belovedbysetandsekhmet: kemeticcalloutsfromthepublic: djehutydevo: kemeticcallouts: djehutydevo: arachnospooky: anaputuwet: obsidianservant: girlandfox: smarmykemeticpagan: actualjackmorrison: was looking into Kemetic temples to worship at around here. And I contacted temple of anu and boy are they transphobic. McYikes Which Temple exactly is this? me: looks @ gods like Ra who is called the Great He-She and Hapi who is a man w/ boobs and also historical figures such as the beard-wearing Pharaoh Hatshesut And Nit would not be happy about their response either. the ignorance towards their own religion is wild In the spirit of ma'at my ass… Humility is a virtue in our religion… Being judgemental not so much. Be careful when applying modern standards to an ancient belief and language system … So saying it’s transphobic and shitty that this temple will not initiate transgender people is “not being humble” and is “judgemental”, huh? Your “be careful about applying modern standards to the ancients!!” BS is a transparent excuse to defend bigotry. Fuck off. -sincerely, a genderfluid kemetic I have been waiting for you ppl - as I have to mourn the death of somebody dear to me I will just leave the link where I expanded in this and the following comment: I do not have to discuss anything with ppl lacking the education to follow my argumentation and which gender you have is your private matter. I don’t discuss mine or carry it around as figurehead of who I may be or not. Honestly, you have no authority over me. Grow up and educate yourselves - and do not try to drag me into your petty power struggles. Hey! @kemeticcalloutsfromthepublic here is stuff for you. Have fun! Kemetic Callouts, what the fuck is wrong with you?! “as I have to mourn the death of somebody dear to me” You seriously just called out someone who just lost someone important to them–one of their loved ones is fucking dead and you’re calling them out?! What the hell kind of godsforsaken monsters are you?! Are you seriously that soulless and devoid of compassion?! Have you no fucking humanity left within you, that you would call out someone in mourning?! My gods. I almost can’t even move onto the rest of the post, I’m in such disbelief and disgust at such an incredible lack of common decency. And don’t you DARE try to say, “But we didn’t know,” because she fucking said it right there. *takes deep breaths* *takes more deep breaths* Alright, alright. Let’s start with the good. We need some good right now. I think that given the number of transgender folks around, it’s good to let people know that this particular temple will not be a good fit for them. Down with that. However, there are definitely some problems within the thread, which, honestly, are covered very well in the link @djehutydevo included. We snickered at the opening response to TTR– “Who is ‘we?’” We also found her discussion in that link of the sexual duality of some of the netjeru very informative, especially the importance of not applying human notions of gender to the gods. This is especially pertinent when you consider that transgender usually involves a mismatch between the physical sex and the gender identity–these gods and goddess don’t have that. They have aspects of both genders from the start, there is no need to transition, and that balance is what makes them such wonderful patrons for those who are transgender. So who doesn’t know about their religion now, eh, @anaputuwet? “Your “be careful about applying modern standards to the ancients!!” BS is a transparent excuse to defend bigotry.” She was not excusing bigotry at all, she was talking about how you and you compatriots were discussing the gods, you nitwit. No one here is endorsing transphobia, no matter how much you try to twist it into that. “sincerely, a genderfluid kemetic” Smarmy, we thought you were taking a backseat when it came to the callouts blog and letting the PoC’s take the lead. If the lot of you really want it to look like the PoCs are running the blog, you should probably let them run the blog instead of making all the callouts yourself. Otherwise it just looks like it’s your own personal crusade and you’re using them to justify it, which is a serious dick move. There’s one more thing we’d like to touch on, that’s actually on another part of this thread (which you’ll see if you follow that above link) and that’s Devo’s contribution to this mess. We’ll copy pasta the relevant portion for your convenience. “ while I’m not sure what we need to be careful of, I will throw in there that, as far as I know, Temple of Anu is Afrocentric, and isn’t strictly Kemetic.” Uhhh, just because they’re afrocentric doesn’t mean