A Potion toBanish Unwanted PersonsAnother potion request! Keep them coming!Notintended for ingestion
A Potion toBanish Unwanted PersonsAnother potion request! Keep them coming!Notintended for ingestion. Use at your own risk.SuppliesNeeded- Cauldronor other boiling crucible - Woodenspoon - Glassvial - Fireproofdish- Mortarand pestle- Sieve- SmallfunnelIngredients- Onepint water- Onecup of sour milk- ½cup of apple cider vinegar- 1pinch of Devil’s Dung (Asafoetida)- Adandelion root- 1garlic clove- Handfulof sea salt- Anitem belonging to the victim. A snipping of clothing is ideal. - Oilof Rue or Oil of SandalwoodINSTRUCTIONS1. Heatthe water over a low heat. 2. Addthe sour milk and apple cider vinegar.Stir with a woodenspoon while concentrating on the target of your working.3. Takethe oil of rue or sandalwood and anoint the victim’s personal item. Onceanointed, carefully burn it in the fireproof dish taking care to preserve theashes. 4. Addthe ashes to the mortar, along with the garlic clove, and grind with thepestle. Add this to the brew.Continue stirringwhile concentrating on the target.5. Addthe dandelion root. 6. Contributethe Devil’s Dung.Allow the brew to boilfor ten minutes, stirring frequently.7. Addthe handful of sea salt.Continueboiling for another five minutes. As you stir, imbue the concoction with yourpersonal energy. The intent you program therein should be “banishing.” Once you’vecontributed all of the energy you can into the brew, remove it from the heatand allow it to cool. Once cool, strain the brew through the sieve into theglass vial. Now,take the vial and go forth on a moonless night to a crossroads, old cemetery,or some other deserted or liminal location. Hold the vial before you and seeyour victim’s face therein. Recite this incantation:Hereyou dwell but through this spell you quickly take your leave Removeyour face from this my place so I can now be free. Banishedbe for eternity from me and all that’s mineIset you free immediately until the end of timeHurlthe vial at the earth making sure it breaks when it hits the ground. Walk awayand do not look back and your victim will soon depart.ANALYSIS:Allof the ingredients have strong affiliations to banishing. First, the liquidsselected represented the sourness of life – which will create the motivation forthe victim to leave. The Devil’s Dung is often used in exorcisms and banishingspells due to its pungent odor that “no being, mortal or otherwise, cantolerate.” The garlic is another protection and repelling ingredient. The seasalt represents purification. The rue or sandalwood oil represent banishing, atleast to me, but I suppose they could be substituted with other scents you findmost fitting. If you’re trying to be environmentally conscious, you can return afterwards to pick up the broken glass. -- source link