bimbodreams: She hadn’t noticed. At least not yet. I saw her sitting on the quad, engrossed in study
bimbodreams: She hadn’t noticed. At least not yet. I saw her sitting on the quad, engrossed in studying. She was perfect. Plain, unremarkable brown hair tied back, but probably only coming just past her shoulders. She had gained a bit more than the typical freshman 15, but she wasn’t fat…just thick. Deep set eyes, a rather wide nose and thin lips left her a bit homely, but not ugly. She was just perfectly average. That is why I selected her. I set the device down so that only she was in range of it, stepped back to my laptop, and began the experiment. I had developed a device that allowed me to manipulate matter and she was to be the first human trial. It would also be used to test a theory that changing appearance alone can drastically adjust the course of someone’s life. I began by shedding pounds off her frame. She quickly went from soft to skinny fit. So far so good. She didn’t have many curves to speak of, so I widened her hips and gave her a boost in the chest department…just enough to draw attention. A quick tan and I ensured her pores would be perfect. That hair had to be improved. Lighter, I thought. Much lighter, and much, much more of it. And now the most important part. I loaded the code I had painstakingly crafted and watched as her face transformed from plain into that of a beautifully perfect doll. She was amazingly pretty but just cute enough to not be intimidating. That was important. I looked her over and smiled. A perfect bimbo look. Let’s see how that affects the studious bookworm. I switched off the device and watched. Guys walking past noticed her and stared. One called out to her and she turned her head towards him, curious about the attention. I began to take notes. (for the person who requested a story where somebody is only physically changed into a bimbo) -- source link
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