silverscreenx: mchaccino:silverscreenx:cheshireinthemiddle:mchaccino:cheshireinthemiddle:m
silverscreenx: mchaccino: silverscreenx: cheshireinthemiddle: mchaccino: cheshireinthemiddle: mchaccino: mister-christmas: friendly-neighborhood-patriarch: soulwind42: cheshireinthemiddle: quiteliterallyhotsauce: This is a nice tweet. Daryll Davis. A black activist who was kind to and had discussions with KKK members, getting dozens to leave the group singlehandedly. It was that very kindness that got many of them to change their minds about race. You can absolutely be nice to anyone. Being nice doesnt mean encouraging them or supporting their bad behavior and i think you know that. You just want your own bad actions validated. How you insult, dismiss and/or block people for daring to disagree with you even a little. You want to feel like youre in the right. But you arent. He went to event in the Philly area where people from all over the political spectrum came to talk ams share. This event was threatened by ANTIFA types. As they gathered outside shouting threats, Darryl Davis went out to talk to the crowd. They called him a white supremacist and a Nazi, and didn’t stop until he gave up and walked away. He said he had never in his life encountered such hatred and anger. The above tweet sounds suspiciously like an excuse or rationalization Honestly, if you think I’m being cruel to you because I’m being civil with somebody else that’s a you problem. LMAOO imagine being shocked that ppl dont like u when ur nice to people who want to murder them. anyway, yeah this is stupid. u cant preach civility while protecting an uncivil ideology. darryl davis can do what he wants, but no one is obligated to be nice to people who condones murdering them or others. if davis can walk away from antifa i can walk away from the KKK and nazis The argument wad that “you can’t”. A counterargument has been given that you absolutely can. You just dont want to. Again, being nice to someone is not the same as condoning their actions. And the KKK and American neo nazis are 99.999% talk. All they do us merely say they dont like certain groups. Which puts them in the same category as #killallmen feminists. Are they annoying? Of course. Bigotted? Sure. But theyre just words. And their bigotry is an opinion. And like Daryl Davis did, you can absolutely change opinions with peaceful talks. I know it goes against your desire to assault people for words so you can feel important, but that is how it is. No I’m saying “you can’t” because it’s hyprocrotical and illogical. If you’re against violence and want civility it doesn’t make sense to coddle people who’s entire ideology or one or both of those things. I don’t want to be nice to people who condone violence, and you shouldn’t expect other people to either. They aren’t just “annoying”, a few minutes weeks ago a black girl got set on fire by a racist. People don’t have to like or be nice to these people. Even if you’re not the one doing the harm you’re still standing behind people who do if you’re apart of that group, and that’s morally condemnable. No they don’t merely say they don’t like certain groups lol. Clearly you haven’t done much talking to white supremacists for someone who advocates talking to white supremacists. Most at the very least advocate for some type of violently forced segregation. Neo Nazis especially, Nazism is an *inheriantly* violent ideology. Saying Nazis don’t condone violence is like saying bakers don’t like ovens. They go hand and hand. “their bigotry is an opinion” and? I can still morally condone an opinion. In my opinion thinking someone is lesser than you due to their race is at the very least mean. And if you’re a mean person you don’t deserve niceness. Assault people?? I thought you were supposed to be civil, but now you’re accusing me of wanting to assault people because I don’t agree with you? That’s kind of hyprocrotical (but not surprising). You’re assuming I’ve never talked to these types but I have, and I haven’t assaulted any of them. I just don’t expect others to be nice to them(not being nice to someone isnt synonymous with assault btw) . It definitely isnt being hypocrtical. It’s actually learning more about your enemy to change them Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies | Daryl Davis | TEDxNaperville See, if you actually talked to them and started a dialogue, you would at least see them as more than the stereotype that youve generalized them as. You assume that neo nazis are the same as they were in the height of power. They arent. Not even close. The KKK isnt a bunch of hooded people hanging black people everywhere they go. 99.999% of the KKK is just ignorant people talking about how they dont like certain people. And they stay in their little bubbles of bigotry to hear fellow bigots talk about said hated grouos. Aside from also cleaning up highways and doing bake sales, they arent too different than #woke groups who talk about how much