blackgirlsreverything: 50shadesofsubtext: dazzlingnightsincrediblesights: blackgirlsreverything:bl
blackgirlsreverything: 50shadesofsubtext: dazzlingnightsincrediblesights: blackgirlsreverything: blackgirlsreverything: Please reblog this as many times as you can. Someone is bombing black families in Austin, but the media is not covering it. We have to get the word out. I live in Colorado, and it was covered on our news, almost every night, almost every station for the last week. After all the media coverage of this that I had seen, not once did anyone mention they were all black. They said they were random attacks and that police had no idea how victims were being chosen. Both of these men were activists in the black community. They knew each other, They went to the same church. And the elderly Hispanic lady that picked up the third package… they think she picked it up by accident, and that it was meant for another black family with the same criteria.Colorblind policing and reporting do nothing to find the people responsible. Black people are being targeted. Black activists are being targeted. 4th Bomb -- source link