I hadn’t weighed in on the situation down in #Lakewood yesterday, but I should’ve.@sou
I hadn’t weighed in on the situation down in #Lakewood yesterday, but I should’ve. @southsidesandwichshop proudly supported Israel, the IDF, and America with flags out front, only to get lambasted for it by some local anti-Zionists pressuring the hashgacha to pressure the restaurant to remove the flags. I’m not using this post to point fingers or lay blame, but rather to support the restaurant showing it’s love for the state of the Jewish people. You know, I’ve kind of avoided driving down to #Lakewood for a few years now (it’s a sheep from Long Island) and this story initially did not make me want to go at all… until I realized that there are plenty of reasons to go, including to support my brothers at SSSS&S and many of the other supporting kosher businesses there. I’m coming this summer. Let’s do this. ———————————————————————— Your comments keep me going . Shoot me a note or tag your friends if you like what I’m dishing up ——————————————————————— #kosherrestaurant#kosherrestaurants #kosherfoodie #kosherlakewood #יוםהעצמאות #kosherfoodies #כשר #israeliflag #kosher —————————————————————— Disclosure: The vast majority of our posts are not sponsored or compensated in any way. I pay for my meals. If I’m invited to try food for free, I will state as such. As always, my promise is to give you my honest opinions regardless of compensation & provide you with important kosher news. Your trust is valued. —————————————————————— Subscribe to YTK emails ➡️ link in the bio —————————————————————— — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/4af7488d435d1662d7599c1860712eb5/5D5E625A/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/58410740_132133361217728_5686725986733870290_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com -- source link