ineedthatseat: mxnoncompliant: auntymana: hitcunts: dj-froge: sixpenceee: sixpenceee: sixpenceee: sixpenceee: sixpenceee: sixpenceee: sixpenceee: sixpenceee: First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. sixpenceee: First Human X-ray 1896. The woman, Marie Curie, who took part in this experiment had so many X-rays taken that she developed a form of blood cancer and died. Took part? TOOK PART????? SHE FUCKIN INVENTED THAT SHIT WITH HER BAE (that’s pierre curie)! Please don’t erase her enormous contributions and sacrifices to science by reducing her to some fuckin test subject k thanks. She also won two Nobel prizes (one for physics and one for chemistry) and gave one to her husband (burn). She was a bamf. AND THAT’S NOT EVEN WHY SHE GOT CANCER AND DIED YOU FUCKING PEASANT! OKAY SO Marie Curie has long been a hero of mine, and she deserves a lot of credit because without her, we wouldn’t have a lot of shit we have today. Rather than rehashing her whole career, long form style, here’s a list of the awesome shit she did: Began her education on her own, because she couldn’t afford college, and continued, along with tutoring, until she starting her practical training under her cousin (who had worked with Mendeleev. Yes, that Mendeleev.) Enrolled in the University of Paris in 1891, living in poverty and dealing with freezing temperatures and fainting from lack of food, all in the name of her education. Between 1891 and 1894, she earned TWO degrees: one in physics and on in math. After, she began studies on the magnetic properties of steels (where she would meet the man who would become her husband, and worked in the lab with him). Was denied a place at Krakow University because she was a woman, and at the suggestion of Pierre, returned to Paris to pursue her PhD. (Fun fact: Someone once called Pierre Curie’s greatest discovery Marie, so yeah, there’s that.) Wore her dark blue wedding gown in the lab, which to me is just awesome. Realized that the decay of uranium caused the air around it to conduct electricity, and through this discovery, realized that the decaying atoms were the cause. This was a first step on the road to proving that atoms were divisible, which up until that point was thought to be an impossibility (paving the way for modern experiments like the ones done in the LHC at CERN). Around this time she became pregnant with her first daughter and, defying social conventions of the era, kept working. All the whole, she KNEW experimenting with radioactive matrial unprotected was dangerous, but STILL conducted experiments in a shed with no protection because SCIENCE! Discovered that pitchblende and torbernite (chalcolite) contained elements four and two times as radioactive as uranium, respectively. Through further research with her husband, they discovered polonium (named for Poland), radium (from the Latin for “ray”) and coined the term radioactivity. Isolated, after a long and arduous process, 1/10 gram of radium from a TON (2000 lbs) of pitchblende. Published numerous papers, including one that showed cancerous cells responded to radiation and died off, thus providing a basis for modern radiation therapy. In 1900, she became the first woman to become a faculty member at École Normale Supérieure. She was DENIED the chance at speaking on her discoveries at the Royal Institution in London, so her husband had to present their work (BOO R.I.L.). In 1903, she, along with her husband and Henri Becquerel, were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. Originally, she wasn’t included in the award, but after Pierre was alerted to this fact, he complained to the people in charge and Marie fucking Curie became the FIRST WOMAN to win the Nobel Prize (SUCK IT R.I.L.). Because she was too busy, and Pierre was become increasingly sick, they at first declined to go to speak on their work, but finally got around to it in 1905. The award money allowed them to hire their first assistant. In 1904, she gave birth to her second daughter, and hired governesses to help raise them, teach them Polish, and take them on trips to Poland. Again in 1905, Pierre, not Marie, was offered a position at both the University of Geneva and the University of Paris. The Curies chose Paris, and Pierre wouldn’t agree to officially take the spot until they were provided a proper lab (which would be completed in 1906).(In 1906, her husband was hit by a horse drawn carriage and killed in an accident on a rainy road. Because of this, Marie was offered the chair that had been created for him and became the first woman professor at University of Paris, taking the position in hopes of building a lab in Pierre’s memory.) In a few years (1909), she ended up at the Radium Institute, a lab created by the Pasteur Institute and University of Paris, for her (which is now named the Curie Institute). This laboratory was created at the insistence of Pierre Paul Émile Roux, who thought it was complete bullshit that the University of Paris hadn’t given her a proper lab. In 1910, after years of trying, Marie Curie finally isolated radium (which, up until she had a proper lab, had been difficult, given the half-life of radium), and developed an international standard for radioactive emissions which was named after her and her husband, called the curie. Was passed over for a chair on the French Academy of Sciences by one or two votes thanks to not only sexism, but also a perception that she might be Jewish. Was vilified by the right wing press as an atheist and a foreigner. Was also crucified in the press in 1911 for daring to work with a man who was estranged from his wife, and called horrible, antisemetic things in the paper, returning from an event in Belgium to an angry mob at her door. Won ANOTHER Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry, and remains one of two people to have 2 Nobel prizes in separate fields. Took time off because of depression and a kidney problem, returning to work after a 14 month break. During World War I, she realized that battlefield diagnostics were lacking, so she fucking CREATED PORTABLE X RAY MACHINES after studying radiography, anatomy and automobile mechanics for on the go diagnoses, named “petite Curies”, or little Curies. Became the HEAD of the Red Cross’s Radiology Service and set up France’s first radiology center with the help of a military doctor at first, and then her 17 year old daughter, Irene. Produced a way to sterilize wounds in the field using radium emanation, a colorless gas given off by radium decay. It’s estimated that at least 1 fucking MILLION French soldiers were treated with her machines. Her contributions were NEVER OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED by the French government. In 1920, the French government developed a stipend for her in light of the 25th anniversary of her discovery of radium. Refused the French Legion of Honor award offered to her by the government when she went to the US in 1921 to meet with Warren G. Harding (who presented her with a gram of radium collected in the US, since radium is so damned hard to isolate). In 1922, Marie became a fellow of the French Academy of Medicine. Her Institute went on to produce 4 other Nobel prize winners, including her daughter Irene and Irene’s husband. Branched the Radium Institute out to Warsaw, Poland. In 1929, received enough radium on a second tour of the US to equip the second Radium Institute, which was opened in 1932 and headed by her sister, Bronislawa, as director. In 1930, she became a member of the International Atomic Weights Committee, on which she served until her death. In 1934, she succumbed to aplastic anemia as a result of her long term exposure to radiation, carrying radioactive materials in her pockets (which she’d often note glowed), and her exposure in the field to radiation from her portable x-ray units. She was also nearly blind by the end of her life due to cataracts. In her last year of life, she worked on a book called “Radioactivity”, which was published the year after her death. Her papers and personal effects are still too radioactive to handle, and anyone who wants to study them has to take special precautions against radiation poisoning. TL;DR: Marie Curie was a fucking badass who risked her life to further the study of radioactive materials and fought systemic sexism and xenophobia/racism, and you should feel bad for reducing her to a passive participant when a 2 second google search would’ve told you all of the above and then some. DO NOT ERASE WOMEN IN SCIENCE. Maria Skłodowska Curie, one of Poland’s greatest women and a tremendous inspiration. -- source link
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