redbloodedamerica: not-that-kind-of-funny-girl: redbloodedamerica: not-that-kind-of-funny-girl: redb
redbloodedamerica: not-that-kind-of-funny-girl: redbloodedamerica: not-that-kind-of-funny-girl: redbloodedamerica: idiopathicosteopath:Ted Cruz supports stunts like this: to disprove the garbage spewing from your keyboard:’re welcome I have already covered in extensive detail that Ted Cruz did nothing wrong with his announcement speech at Liberty University and debunked the claim that students were forced to listen to his speech. Bottom line, on-campus students are required to attend every convocation speech as part of policy and there have been numerous speakers, including politicians, that have spoken at this event before and after Cruz made his announcement there. It was nothing special despite the leftwing media hacks digging for scraps to criticize him on…because they can’t touch him on the issues.The Bernie Sanders quote above is from an interview in April with John Harwood in which Hardwood asked him if 90% were too high of a tax rate, in which Sanders said, “no.” The Katie Couric interview, which I guess only a very small amount of people actually watched, was Sanders trying to backpedal and better construct his “tax the rich” policy so he didn’t sound like a total raving lunatic. Listening to the rest of his plan doesn’t really help either though. He still sounds like a lunatic. Even Couric follows up with, “you know, that’s a way of socking it to the rich and corporations, but how about helping up and raising up the poor and building the middle class?” Wow, even for a dumb lib, Couric gets that his soak-the-rich plan does nothing for the poor, because it only punishes the rich. He of course follows it up with the tired old progressive Keynesian plans of more “infrastructure repair” and “federal jobs programs.” I guess old Bern has forgotten how Obama already threw away a trillion dollars on that stimulus bill and it didn’t do a lick of good except put our country into more debt. oh my god, your ignorance and lack of education is so apparent. did you stufy art history or English in university? tax law is so corrupt and in favour of the rich that even Warren buffet has admitted he pays less in taxes than his secretary. ensuring that the 1%, and especially the 0.1%, pay their share of income tax, will lighten the load on the bottom 99% from funding the government. just because a McDonald’s manager, or a baker, or a mechanic, cannot afford a high level CPA doesn’t mean they should be paying more in taxes than a man who makes $12.7 billion a year. the, along with re-regulating Wall Street and implementing a system akin to Glass Steagal, is what Bernie Sanders is trying to do for the American economy, among other things.Mr. Cruz, along with all other candidates from both parties, has not laid out a detailed plan to boost the middle and lower classes, and has not made any strong points about politics, the economy, or social equality. Bernie Sanders has done all of this. Why is it that the liberals who tend to question another person’s English skills generally have the highest propensity of making spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes?I’ll rebut your sophomoric points though, nonetheless:We are currently under a progressive income tax system. To criticize our tax code’s complexity, corruptibility, and inclination to favor the rich is to criticize the progressive tax platform itself…which is precisely what I am doing, if you have been paying attention.Comparing Warren Buffett’s taxes to his secretary is showing a clear lack of understanding on how our income tax system works. If you had a clue, you’d understand that Buffett mostly pays capital gains taxes, which is double taxation btw. It has a low rate of taxation because it is not traditional income tax, unlike the marginal tax rate, payroll taxes, and FICA taxes (minus deductions) his secretary coughs up on his/her probable lofty salary.This uneducated assumption also tends to forget just how much 17%+ of Warren Buffett’s hundreds of millions of taxable dollars rakes in compared to the 28%+ on his secretary’s salary of $80k-$150k salary (assuming only because I don’t know the actual figures). It’s quite a bit of difference if you actually do the math. So, to say that the 1%, the dreaded “.1%”, or even the impossibly wicked “.01%” don’t pay their fair share is preposterous. Remember, despite what you erroneously believe, the evil rich already pay the overwhelming majority of all the taxes in this country. The tax burden of the bottom 99% was unloaded long ago, you poor diluted cretin.However, if you want “fair,” then you should be advocating for a flat tax in which everyone’s income is taxed at the same rate.You do not need to be rich to get quality service from a quality accountant or CPA on your taxes. I don’t know where this myth comes from. Have you ever heard of H&R Block? Jackson Hewitt? Liberty Tax? The same tax code that is accessible to exploited by to Warren