The Magic of the Four ThievesAccording to legend, in the daysof antiquity when the plague moved thro
The Magic of the Four ThievesAccording to legend, in the daysof antiquity when the plague moved throughout the land, leaving nothing butdeath and destruction in its wake, there were four thieves who remainedunharmed. These thieves were, as the legend states, skilled in the art of magic.They used their aptitudes to create a potion to protect themselves from an untimelydemise. They traveled from village to village stealing treasures from the newlydead and those that have fallen ill, lining their pockets while those aroundthem perished. The thieves were eventually discovered by authorities. While punishmentby death would have surely befallen these thieves, the authorities recognized thelifesaving potential of their concoction. In exchange for the ingredients tothe potion, the four thieves would be granted leniency from the law.The legend of the Four Thievesstill thrives in many magical traditions today. Although, modern practitioners donot employ it to grant immunity from the plague. Instead, it has found itsplace as an enhancement to a wide spectrum of magical workings includinghealing, banishing, exorcism, and protection, among others. There are severalversions of the Four Thieves potion, but I will present my own personal recipehere. It can be replicated with ease and used to create a powerful wall ofprotection.Four Thieves Potion1. Place cauldron over the fire. 2. Contribute a ½ gallon of vinegar. 3. Contribute 375ml (half a bottle) of red wine. 4. Add the juice of one lemon. Simmer. 5. Contribute a small piece of fresh ginger root.6. Add a handful of fresh sage. 7. Add three garlic cloves ground into a finepaste.8. Stir in three pinches of salt. 9. Contribute a piece of snake skin (can be easilyobtained from a pet shop)10. Add a few strands of black cat hair11. Add three drops of oil of hyssop12. Addtwo drops of oil of sandalwood.When the scent of thepotion is thick in the air, it may be removed from the fire and allowed tocool. Filter off the ingredients and preserve the liquid. Pour off the potioninto a glass bottle and store it somewhere out of sight and out of mind. -- source link
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