inhale-the-frost: inhale-the-frost:“You look better with makeup on”On Sunday after m
inhale-the-frost: inhale-the-frost: “You look better with makeup on” On Sunday after my shift at work my male head chef (my boss) said these words to my face which left me in tears in my car shortly afterwards. When confronted about the statement he tried to defend his words by then saying “women are too sensitive”. Didn’t take responsibility for his actions, and dug himself a deeper hole. Not only does that statement try to undermine my feelings, but it is dripping with obvious sexism. As someone who has and is still struggling with poor self image and horrible self esteem going to work without makeup was a huge step for me. I finally felt comfortable after a year of working there to not take the time to cover my face in product and just let my skin breathe at work. His comments are not the only ones I’ve dealt with and I understand where some of them come from. But my choosing not to wear makeup was not me trying to “make a statement”, as some of my male coworkers would ask me. Applying makeup can take HOURS to do. My shifts can start as early as 8am. Which means if I want to shower and do MINIMAL makeup I wake up at 545 to leave by 720 to get to work. I work two jobs so some days I work 8-4 then 5-10 then back to work at 8am the next day. You know what I like doing? FUCKING SLEEPING! After working 10+ hours and sleeping for maybe 4-6 hours I’m not always in the mood to do my makeup in the morning. BIG SURPRISE. Also, not only is makeup a timely process it is fucking expensive. The makeup I own could pay my rent for about two or three month at retail price. ONE LIPSTICK COSTS $22. FOUNDATION UPWARDS OF $50. When I do a full face of makeup I am easily wearing $20 worth of product. The finished look has so many steps and products to accomplish the desired outcome, people who don’t use makeup don’t understand that. I finally felt okay enough with myself to be vulnerable and let people see my naked face. Comments like the one my boss made are the reason why some girls can’t even go to get the mail without first applying makeup. The naked face is natural, but we are made to feel disgusting and ugly if we don’t take the time to apply makeup. ANYONE is going to look better with makeup on. That’s kinda the point to makeup. I wouldn’t spend the time or money I did on it to look the exact fucking same as when I started. However, it is a personal choice each individual has to make for themselves as to whether or not they want to wear it. And they make that decision every day. Just because I made the decision to wear makeup one day does not mean I have to wear makeup every day afterwards. I’m not here to be a fucking pretty face for you to look at. I am so much more than my physical appearance. I am smart, I am courageous and I am pissed off. If this comment had been made to me a year ago I wouldn’t have had the same reaction I’m having now. It would have impacted me so much more and would have been detrimental to the four years of therapy I’ve done to help myself learn to love myself. Do you really want to be the reason why someone cries them self to sleep at night or carves the word ugly into their skin? Would you want to know that your comment was the one to push that person to shove their fingers back down their throat? That’s what I would have done a year ago. I’ve grown. I’ve become a stronger person and I’m able to now take my struggles and fight for them with passion. Photos were taken before I started my makeup application and once it was done. Took me close to two hours because I messed a few things up and had to correct them, which is a reality of doing makeup. Feel free to share or add your own experiences onto this post. I have my meeting with HR on Monday, let’s get this reblogged as much as we can until then. -- source link
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