Buffett is available to you too. Just because you are too dumb to look into it, does not mean it does not exist. Hopefully, if you learned anything from this post, it’s that you have possibly thrown away hundreds or maybe thousands of your hard-earned money to the leviathan in Washington.I’m not even going to try to explain how clueless both you and Bernie Sanders are on the Glass-Steagall Act, considering you cannot even spell the name, let alone even comprehend half the items discussed in this post already.Ted Cruz has not laid out a solid platform yet, but neither has Bernie Sanders. But unlike Sanders who has only thrown out the same tired progressive platitudes, Cruz has actually show an understanding of economic principles that have worked in the past as well as faith in the American people to operate a free market outside the clutches of government regulators and bureaucrats. ok you want to get into this? I work for Linda Yueh, I know all about this American economy. Glass-Steagall was designed so that a Gordan Gecko couldn’t use a George Bailey to make his bets on the market. It’s implementation created the powerful middle class that we saw in the 50′s and 60′s and even the 70′s. But its repeal began the era deregulation of Wall Street, which ultimately led to Lehman and Goldman being able to package bad loans, along with the American government believing everyone, no matter their income and credit, should be able to own a home. Glass- Steagall was what held our economy together, and its repeal detroyed the economy eight years later.Warren Buffet is able to pay less taxes because he has powerful CPAs who know the tax laws in and out, even though essentially most tax codes make no sense. These CPAs are inaccessible unless one is as powerful and rich as a Warren Buffet type, and they are able to help Buffet and Jeb Buch and Donald Trump hide their assets in places like the Bahamas and Switzerland, with privacy and less regulation. I’m not going to get completely into this because you need a master’s in economics to even be able to understand the in’s and out’s of hiding money from the IRS and pulling it off, and filtering money through charities to get a tax write-off. Free market economies can only work for so long. If we take a look at the most highly functioning economies in the world: Germany, China, you will see that these are predominantly socialist economies, with capitilistic and free market values. And that’s a good thing! Socialism in the economy ensures equality! Woo! that’s what america is supposed to be about, right? and while China may not be the best example of a free society, Germany certainly is. Theyscore higher in education, health…There’s absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world. We’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, Number 4 in labor force and Number 4 in exports, we lead the world in only three categories: Number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending where spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies. “I work for Linda Yueh…” I had to look it up. She appears to be a broadcaster and global economist who specializes in Asian trade, finance, and monetary policy. Hardly your run-of-the-mill Bernie Sanders fan; but who knows, she could be die-hard leftist ideologue nonetheless.So, to what capacity do you “work” for her? Are you the person that gets her coffee or something? Because it’s obviously clear you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to taxes. And your spelling and grammar is so atrocious that you surely cannot be an assistant or administrator. Is there any chance you go ahead and put Ms. Yueh on? I’d like to speak to an adult; not someone who’s arguments consist of nothing but progressive clichés.While you are fetching your employer…Since I’ve already explained how our progressive income tax system works (despite you refusing to understand why Warren Buffett pays a smaller tax rate), I probably should go ahead and explain how everything works because your theory that Glass-Steagall somehow brought about “middle class” prosperity from the 50s-00′s is complete Grade-A baloney.The Glass-Steagall Act was originally part of the Banking Act of 1933, which was an emergency reaction to the banking crisis in which banking runs were taking place. In truth, during the height of bank run crisis, only about 2% of all bank deposits were lost. Nonetheless, the FDIC was created by Glass-Steagall to protect the banks from failure. More importantly this portion of the Banking Act regulated saving-and-loans banks from participating in speculative trading. This regulation was repealed under the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act which was signed by Bill Clinton in 1999. This wasn’t much of a surprise considering even Sen. Carter Glass, the original sponsor, even tried to introduce an amendment to the Banking Act that permitted commercial banks to trade again. This was thanks to a study done in 1934 that found: Relationship