tupac-kun:Alright,to celebrate Pokebank (finally) coming out, I have 61 shinies I don’t w
tupac-kun:Alright,to celebrate Pokebank (finally) coming out, I have 61 shinies I don’t want (last one is in a separate box). These are all legit and were either caught from past games or just in Gen. VI.Shinies include:Pansear Kecleon Dragonair Wingull Swalot Doduo Sneasel Fletchinder Sunkern Weepinbel Mamoswine Munna Pawniard Ariados Slugma Espeon Gothitora Roggenrola Ivysaur Banette Flabebe Masquerain Yanma Basculin Ninetales Magneton Dedenne Magmar Mawile Wartortle Golurk Growlithe PanchamOnes that I also have but cannot be renicknamed are:Pidove Pichux2 (event Pichus) Porygonx2 Voltorb Buizel Psyduck Pikachu Chingling Shinx Ampharos Raticate Manectric Altaria Diglett Houndour Starly Shelgon Vulpix Fearow Hoppip Furret Kricketune Zigzagoonx2 Magnemite MightyenaAs a bonus, I also have a special Lugia from Pokemon XD with Psycho Boost/Hydro Pump/Featherdance/Earthquake which is also up for grabs if anyone would want him as well.Rules:-No giveaway blogs.-You do not need to be following me to enter.-You must have a copy of either Pokemon X or Y and the ability to trade over Wi-fi connection.-You’ll need your ask box open so I can notify you that you’ve won.-Likes or Reblogs both count.The giveaway will end March 14th. 1st place will get 10 shinies of their choosing. 2nd will get 6, 3rd will get 4, and 4th will get 2.From then on, I will be choosing winners who will get one apiece until there are no shinies left so there’s a pretty high chance of winning ! -- source link
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