Life prepares you for dying but I’m out here living. Came here for clarity and found it. Came
Life prepares you for dying but I’m out here living. Came here for clarity and found it. Came here to mentally disconnect and mentally prepare for #ramadan2021 because i wasn’t sure if i was in a safe space mentally to conquer Ramadan during a #pandemic for the second time. Came here to connect with my brother, accomplished. I came here for peace because where I’m from everyone’s at war, everyone’s in rush and forget to value the small things that’s going on in life. Got so caught up in stressing about the LOWS that wasn’t enjoying and appreciating the WINs because I was feeling like the LOWs where outweighing the WINs and they were but I learned that you never really learn anything about yourself when you are always winning because 1 thing for certain is, them L’s going to teach you more than them wins could ever teach. I’ve found peace, love and happiness during these lows so It’s going to be great what I find during these wins. May Allah (swt) continue to bless you on your journey as you continue to find yourself!! Smell the flowers now even if you have to buy your own to get them. And to all those that’s fasting this year I pray #Ramadan brings you everything thing that you feel you are lacking, inshallah. Just know life is all about gaining and finding peace, clarity, happiness and health because that’s the real wealth, it’s a luxury that most never are able to acquire no matter how much wealth the accumulate. Live a life that’s actually a reality and not just one that’s painted only for social. God bless, God Speed, Life is always good, i love you… Be good to me Ramadan ❤️ #thisisknowledge (at Orlando, Florida) -- source link