they’re not kemetic. It just means their practice is different from ours. They still worship the Netjeru, and honestly, looking at their site, they’re more kemetic than half of your bedfellows. (That’s not to say we endorse the Temple of Anu mind you, we’re not keen on their rejection of transpeople from their kemmunity, or their flagrant abuse of portmanteaus involving kemetic, no matter how kemmited to them they are.) To say they’re Afrocentric and not strictly kemetic, frankly, we find that kind of racist. –Cairo We do not feel any surprise to see this level of a lack of human compassion from these fools, we are however shocked and wholly mortified by the tactless, tasteless, and complete irreverence of the situation. Someone precious has left this world and not even a singular word of comfort from any of you vapid vultures. We need to address a few reactions of our own to this train wreck of a dumpster fire. “ Fuck off. -sincerely, a genderfluid kemetic “ We get it smarmy, you are such a cardboard cutout, empty human being that you have to use your gender identity as some sort of argument. Cairo mentioned, you are supposedly stepping back to allow the PoC’s run the blog. We noticed nothing happened when you did…as if all interest was lost, or maybe they were off scraping the bottom of some other imaginary barrel for extra ‘oppreshun’ credits to somehow gaslight some new supposed yoke thrust upon them. I guess they need their racist token devil-whypippo to do the bitch work for them. We’d like to address the whole afrocentric piece. For many years now it has been an indelible point, that there is the kemetic community and the afrocentric kemetic community. The Temple of Anu, falls into the latter category. We find it flagrantly racist to dismiss the validity of this temple as a kemetic one, just because it has expressed transphobic policies. We’d like to remind you that Afrocentric kemetic spaces are black only safe spaces and to dismiss their validity for any reason is racist. We invite you to consider how much of a bullshitting muppet you are for making this horrific racist erasure. This of course in no way negates the Temple of Anu’s transphobia. @anaputuwet Why are you even making ignorant comments here? Don’t you have some other fanfiction racist fake deity like Aweemowep to make up for the fandom to worship and then pretend ‘just kidding, lol it totes was an actual god all along’ when caught red handed!? Cairo and Djehutydevo, even @deadlydeamonflashmob made very well formed comments on it. We forget, actual information instead of “lets just make shit up” is taboo for you and your bedfellows. “ Your “be careful about applying modern standards to the ancients!! BS is a transparent excuse to defend bigotry. ” We’d like to ask, did you even fucking read the link Djehutydevo provided? No of course not, it like has words on it…Words scare you. We bet the fact books exist just blow your fucking mind. Thrusting modern standards on something ancient and far removed from modern interpretations, will always seem “wrong” or “inferior” to modern day counterparts. This is evidence of the passage of time, a concept that alludes your fevered mind when you’re desperately reaching for an argument. We’d like to remind your boorish self, that there is no defense of bigotry being made here. But that would require effort on your part. Since we know you don’t read anything longer then a nutrition label, we’d like to draw your attention to this bit Djehutydevo mentioned: “Sex and gender are different things. Nobody knows which gender Gods feel they have. A hermaphrodite mother goddess is for my taste too vast of a concept to be reduced to a gender discussion, because the symbolism is aiming at creation and rejuvenation and not at a gender discussion. Then somebody mentioned Hatshepsut… ok. Hatshepsut never EVER stopped being female. She acted male for state reasons, for religious reasons. Horus was never female - he is a very male God. Hence there cannot be a Queen ruling Egypt ever. So she transformed for ritual and state matters into a man. That is not a gender issue in our modern sense of the term. It is a conscious and calculated decision of a ruling person - a Queen. And those decisions are based on many other reasons than identifying as a person with the opposite sex.” We would like to make sure you caught that. You certainly don’t know what Gods feel, or what preferred genders they have…they are Gods, they are beyond such mortal concerns. With Love, –Memphis It’s been too long!!! #this post gave me spiritual bliss <- tag by @thegrandbitchofcascadia -- source link
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