dbhrarepairs:Welcome to our fourth Detroit: Become Human Rarepairsweek!We are here to celebrate all
dbhrarepairs:Welcome to our fourth Detroit: Become Human Rarepairsweek!We are here to celebrate all the DBH pairings that don’t stand in the spotlight and deserve more love.Date: April 5 - April 11PromptsDay 1 (Monday): Post-Apocalypse • SacrificeDay 2 (Tuesday): Sleep • Day & NightDay 3 (Wednesday): Past & Future • SeparationDay 4 (Thursday): Enemies to Lovers • Abandoned ThingsDay 5 (Friday): Longing • MirrorsDay 6 (Saturday): Meet the Family • Reverse AU (Humans as androids/Androids as humans)Day 7 (Sunday): Free DayRules1) The DBHrarepairsweek will be held from April 5 to April 11, 20212) What pairings are allowed? Any pairing except for: Gavin/RK900, Simon/Markus, Connor/Hank, Connor/Gavin & Connor/Markus3) What kind of media is accepted? Anything, pretty much! Fanart, fanfiction, GIF sets, videos, cosplay… there are no limits to your creativity!4) Make sure to tag entries with #dbhrarepairsweek and mention @dbhrarepairs in your posts!5) You can do as many or as few prompts as you like. You can even combine prompts for the same day6) If your entry contains sensitive media, please make sure to properly tag it7) If I missed to reblog your content, send me a message 8) It’s no problem if you’re late with an entry or missed a day, if it’s properly tagged, I will reblog it9) Don’t bash any pairings or people. And most important, have fun!10) If you have any questions, feel free to ask!Artworks belong to:@kaschra (Chlonnor) • @lady-of-rohan (Connara) • @n4c9s (Simosh) • @plastic-cop-strikes-again (Chlonnor) • @ausp-ice (RK1700) • @chenpath-art (HankRose) -- source link