they hate men or white people. Same with neo nazis. Unless youre in prison, a vaaaaastmajority of neo nazis only have words. To try and recruit people. To spread their bigotry. But here is the thing: this isnt new. Theyve been doing it for decades and neo nazis havent risen to power, we havent even attempted to exterminate the jews in the US, and neo nazis are and have always been recognized as bigots not worth listening to. So what you have arenon-violent bigots who talk. You can ignore them: you can change their minds. And that’s what Davis did. He spoke to people who thought all black people were ignorant and savage, and showed them that what they were told wasnt true. Instead of confirming the beliefs of bigots by being loud or violent, he talked with them. He shared points of view. He was kind. And they saw that. This man single handedly got dozens of KKK members, including some grand wizards, to leave the KKK. He indirectly got hundreds to leave the movement by getting those he directly changed to spread the word. Kindness works. You known what doesnt work? Yelling at them. Attacking them, threatening them. Trying to silence them. Because you only rely on your own little circles to tell you what these people are like, you have kept yourself from changing them. You see them as evil people looking to kill every minority, but in reality, a vast majority were just taught that certain groups were lesser, not much different than tumblr wokeness. And bigotry based on ignorance can be changed. Hate can be changed. OP says it cant, but it definitely can. Again, for the third time now, being nice to someone is not the same as supporting their actions. It just makes you aproachable and a persom that can be spoken to. To start a dialogue. To change their opinion. Youre allowed to not like opinions, but just being angry does nothing. The best method to changing bigots, and in Davis’ case, white supremacists specifically, is in fact to be nice to them. As much as this seems to anger you. Do you want nazism to end? do you want the KKK to disappear? Look how much Daryl Davis has done singlehandedly. Imagine how much could be done if everyone like you followed in his footsteps using a method that we know works. I think @mchaccino displays some very dangerous mindsets here. What I’m seeing are If you’re not entirely with me, you’re absolutely against me It’s useless to try and change people. maybe some “words are violence” It seems like a way to deflect responsibility or to make an excuse for their behavior. As if to say “It’s not my fault, I don’t have to do shit.”, like a passer-by ignoring someone littering next to them and getting angry at the person that actually picks it up. I would like to ask them to provide some recent examples of Neo Nazis and KKK actively starting physical altercations, because I sure as hell haven’t heard of any. Of course, I will condemn them all. And I actually mean “threw the first punch”, because most cases I’m aware of have the other party start the fight. They seem to view hatred not as the foul disease that needs to be cured that it is, but more as a innate trait that needs to be avoided and fought against. To finish, let me say, nobody is going to stop hating and being mean, because other people are just as mean or hate them back. Only kindness can truly stop hatred, but that’s not what they seem to want. Well you should check in with an eye doctor because no where did I imply any of that. Weiterlesen I meant you sound like you’re against Daryl Davis being peaceful, kind and non-violent. He’s not entirely with you, so he’s completely against you, since he pursues a path you portray as worthless, or even harmful. Condoning violence in their ideology is still very far from actually committing any violence themselves. That girl being set on fire is terrible, but similar things have happened with the sides switched. >I meant you sound like you’re against Daryl Davis being peaceful And nothing I said implied I’m against Daryl Davis either, you’re just making stuff up. Again all I said is that you shouldn’t expect other people to be like him, he can do what he wants. I don’t care. I even said that in my first post>Condoning violence in their ideology is still very far from actually committing any violence themselves. Condoning violence is still bad enough for people not to like you. >That girl being set on fire is terrible, but similar things have happened with the sides switched. 1. That’s a whataboutism, what the left does has nothing to do with this discussion. Just admit you were ignorant 2. Did you even click on the link I gave you? Leftists only make up 3% of hate crimes while rightwingers make up 73%. Obviously, there’s a disparity there. This was in the source I gave you. Even if you didn’t see that, if this were something you actually looked into you’d know that most hate crimes are committed by the far right. -- source link
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