IT’S TIME —-No one feels ready or prepared for the Reaping that has come on the earl
IT’S TIME —-No one feels ready or prepared for the Reaping that has come on the early summer day. For some, the sun shines bright and hard, beads of sweat running down temples, sweat causing shirts and dresses to stick to backs. For others, it’s raining hard and there’s no refuge, leaving everyone soaked and shivering as they await for the bitter fate of the two tributes that will be heading into the Quarter Quell.The Escorts stand amongst the crowd, before them, a massive bowl stands, littered with papers of the names of the victor’s loved one. No questions have been answered. Will Capitolites be in the pool? Will victors be in there? What about loved ones crossing over districts?The moment is tense but it goes forward without question.ONE:Saffron SkyThe name which is first drawn in One summons Saffron Sky to the stage. Thirty-nine, she’s beautiful, tall, fit. She’s wearing a long silk dress as she blows a kiss to her cousin, a victor from a time long before she was able to win. She holds her head high. There’s absolutely no telling what the expression on her face says. She is a complete wildcard. Maybe that’s what she wants.Gold FarlockGold is built. Standing at 6′6, people have always wondered if the Farlock family bread, or maybe even genetically altered, a perfect soldier. He’s standing beside Tiberius, who looks prideful as she shakes his nephew’s hand and he ascends to the stage. He’s far past the age of being able to fight in the Games in a normal year. It can’t help but raise questions; coming from a family such as this, why hadn’t he fought back then? And why were they so excited now?TWO:Osa PittsmithElegance has never looked so clear on a face before. Osa Pittsmith, older sister to the brutal victor, Teal, was always rumored to be brighter, more charming, more attractive, but what she made up for in personable skills and looks, she lacked in sheer brute force. As far as you can tell, she’s an enigma. But both she and her sister share a long, meaningful glance that is hard to define.Terra IvornaryThe audience freezes as they all cast their eyes to the older woman. In her early sixties, she’s plump, but she walks with pride up the stage. She’s a baker from the square, but she has confidence. The only noticeable mark of her age, regardless of the graying hair and withered skin, is her trembling hands. To come from a Career district, reaping a simple baker seems shocking.THREE:Zero HollowaySomeone clears their throat when the name gets drawn from the bowl. The young man fixes his glasses before he starts for the stage. Someone tries to reach for his wrist but he slips from their grasp before it’s too late. It’s cold. It’s quiet, but Zero stands among the rest, accepting fate.Citron GulwetherNo one even knows who Citron is, who they’re connected to. Seventy, withered, and looks tired. There’s someone far off that you could mistake for calling to volunteer as tribute, but it goes ignored. Citron moves slowly towards the stage, but manages with no help. Their breath is loud, they’re running out of steam but it’s all for the game. FOUR:Marina TidestrumShe emerges from the crowd, but not confused. Just a slow step forward as if this is a declaration of sorts. The ex of Roux Selkirk Her fingers rub together nervously as she tries to search for eyes that will give her the answers. She doesn’t get them. She just gets to the stage where she’s championed like an icon. It feels far from that.Abe IssAbe stands tall. He’s built well enough that there are some that clap at his reaping. A lot more reassuring of victory than the previous draw. He’s smiling, or at least, it looks like it’s supposed to be a smile. He’s not particularly attractive or charming, but he’s built. He’s a mentee to an old victor, much like a grandson. His fists clench and he looks brutal, but also, for some reason… uncomfortable.FIVE:Darby SkiberryDarby Skiberry was a nurse. Specifically, one that took care of the children. She was in her mid-forties, been a nurse for thirty years. She was a mother figure to many, including the victor for the 67th Games, Ambro Forge. There’s some sobs from the crowd as she climbs to the stage, her fear is evident.Kin RosesandThe youngest child in the Rosesand family, youngest sibling to Aven, perhaps the most needy in the bunch, but now a young adult, trudges onto the stage and cries. Openly. They do not want to be there, and the eyes of hundreds on them, gives them a visible tremble. This was