand slowed as he stared. I got to the last button and opened my shirtup. In preparation for just such a possibility as this I had on one of my sexier bras. It was powderblue and the cups were made from a very open-style lace. This allowed my dark nipples to showeasily through the thin material. “I’m no Playboy model, but there they are if it helps you any… ”“Sweet,” he choked out under his breath.“You can tell me if seeing your mother’s boobs is a turn off. It won’t hurt my feelings.” I madea move like I was ready to cover them up.“No! Yes! I mean, it’s okay, I don’t mind.”“All right, as long as you don’t feel strange about jerking off while looking at your mom’s tits.”“Oh, it’s definitely strange, but I like it.”As he leered at my chest I noticed he was beginning to add little thrusts of his hips. It was likehe was fucking his fist right in front of me. He pulled his t-shirt up, exposing his stomach and chest.Now we were getting somewhere!“To tell you the truth,” I said with a wince, “this lace is kind of scratchy on my nipples.” Withthat I reached into one of the cups and scooped my boob out. I did the same with the other, leavingmy bra scrunched up under my tits, propping them up almost like a bustiere. The effect was quiteflattering, making my mature breasts almost appear perky.And suddenly there I was, sitting in front of my son with my naked tits hanging out. I hadn’tplanned on going this far, but it felt exhilarating.“Holy schnikies, Mom!”It sounded as though he approved, but I couldn’t let it go at that. “Do you like them?” I pinchedmy nipples and gave them a firm tug to be sure they were standing up nice and proud for him.“Hells, yeah!” His cheeks were flushed crimson and he was jerking faster than ever. “I’ve neverseen real ones for real before.” He was barely able to make sense, and he was getting that lost lookin his eye that men get when they’re close to orgasm.“Mmm, that’s my boy, jerk that cock good.” I couldn’t take my eyes off his pounding fist. “Areyou going to cum for Mommy?” I gave my boobs a jiggle. ”Look at my tits and make that beautifulcock cum for me.”“Oh, God,” he moaned. “You’re so… ” He couldn’t finish the thought. A frothy stream ofpre-cum was leaking out and mixing with my spit that was already glazing his shaft.“Almost there,” I said encouragingly to my boy. “Let me see that cum. Show me what a big boyyou are. Shoot that big load.”“I’m… I’m going to… Mom, I’m going to cum… ”“That’s it, baby, let it happen. I’m watching.” His body suddenly clenched in a powerful spasm and spurts of thick white goo began eruptingfrom his cock. The first one shot up onto his shirt, but the subsequent squirts coated his belly infresh, warm spunk. It was gorgeous. If I touched my clit right then I would have been able toorgasm in a matter of seconds. I was on the verge of cumming without even having to touch myself.Nick continued pulling on his cock and grunting with pleasure as he milked several more gobsof jizz out of his penis. My mouth was once again watering. And as soon as the scent of his semenreached me I nearly lunged for his dick. But, before I could, I noticed him reaching for his nastyold cum towel.“No! Hold on.”I jumped up and hurried to just outside his room where I had a stack of three cheap white handtowels I had picked up at Walmart for him to use from now on. I purposely didn’t tuck my titsaway, and so when I came rushing back in they were bouncing all over the place for him to see.He reached out for me to hand him a fresh towel.“Let me take care of that mess for you,” I suggested. “I’m always cleaning up after you anyway.”I took my time and gently dabbed up the cum from his chest and belly. I then pinched hiscock between my thumb and forefinger and lifted it so I could wipe his gooey shaft and head clean.My whole body was alive with tiny bolts of electricity as I went about my work. His cock wasstill pulsing with the aftershocks of his orgasm. One last dribble of semen emerged from his littlepee-hole. I swiped it with the tip of my finger, then wiped my finger on the towel.“There, all clean.” I looked up and didn’t see the smile I was expecting to find. “Is everythingokay?”“Yeah… I don’t know. I’m just being stupid.”“Tell me, sweetheart. What is it?”