living-languages: femmetek: !LANGUAGE RESOURCE ALERT OMG! Okay guys! I just recently came across a r
living-languages: femmetek: !LANGUAGE RESOURCE ALERT OMG! Okay guys! I just recently came across a really cool resource with a WHOLE BUNCH OF LANGUAGE BOOOKS. Like, I’m talking about SO MANY BOOKS HERE. You can see below some of the languages and the books - ever wanted to learn Middle English??? - There are language books from Arabic to Yoruba and seriously it’s the best thing I’ve ever found. The books are in alphabetical order of language and are in .pdf format so hopefully that shouldn’t be a problem for anyone! I was able to upload the .zip file of all of the books to my google drive SO if you want access to this AWESOME RESOURCE go here. Let me know what you think about the books and I will try to find more resources!! I’m super excited to share this with you guys! Hope you enjoy!! - Lo im crying -- source link