not what they were prepared for.SIX:Helena ClearwaterShe’s forcing a smalls mile on her face, dusting off her dress as she starts for the stage, no guidance needed. Pista Clearmark’s mother, ever the beacon of warmth, has now found her time. It’s hard, judging from the audience, if she’s happy or heartbroken.Cabil StulvurgStulvurg is an old name. Cabil is young. Twenty. Everyone knows that boy is twenty. He was birthed in the river from his mother who didn’t get to see the face of her new baby boy. Stulvurg designs the very trains they build. Baster Stulvurg, Cabil’s father, was intense but never terrible. But Cabil was warmth. Cabil, who made the mistake of falling in love with Haldi Commonbo, the winner of the 70th Games. Haldi, who shrieked and cried as her lover sauntered onto stage. Baster, a cold and collected man, yelled for his son’s freedom. For once, power couldn’t buy safety. SEVEN:Nettle BlumeShe can’t exactly see straight. She walks with a cane even though she’s in her thirties. After a lumber accident, Nettle was considered useless. Her family was going to perish after she couldn’t work any longer. Caspan Roseleaf, who was a victor over forty years ago, hired her to tend to his home in the victor village. For over a decade, the two have had a tight bond, and watching her struggle to get on the stage makes the crowd uneasy.Harbor GazelThere’s confusion that settles over every one. But Harbor… he’s not around anymore, is he? Doesn’t matter, next thing everyone sees is a frail, weak figure being tugged onto the stage. Harbor Gazel, is hard to recognize. There’s no hair to be found on their face. None from their head, their eyebrows. There’s wisps of eyelashes but they look near transparent, and there’s small adjustments to his face. Different cheekbones, mainly. He looks… kind of like Harbor. Then raises the question, has he been in Seven this whole time? No one can know, because before questions start being asked, he looks to the camera, and raises his hands, beginning to form gestures and movements. And then—… the camera cuts out.EIGHT:Beck BaxwollA younger sibling to Emory Baxwoll, not so small anymore, looks tired and worn from the day’s work as he steps onto the stage. It’s like there’s no room to process the pain of it all before he stands there. This is just another job he has to do, isn’t it?Chrysanthe SilverhairThe local clothes maker. Sewist of all things even remotely appealing within Nine. Chrysanthe became friends and primary caretaker of Dahilia Feher years ago. A victor, now in her nineties, with no living family. Chrysanthe has always been a beloved force within the community, and there are sobs heard when they step onto the stage.NINE:Sola HonimooreThe reaping of Perri Honimoore’s son is met with silence. There are some in the crowd who are old enough to remember the story. The birthing of the young boy who became attached to Perri’s leg. The boy scooped up in the wreck of the Games. And now, as much as Perri has fought against it, it seems his ties to the Games is not ready to release yet.Holly Nightwing“It’s not fair!” She shouts only seconds after her name is drawn. “I didn’t ask to be loved!” She’s young. Maybe her mid-twenties. She looks at stocky as the grain that blows in the wind behind them. Only in whispers do they know of Holly’s secret companionship to victor Kuds Full, a victor from the 72nd Games. A Victor who had been married to someone else only monthsafter returning from victory.TEN:Ginger FlatlockThe daughter of the 32nd Hunger Games winner, Archer Flatlock, ascends to the stage with trembling knees, if only for a split moments before her back straightens into something that resembles forced confidence. Looking to her father, his face is pale, almost green, but makes no noise. He’s frozen in silence.Bire WildvaleTall, but not especially built. Bire had a tendency to work on the fields. Just a simple man, in his late twenties. Bire married Fennel two years ago, the son of Archer Flatlock. Bire, while not blood related, was just as much a son in the Flatlock house as his husband. His eyes are read and he’s squinting from the son but he stands beside Ginger, hand on her shoulder. The Flatlock family, and specifically Archer, feels no mercy this year.ELEVEN:Birch PeacerootIt’s a swift reaping. Elven is far too sued to their loved ones and their promising youths being ripped from their cracked fingertips. The young Birch, Rigg’s Nephew, hurries to the stage. It’s hard not to spot the horror that’s on his face as he looks out to his