“It’s that sometimes I feel like a loser after I… you know, finish. It feels really good when I’mdoing it, then as soon as I’m done I get annoyed at myself and wish I could stop. I’ve tried a fewtimes, but I can’t go for more than a couple days. It makes me feel a little pathetic I guess.”“Don’t worry about that,” I said like it was no big deal. “Everyone sometimes has a bit of post-orgasm remorse. When I was a girl I thought I was the only person in the world who masturbated,and I felt like a depraved monster. Nobody ever talked about such things when I was younger.There’s nothing pathetic about enjoying the pleasures of your own body, and you’re not a loser atall.”That seemed to cheer him somewhat. “I know, but this is going to take some getting used to.”His eyes couldn’t stay on my face and I realized that my tits were still out. I felt a happy tingle inmy nipples.“So, you think you maybe want to try this again?”“Right now?”“Well, I meant in general.”“Oh… sure, I guess that would be cool.”“Could you really do it again right now if you wanted?” I had noticed that his cock hadn’tgotten the least bit soft since he’d come.“Probably.”“Your brother is going to be home from school soon, so if you want me to stay and watch againyou better make it quick.” He gripped his erection and got started. “I’d like it if you stayed.”“Should I keep my tits out for you?”“Yes, please.” He was whacking away vigorously. “I liked it when you touched your nipples likethat before.”“You want me to do that again?”He nodded enthusiastically. I gave him a nice show, tweaking my nipples, giving them a goodpull and a twist. I grabbed my boobs and squeezed them together. I was tempted to demonstratehow I could lick the tips, but I thought I’d better save that for another time. I massaged my breastsseductively, and my son was captivated. I was keenly aware that the only thought on his mind waslikely how much he wanted to suck on them.Nick was less reserved this time around, and he masturbated energetically. The sound his fistmade beating up and down was so arousing. He even felt comfortable enough to play with his ballsas he was getting ready to come again. But the best part was when he reached his hand out to mepalm up. I leaned forward and spit in his hand again, then watched him smear my slick saliva allover his prick and resume jacking even faster.“You’re tits are so good, Mom! Ahhhhh!”More cum sprayed from his dick. I couldn’t believe he had any left after his last performance.This time his body went slack when he was done and a look of contented satisfaction was thereinstead of shameful guilt.He lay quietly as I went about cleaning him up for a second time. When I was done, I leanedover and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, then another on his forehead. I ruffled his hair, put mytits away, and buttoned up my shirt. His cock was softening some, but not much. The power ofyouth.“Well, after all that, I have some things to attend to myself. When your brother gets home, canyou try to keep him downstairs? I don’t want him upstairs while I’m in my room masturbating, Imight get a little noisy.”“You’re really going to go do it right now?”“Like I told you, moms get horny, too.” I patted my crotch suggestively. “And I haven’t beenquite this horny in years.”I picked up the older cum-crusted towel, along with the freshly anointed one, and headed out ofthe room, feeling my son’s eyes on my ass as I went.“Would it be too soon,” Nick called after me, “if we did this again tomorrow?”“It’s a date, stud.” I blew him a kiss and headed upstairs with my prizes.I was naked as soon as I closed my bedroom door. I didn’t even make it to the bed andjust dropped down on my hands and knees right there on the carpet and attacked my pussy. Aspredicted, I came in about ten seconds flat. I crawled up onto my bed, got on my back, spreadmy legs wide, and gave myself a slower more relaxed pussy massage. The image of my son comingall over himself as I watched played over and over in my head and soon I was racked with anothermajor orgasm.I heard my younger son Timmy arriving home, but I wasn’t done yet. I brought myself off threemore times before I was at least somewhat sated.There would be some feelings of guilt and post-orgasm remorse for me to deal with at somepoint, but for the moment I was as happy as could be. I was already looking forward to doing it al again the next day!(to be continued) -- source link
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