banking played a large role in the underwriting activities of both investment banks and security affiliates prior to Glass-Steagall. The conclusion that relationship banking was also a common practice in investment banking can help explain why the risk level for security affiliates was not higher than investment banks. It is evident that relationship banking continued to persist in the investment banking industry after the separation of commercial and investment banking. As a result, the risks inherent in relationship banking persisted as well. So, the entire act was a progressive ruse instigated on the free market. That’s why FDR never wanted to let go of power he had over the private market. But despite the progressives stubbornness to admit when they’ve been wrong, politicians and bureaucrats eventually chiseled the bill apart piece by piece until it’s ultimate repeal.Now, here comes my favorite myth by progressives and anti-bankers, the famous scapegoat narrative of “the repeal of Glass-Steagall’s caused the 2008 financial meltdown.” I hate to burst you and Elizabeth Warren’s bubble, but there has been zero proof that the repeal of Glass-Steagall led to the 2008 Housing Crisis. ZERO. None of the heavy players of the housing crisis like AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, etc would never have even fallen under the Glass-Steagall restrictions. Even Obama has finally admitted, “…there is not evidence that having Glass-Steagall in place would somehow change the dynamic. Lehman Brothers wasn’t a commercial bank, it was an investment bank. AIG wasn’t an FDIC-insured bank, it was an insurance institution. So the problem in today’s financial sector can’t be solved simply by re-imposing models that were created in the 1930s.”So…there you go. You can rest soundly knowing that Glass-Steagall would have done NOTHING to prevent the crash of the housing bubble.If you are really interested in learning how the Housing Financial Crisis occurred, here’s a brief explanation:If you have more time between fetching Ms. Yueh’s coffee, here’s a longer explanation: “Free market economies can only work for so long. If we take a look at the most highly functioning economies in the world: Germany, China, you will see that these are predominantly socialist economies, with capitilistic and free market values. And that’s a good thing! Socialism in the economy ensures equality!” If you had any concept of history, you would know that Germany and China have both become more capitalistic opposed to socialistic throughout the last 50+ years. That is a testament to capitalism and the free market…not of socialism and communism. Socialism has never ensured “equality.” Enough the ridiculous eye-rolling platitudes.“There’s absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world.”I beg to differ.First off, your statistics of our ranking in education in the world (not that they’re even necessarily true) would still only be a testament of how poor our public education system is. I’m all about privatizing that system to make it better, if only the progressives would let us fix it.The US destroys the rest of the world in GDP and beats out all except a handful of very small countries in GDP per capita.The US outspends the entire continent of Europe and most of Asia combined in R&D Development.The US is second only to Japan in percentages of granted patents in the world.The US leads the world in venture capital and private equity attractiveness.The US has the highest personal income per capita and fourth in disposable income per capita.The US has the most published science journals.US is actually 56th out of 224 in infant mortality rate.The US does have one of the highest incarceration per capita rates in the world, but socialist utopias like North Korea and Cuba has us beat.I’m also proud that the US has the highest military spending rate of any country…and that we evidently have the highest amount of “people that believe in angels” (if that is even a thing. I’m not bothering to look it up.)Not only is the US the home of the largest company in the world (Walmart) and the largest electronics company (Apple), but it also the home of the most billionaires. It’s actually quite awesome to see how the US compares to other countries.BusinessWire: “…survey asked executives to name the three countries they viewed as the leading innovation champions; the U.S. topped the list with 67 percent.”USNews: “American Exceptionalism: It’s in Our Genes”Cato: “Why America Leads the World in Medical Innovation”Reinventors: “How America will lead the world into the all-digital, fully-global, more sustainable 21st century”US Department of Commerce: In the process, the United States became the world’s most innovative, most educated, and most competitive nation. Since 1980, the United States made up between 20 and 25 of the world’s economy while having only about 5 percent of the world’s population.Not to mention back to back to back to back to back war championship belts. -- source link