THE ARRIVAL It’s the morning. Technically day four on this train. The third day since the
THE ARRIVAL It’s the morning. Technically day four on this train. The third day since the rebels announced taking over. You sit at the breakfast table. It’s hard to eat but considering your stomach has been trembling to get something to digest, you manage to keep down a roll and some eggs.It’s not late into the morning when the train suddenly lurches forward. An unexpected move to say the least, and those you share the room with trip, stumble, shake, shriek from the sudden move. You watch through the window and the train is in fact going forward, not backward. But there’s been no notice, what could it be? It takes all of twenty minutes of movement before the intercom flickers on and a voice echoes all around you. A familiar voice. The dripping baritone of President Snow.“Dear Capitol citizens, victors, and tributes. You will be happy to be informed that the rebels have been eradicated. Their attempt to disrupt this multi-generational tradition goes unshaken. But it is with my deepest sorrow to report that our very own Tiberius Farlock has perished. A valiant warrior in life and in death, we are presumed to believe that he died defending the train against rebels, and they took his life. He will not be forgotten, and we will seek retribution for our loss.” There’s a pause, and a semblance of a cough is caught from the other end before the com flicks off just for a minute, before clicking back on. “In a matter of just a couple hours, you will arrive in the capitol, and the chariot ceremony will take place. Training will begin in the morning. And remember, citizens.” It feels like his voice drips, as if he’s leaning closer into his device, the words even crackling from being so near. “Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever.” And the com clicks off.Next thing you know, you’re pulling into the Capitol. And it’s time to get ready.[IF YOU WRITE A CAPITOL ESCORT OR STYLIST, CLICK HERE.](( If you don’t, and you like secrets, don’t read it. If you don’t care, feel free to. ))OOC —-Everyone is back in one spot right now! You have all been unleashed! Now to get into the absolutely info dump that this ooc will be.Just to kind of lay out time-frame wise. It’s up to you what you want to do with the Chariot ceremony. I really had zero ideas of how to turn that into something. Otherwise, you can get into the writing of the following morning (the first Full Day) of being in the Capitol. Otherwise, from that, it will just be train days.Which, I will be doing some tweaking from canon. I believe in the books training is just a single week. I’m turning it into two so we have more time to write in this timeframe before the Quell begins. At this current moment, just work with the first week as your timeframe. I’m not sure if I’ll do another drop for it, but as I eluded to before, a ton of things will drop in the midst of this chapter so safer just to keep everything in the earlier part of the timeframe.As I said, interact with whoever you want, post opens, too, if you’d like. I mentioned in Sunday’s note that I’m going to try to “randomly” pair characters together who are outside of typical circles in different situations to help encourage other lesser found connections to be involved.Don’t ever hesitate to want to interact with an npc. I really enjoyed being able to write them and have threads with them. But keep in mind that npcs have stories and their own agendas as well. It might benefit you to interact or try to get to know an npc outside of the ones you’re connected to. If you ever want an npc thread to to plot with an npc, let me know.Training will begin and of course, no one will be inside that training room other than the tributes. But ally-ship is a very important element to the Games. If you want tributes to try and form ally-ships, plot it out with members and then come to me and let me know. Of course, ultimately it is the tribute’s choice on who to be allies with but you can certain have a thread or we can hc that your character is trying to have that influence.As a result of the quick time event we had on discord last week, Swann has not been seen since the early morning of the day the train was taken back by the Capitol. She had been gone for the entire duration of that day, missing the chariot ceremony. She was also gone for the first full day of being in the Capitol. She will come back after that. She is gone for approximately 48 hours. I know the chat brought up a rescue mission but there wouldn’t be enough time in the hustle and bustle to be able to try and save her. Del will be releasing a self para sometime this weekend which will share where Swann has been in this time.From the poll, it seems like you guys would like another form for character directions. I’ll get that up this weekend. So definetly think about things you’d like to see for your muses, things you’d like not to. I will also be added a new question regarding secrets, so think of if you character has any secrets that they know, or that they don’t know that you’d like to play around with.I will mention again, please make sure your submit is OPEN. For reasons.You know what to do with questions, as always!THE FACTSStart date: Right nowEnd date: [Very tentative] June 18thTag: Chapter FourPLEASE LIKE ONCE YOU HAVE READ -- source link
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