CRAWLING THE WALLS (Joey is 18+)Joey hated feeling trapped. It had been just over a month since he a
CRAWLING THE WALLS (Joey is 18+)Joey hated feeling trapped. It had been just over a month since he and his family members quarantined themselves inside their home, and the cabin fever was starting to gnaw away at his resolve. He knew the importance of social distancing (his father only needed to explain “flattening the curve” to him a hundred times before it sank in)… but his young mind had never been tested this way before. Here he was in the prime of his life, so close to completing his freshman year of college… when the rug was suddenly yanked out from under his feet, and everything changed. At the age of nineteen, there was nothing that an athletic, hardy boy like Joey disliked more than being contained. He missed his buddies at school, and being stupid and rowdy with them. He missed partying and getting shit-faced. He even missed sitting in classrooms with his peers (he never thought it would come to that). But most of all, Joey missed his girlfriend… and the way she used to soothe him after long nights of drinking by burying his fat, eight-inch dick inside her throat and humming lullabies. He wanted to be with her now, but his father- nervous about him living in another state during a global pandemic- insisted that he return home. It was just Joey, his father and his younger brother living in the house; he loved his family, but the new routine was beginning to cause friction. He resented being cooped up inside all day, only leaving to shoot hoops in the driveway or occasionally go jogging around the neighborhood with his brother. Under normal circumstances, the two got along just fine… but the constant close-quarters were starting to breed hostility between the boisterous, energetic young men. After a particularly nasty day of arguments and near-fist fights, Joey’s dad insisted that the boys split up and spend some time apart. Their father rarely got angry, but he was stressed from the logistics of working at home, and was becoming fed up with his sons’ unruly behavior. Joey’s brother, a high school senior, opted to stay downstairs and watch a movie with his dad, while Joey sulked upstairs inside his bedroom, located in the back corner of the house. Locking his door, the boy cranked up some heavy metal music at full volume, spitefully reveling in the bass that thundered out of his dual five-foot tower speakers, and hoping the ruckus would annoy his family members below. He had come to feel like a much younger teenager again; fully aware that his “acting out” was the result of pent-up aggression and idle boredom, he seemed unable to step out of the behavior long enough to change it. He crashed onto his bed, a plain blue T-shirt clinging to his barrel chest and tapered torso. He was freeballing it underneath a pair baggy sweatpants, and his massive feet were wrapped up in a pair of crew socks (which he had been wearing a few days too long). Hygiene became less important to him with each day that passed during the quarantine; his entire bedroom stank of sweat, dirty sheets, precum and ejaculate… and the total lack of windows only served to reinvigorate the foul aroma. Feeling restless, Joey bounced a clammy basketball back and forth against the wall opposite his bed, repeatedly smashing it into the faces of athletes on his various posters. Pointedly chucking the ball harder each time, he was just waiting for one of those fuckers to come upstairs, and have the nerve to reprimand him about the thudding noise or his obnoxious music. He wanted to argue with someone. He wanted to fight.Staring blankly at the faces of his idols- and longing for the return of televised sports- Joey noticed a large stinkbug on his wall, perched between some of the posters at waist-height. He sprung into action; leaping off his bed, he was ready to take out his bottled hostility on the little critter who had dared to invade his sanctuary. Savagely hurling the ball, he struck with perfect aim… but when it fell to the carpet, Joey noticed something strange. He moved in closer and realized that it hadn’t been a stinkbug at all; it was actually a circular perforation within the drywall itself… a hole, no bigger than the width of his index finger.Shit. Over the course of his angst-ridden adolescence, Joey had managed to “redecorate” his bedroom during fits of youthful anger or over excitement many times… until the walls started to resemble a beehive, littered with honeycomb-like punctures and dents. Every time he put a fist through his wall, he would simply cover it up with a new poster, but Joey could not remember creating this one. In fact, as he examined this newest hole, he wondered if it was even his fault… it was far too small to be a punch mark, and too perfectly smooth to have been drilled. Settling down onto his knees, he was now chest-level with the strange apparition, leaning inward to look more closely. He could not tell how deep it was, but judged that it could be concealed with a strip of duct tape.Before he could stand up and walk over to his desk, a sudden, peculiar noise emanated from inside the hole. Joey recoiled in shock, leaning back onto the balls of his socked feet. For a moment he thought it was a reverberation from his large speakers, but then… he heard the noise again. What the fuck? He could not be certain at first… but it almost sounded like… a whisper. Leaning in closer, Joey peeked cautiously inside, but he could see nothing except inky black. Once again, the noise escaped through the hole, startling him. It resembled a human voice… calling out, as though it had a salacious sliver of gossip to offer him. Placing a broad palm against the wall, Joey leaned back and pondered the sheer strangeness of the situation. His bedroom was located in a back corner of the house- on the second floor- and the house was not attached to any other structure. As far as he knew, there was nothing beyond this particular wall except a steep drop into the backyard. This didn’t make any sense. It was hard to think straight over the throbbing, bass-heavy music… but urgent, mischievous murmurs continued to slither out of the hole and into Joey’s ears, beckoning him to move closer so he could hear more clearly. The young man had no choice but to press the side of his head against the wall- lining his ear canal up directly with the ominous orifice. Nothing. Silence. Joey frowned. He wondered if this was the first symptom of insanity, after a month of cabin fever. Reflecting on the ridiculousness of his behavior, the boy remembered what it was like to have a sense of humor. His dad was going to appreciate this one, as he was always telling his sons to keep themselves occupied, lest they end up “crawling the walls.” Chuckling to himself, Joey realized that his mind was bound to play tricks on him if he