Welcome to Monstrous Things, Rain! “Thirteen-year-old Lavender Brown arrived unannounced at Th
Welcome to Monstrous Things, Rain! “Thirteen-year-old Lavender Brown arrived unannounced at The Caravan on a cold and rainy night in mid September with no explanation of how they had found the well hidden caravan other than ‘Keep to the left, it said! That’s the last time I take directions from Vogue.’” We are overjoyed to accept your application for Lavender Brown! The “different light” you plan to bring to them delights us both very much, and we likewise can’t wait to see where you’re planning on taking this once-familiar character. We look forward to sharing many exciting plots and predictions with you, and are honored to be the ones to welcome you back to roleplaying!OOC Details:Name: RainPronouns: She/HerActivity Level: I believe I should have no trouble meeting the expectations of this RP. I’ve been roleplaying in the high lit tumblr RP scene for many years and enjoy the depth of character you can find with para replies. I anticipate at least one reply a night most nights, and multiple replies on a good night.General IC Details:Name: Lavender Brown, to almost everyone.Lala, to those in the caravan.Nox, to those she teases.Age: Twenty-Five Born: October 16th, 1980 Tarot Drawn: The Star & Strength Drawing The Star is an indication of new beginnings, a fresh start if you will. While Strength brings self control and the power of love. Combined, this birth pair makes a formidable couple for the person for whom they are drawn. The Star becomes a wish, filled with positive energy, and an indication of growth and moving away from negative influences. Combined with strength this duo brings positive movement forward with the self control and focus to make things work.Gender/Pronouns: They/Them “Oh Lavender can’t you sit like a lady?”, “Lavender this is a special occasion, don’t you have a dress you can put on like a good little girl?”, these and many other easily dismissed statements followed Lavender through their early years, and yet it always sent a quiver of confusion through their heart. Lady, girl, daughter, the words felt as though they slid from Lavender’s shoulders like melting ice on a warming tin roof, they had no weight in Lavender’s soul. Caravan life introduce Lavender to the rainbow of gender nonconformity, from there it was a natural transition into neutral pronouns, specifically they/them. Non-binary, or enby, is where Lavender finally settled in regards to gender. But what was a non-issue in the caravan has proven a more difficult to claim so openly in the bustle of London; a place, it seemed, where you could be anyone but queer. Those closest to Lavender respect their pronouns, but every passing day it seems more a struggle to remind casual acquaintances of this simple request.Desired Changes: As mentioned above I plan to write Lavender with they/them pronouns.Please describe the character’s education experience: A half-blood is not such a bad thing to be amongst registered wix these days; at least one of your parents tried to give you the chance at a better life. Sadly Lavender did not benefit from their Muggle mother’s blood. At the age of eleven they were marked wix and sent off to The Royal Academy of Unnatural Education. Overall, The Royal Academy was not a terrible experience, and Lavender could have easily lived out the full seven years of their education at the institution if it weren’t for all the books. Two years into their education and It seemed every page of their text books were screaming out rude words of warning. From headlines of doom, to orders to report to a wandering band of wix, Lavender came to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that their absence at this crucial time would have long term consequences. Easy would never be an option. Thirteen-year-old Lavender Brown arrived unannounced at The Caravan on a cold and rainy night in mid September with no explanation of how they had escaped from The Royal Academy and found the well hidden caravan other than “Trap door in the kitchens, it said! That’s the last time I take directions from Vogue.”Through the years and under practical tutelage in the Caravan, Lavender proved to have quick reflexes and a knack for dueling, but it was Sybil Trelawney who took the young enby under her care. The two would spend days on end in private lessons, seeking to understand their shared gifts. It was under her tutelage that Lavender was able to hone their skills as a seer, and in return Lavender brought out a side of Trelawney that few had seen in decades.Job/Role: Stripping was not Lavender’s first choice in occupation when they originally imagined life in London. The fantastical images painted in books and by the older members of the caravan had left little room for the practical side of life on their own. As such, their job at the quaint cafe and attached book shop below Lavender’s apartment, while picturesque, left the newcomer struggling to keep up with the cost of living in London. It was only when Lavender’s coworker mentioned her part time gig at Gryffin’s, and offered to set up a meeting for the young enby, that Lavender realized how beneficial this taboo line of work could be in maintaining the lifestyle she desired.Barista by day, dancer by night was an exciting double life to lead for the soul who had hardly lived beyond the mesh flaps of their caravan tent. This second job proved to have other benefits as well though, opening a door Lavender did not even know they had.London was a city shrouded in mystery, and part of Lavender’s role in the rebellion is to gather any snippets of information that they can scrounge up around London. Between the thump of a loud bass, private rooms, and flowing drink, Nox, Lavender’s alter ego, is finding it almost easy to pull secrets from the lips of clients. Character Traits:+ Charismatic – Charm comes easy to Lavender Brown, it is pure instinct that allows them to capture the attention of a room, or draw in a single person. That tilt of the head, a suspenseful pause before the punchline of a joke, Lavender has mastered the art of conversation. Perhaps an aspect of their abilities, Lavender can read a room and steer the conversation to motivate in the best way possible.