expansive district, and their forced apathy.Parsley FairwillowThere’s not many victors in Eleven. Not that are alive anyways. But Parsley, who’s close to middle age, peppered with silver makes in her hair, looks confused as she steps onto the stage. Her father, a victor of the 13th hunger Games, had died thirty-four years ago. As she’s lead on the stage by Peacekeepers, the horror registers on the face of some of those in the crowd. Even in death, your loved ones aren’t saved.TWELVE:Wren ThornewoodThere’s an audible wail that comes from the crowd the second the name is drawn. Though it’s hard to find, without much fight, the young girl ascends to the stage, her hands joined together at her front. The crowd looks disturbed. The girl they came to know and adore. The girl who just barely got by last year from her sister. Her time as finally come.Gage OvergroveIt’s horror on the man’s face as he starts for the stage. He looks back towards his wife, who looked plump with her pregnancy, that she was about ready to give birth at any moment. The Overgrove family doesn’t console, only stands frozen, and Gage can’t even look their sibling Hudson in the eyes as they stand beside the young Wren.OOC — THE MEAT AND BONESLet’s just get into it. You guys voted, shockingly unanimously, wow. So, this is just a quick drop! We will have this plot drop for two days (two for my sanity because the next drop is huge and I need some time to write it all up), which is mainly meant to give you some time to write a self para reacting to this drop. It’s not mandatory. If you’d rather take the break, by all means, please do! I just ask, if you plan to write a self para, please take this time to get it up before the next drop.For in character timeline, from here there will be quick movements. Characters get rushed to the train and there will be no meeting with loved ones (similar to Catching Fire, Katniss didn’t have a chance to talk to her family before being sent in again). You can write of your character getting on the train but do not write further than the first night on the train. The next drop will begin on the morning of the train ride to the Capitol.Plot with other members if you’d like to mention conversations or interactions between characters in your self paras. I do not recommend this time to have threads since there will be so little time. But hey, if you can write a thread in two days, go off. If you have an fc for your designated npc, send it my way (or if you want me to pick, bc I can def feel some vibes from the ones you guys have). I might make a graphic since I definitely have some npcs in mind for some folks on this list. Not guaranteed but… I might make one.You might be wondering if you will be able to write against any of these npcs. The answer is… maybe. 24 npcs sounds like a lot to me so I’m trying to figure out how to best write npcs that doesn’t burn me out and gives everyone a chance to write with and npc (doesn’t have to be the npc tied to your muse, could be any of them). If that’s something you might be interested in, message me. By gaging how many people are interested in how many npcs will give me an idea of the work it’ll take. It’s not a guarantee but it is a check for level of interest.Many characters talked about volunteering in their threads, it’s up to you whether they did or not but if they had, it wouldn’t have been successful, and their volunteer would have been rejected. I am kind of bending some rules because I assure you, putting your character in the games would be really boring and not as much juice as what I have planned for what happens outside of the game. I don’t plan to metagame/godmod this hard as an admin beyond this, but hopefully you guys understand that I am just trying to keep everyone from writing themselves into a corner.Also just want to say, I know not every character has a loved one that were reaped. I had tried to keep things pretty strategic and fair. The hope is that this creates an interesting dynamic to potentially cause conflict. Those who have loved ones at stake vs. those who have love ones that were spared. I am always open for feedback and if you feel that this plot doesn’t set your character(s) up for success, please let me know! We’ll try to work something out.I think that’s all I’ve got to say. You know where to put questions. Happy Hunger Games. HehStart date: Right nowEnd date: April 28thTag: The Reaping (this is not a chapter because there is no time threading.) -- source link
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