santiagogarcia:So, literally, sometimes [I was] just walking back and forth [between the Annihilatio
santiagogarcia:So, literally, sometimes [I was] just walking back and forth [between the Annihilation and The Last Jedi sound stages]. And at first I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to handle it, just being too tired. And how was I gonna give the right kind of energy to this thing. But I really wanted it to work with Alex [Garland]. I wanna do every movie that he makes. So, luckily, between the people at Star Wars and the people at Annihilation they were able to work out the schedule so I could get it done. But I found that instead of it tiring me, it was completely invigorating cause it was so different. There was a freedom and almost a performance art aspect to it that I didn’t realize I was thirsting for.OSCAR ISAAC, The Making of Annihilation -- source link