drewshivers:My Personal Beard None of the beards in game look like mine, so I decided to make my o
drewshivers: My Personal Beard None of the beards in game look like mine, so I decided to make my own for personal use. There aren’t a lot of full beards so, eh, I decided to share. It’s fuller and the stache is pronounced like mine. It’s kind of cool because when the sim’s mouth moves, the stache wiggles a bit with it. The little things please me. It totally not perfect, but I like it. So you know, enjoy and stuff. Don’t be a dick. Have respect. Read my Terms of Use below. It’s common sense stuff. I don’t care if you recolor it or retexture it, but don’t include the mesh and credit me. You don’t have to ask me to recolor it, but it’d be nice if I got a heads up through a message so I can come take a peek at what you did. :) “Hey Drew, I’m going to recolor your beard and draw boobs on it!” Ya’ know, something like that. Have fun and stuff. New mesh Custom thumbnail Maxis match Comes in all 18 colors Enabled for Teens-Elders Enabled for Random Boobs Terms Of Use DOWNLOAD: Simfileshare | Mediafire -- source link