+ Reliable – Though persuasive and understanding personalities often make for excellent leaders Lavender prefers to take the role of co-pilot rather than head a crew. An excellent follower is not something most might brag about, but Lavender is capable, works well with almost anyone, and requires little oversight. Deadlines are always met and expectations are often exceeded.+ Altruistic – Warm and kind, there is no action Lavender makes that is not genuine. They have an unyielding desire to do good for their found family, and are holding out hope that they will find the tipping point to bring balance between the wix and non-magical communities.- Idealist – Their entire life Lavender has seen the world how it could possibly be, their premonitions may not always come to fruition, but that does not mean Lavender can shake the thoughts so easily. With so many lost dreams floating through Lavender’s mind and off their tongue Lavender is often seen as naive.- Sensitive – While logically constructive criticism can be taken as a tool for improvement, Lavender struggles not to take every word of advice to heart. On a bad day their desire to do better for others can turn into a downward spiral of self loathing, while on the flip side can leave them up for days on end looking for solutions to problems that never even existed.- Too Selfless – Lavender often finds themself overcommitted, buried up to their ears in promises as they strive to keep their word. Spread too thin, this often results in a crash and burn, leaving the enby unable to accomplish anything for days aside from self flagellation for their perceived failure, OOC QuestionsList three aspects of the character or world that that caught your interest.I have never been drawn to golden trio era RPs, I have never seen the point of rehashing, or carrying on a storyline that we are all so very familiar with already. But the plot presented in Monstrous Things turns everything upside down! I love the gray morality and odd alignments! You’ve taken characters I have grown up with, who are solid fixtures in my heart, and turned them into shadows of what I know, and I want no, need to see where they are headed now.I like the horror aspect of this RP as well. So many plots want to be beautiful, tidy, and fun, and while they do have their time and place, I have found the most enjoyment in writing the dark, angst, and gruesome.Finally, I was drawn to Lavender through their promo. An amusing take on a precognitive character which can so easily fall into (slightly racist) tropes. They are a character that, in canon, is often considered annoying and vapid, and I like that here is an opportunity to explore them in a different light, to make them my own.What is your dream plot?While the government has never been convinced of the existence of seers that does not mean they are not interested in trying to confirm their existence. Lavender had been watched as a child, with officials even going as far as to make sure they were marked at wix for easier monitoring. So when they ran away at the age of thirteen it was much to the frustration of government officials. Lavender is not aware of this, but their return to London, when discovered by the ministry, will lead to unspeakable horrors. Finally of age, and having been trained under Trelawny – the other suspected seer who has managed to elude government capture – Lavender is believed to be a valuable resource for the Ministry. What secrets might be contained within her veins? Skin must be broken and sacrifices must be made in the search for the truth.Lavender came to London on noble plans to aid the rebellion, but it is no secret she also came with love to share. To Lavender there is no life without love; love of family, love for their rabbit, Binky, love of mother earth, and love for the partner you share if life. Though they have sentimental notions of Love, Lavender has little practical experience with romantic relationships and could easily find themself tangled up in the one blind spot they have. It would be interesting to play with this, to have someone take advantage of Lavender’s kind heart and romantic notions. Perhaps a spy from the muggle ministry is attempting to gain information and access to the wix rebellion? Or maybe there is someone more nefarious, linked to the plot mentioned above.Regarding Lavender’s mentor and adopted mother figure, Trelawny… In my mind she is still very much alive and living in the caravan. If the admins want to make her a playable character I’d be open to that, it would be nice to have that sort of dynamic to write with for Lavender. That being said, I would imagine she might be a difficult character to fill, and I’m also happy keeping her as an NPC. Lavender adores Sybil, and thus it would be great to kill her off just to see how Lavender handles such a deep and permanent loss.As far as Lavender’s role in the rebellion, they are not a leader, though they are well liked by many. But I do see them as someone the leaders would trust. Lavender is good with people, and could be someone who steps in to keep peace, or to lend a trusted opinion. They could be someone entrusted with secrets and secret missions, and inner circle type of person. Obviously this is up to the Admin’s discretion, and I’d be happy to hear other ideas y’all may have.Finally, I’d like to break into Gringots and old wix London, because, what the hell is even in there now?! I have to know! -- source link
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#lavender brown