Sexuality/Gender Series Part IV: NonbinaryAnonymous said: Could you do a discussion series about the
Sexuality/Gender Series Part IV: NonbinaryAnonymous said: Could you do a discussion series about the different genders and sexual identities? Maybe one at a time to get more in depth, with a question and answer period devote to each of them. I sometimes have questions about things I’m not familiar with, but am afraid to go to someone with that experience for fear of being accidentally disrespectful and then being belittled or chastised for it…Anonymous said: okay, i know we haven’t got there yet, but i have a question about nb. it’s a gender designation, right? but that doesn’t preclude someone who identifies that way from having a sexual preference, so how do they identify themselves then? just wondering…I’ve been getting a lot of questions about all things “nonbinary.” Nonbinary is an umbrella term for people who don’t identify as male or female. The term is intentionally broad: it covers a wide range of gender experiences and reflects the complex nature of gender outside of the binary. Almost everything around us is coded according to the binary, from what we wear to the language we use. So the concept of genders outside of the binary can be confusing for some. A good rule of thumb: You don’t have to understand something to respect it. But maybe this comic can help you on both fronts. PART OF THIS SERIES IS ABOUT STARTING A DIALOGUE ABOUT SEXUALITY AND GENDER. Do you have questions about being nonbinary? Do you have additions or revisions to MY understanding of being nonbinary? Maybe you have suggestions on which sexuality or gender I should cover next! Maybe you have questions about life in general! Visit my ask so that I can share your thoughts in this series, give advice on something else entirely, or start a whole new series to answer your question! *Keep in mind that my schtick is being an “unqualified guru.” If you feel that something I’ve said is inaccurate or deserves more explanation, I would love to hear your thoughts and start a RESPECTFUL discussion! Flabbergasties is a community where we can understand that making mistakes is part of the learning process.* -- source link
#nonbinary#gender#genders#gender queer#genderqueer#genderfluid#agender#transgender#lgtbqia#lesbian#sexuality