made himself an easy target, and that he needed to stop being such an asshole. Perhaps it was time to turn off his music, change into some clean clothes and go downstairs to watch the mov-Without warning, something slimy glided over his ear. The sensation happened in a flash, but Joey was able to jerk his head back quickly enough to see a human tongue protruding from the hole. Warm and rubbery, it had lathered his earlobe in spit, before retreating back into the darkness, making a filthy slurping noise as it cleared the width of the small passage. Joey’s eyes bulged out of his head, as the gears began to shift inside of it. The loud, booming music was making it difficult for him to organize his thoughts, but his morbid curiosity- tainted with the raunchy flavor of teenage lust- compelled him to reach out and stick his index finger deep inside the orifice. There was no hesitation, no foresight, no second-guessing… only instinct. Adolescent males are visual and tactile animals at the best of times, and if they see a hole… they will feel the urge to fill it. Joey was no exception; it had been an entire month since he cradled the soft warmth of his girlfriend’s titties in his large palms, and now he felt stupefied… caught off guard by a sudden ambush of erotic body contact. He was a man on a mission: determined to locate and touch. Find and feel. It no longer mattered to him that the laws of physics were being upended- there really should not be anything on the other side of this wall!- all he cared about was touching the anonymous babe who wanted to tease him. Behind him, all the way over on his bed, Joey’s phone lit up with a message from his brother. “dad says u need to turn down ur music,, we can hear it all the way down hre”The text went unnoticed, as he banged and scraped his knuckles against the drywall, fighting to dig his pointer finger deeper inside the hole. His eyes had glazed over and a small, boyish smirk lit up his handsome face. There was only one thing on his mind now: sweaty, uninhibited porking. For Joey, masturbation could not compare to the pleasure he derived from skin contact; it provided the kind of orgasms that made his eyes roll back in his head. The kind of orgasms that made his toes spread apart, curl tightly, and then point straight out. But this freaky chick was just beyond his reach on the other side of his wall, fueling his desire. He wanted to show her what happens when you play with fire. Generally speaking, Joey was a humble, modest boy… but he acknowledged his own talent and creativity in bed. He was more than capable of making a girl squeal, and after several weeks, he was eager to “flex those muscles” again. Wiggling his finger in the darkness, he hoped that girl would see his willingness to play, bend over and press herself against the tiny opening so he could sniff, taste and finger her pussy. If she was willing, he would want to do some butt stuff too; like a lot of boys, Joey had a constant craving for the female anus, and he wanted to conduct a taste test on this one. But first, he just… needed to… find her…When her entire mouth suddenly closed over his finger, the hiccup in Joey’s brain activity was devastating. He stopped moving completely- he even held his breath- and focused on her supple lips and moist, bouncy tongue lovingly bathing his digit with spit. His shoulders slouched, his eyes crossed and his jaw went slack. Joey had no warning… and now he was at this girl’s mercy.The crotch of his sweatpants was now contoured to his penis and damp with slimy fucksap. If the music had been turned off at that moment, a low, monotonous groan could be heard exiting from his open mouth. But the bass kept thundering on, disorienting him further. He was so consumed by a primal “urge to purge”- a desire to drain the contents of his bloated prostate and seminal vesicles- that it took him a few moments to realize what was happening in front of him. Glancing stupidly at the wall, Joey noticed that his finger and three of his knuckles were now being slathered with saliva. It didn’t matter to him that the circumference of the strange hole had inexplicably widened when he was not looking (from a few centimeters to three inches across). It didn’t matter to him that this revealed nothing but more darkness within, or that he still couldn’t see the girl’s face. At that precise moment, Joey needed sex more than he ever had before in his young life. Rising clumsily onto his socked feet within seconds, he haphazardly shucked his sweatpants down around his meaty, hair-dusted thighs. The laws of physics may have been called into question before his very eyes… but Joey was going insert his penis deep inside this perfectly-sized orifice… and discharge his festering load of chunky, yellow, rotten sperm into the unknown. Nothing else mattered now.In this mindset, however, Joey failed to plan accordingly. He was a “humper;” a special type of boy who needed to squat and thrust his hips whenever he “made love.” But in his horny haste, he had not pushed his sweatpants down far enough to allow his legs to move apart. So when the girl’s mouth finally swallowed his fat, bulging helmet, the randy kid was unable to spread and squat the way his body wanted to. But he was not about to risk forfeiting this kinky, logic-defying blowjob by pulling his dick out just to remove his pants. Standing with his socked feet a mere ten inches apart, Joey pressed his handsome face against his Jake Arrieta poster and whimpered like a stressed puppy.The girl on the other side of the wall was doing things with her throat that he never imagined possible. He always thought his girlfriend had a particular knack for giving head… but this was oral stimulation he never dreamed of. He suddenly found himself wishing he could see her face. Like most boys, Joey had a biological urge to “mark his territory” and, if this girl was pretty enough, he might want to pull out of her throat and glaze her face in his warm, ropey sperm sauce. He was stupidly delighted when he pushed his hips forward and was able to feed the entire length of his meat inside; he sunk all eight inches into the mysterious hole, until his nutsack pressed up against the wall like a car airbag. Joey’s phone lit up on the bed once again, this time with a message from his dad. “Turn music down please.”But the boy was still oblivious; he was not aware of anything except the nasty girl using his urethra like a straw, prying open his chubby piss lips with skillful suction and making his brain go fuzzy. Typically, Joey liked to turn a girl’s dangling uvula into a speed bag for his puffy glans… but this throat had him paralyzed. He only snapped back to reality when he felt a gentle kiss against his left testicle. What the fuck?? How could that be happening? Leaning backward, the young man was stunned to see that the hole in the wall had expanded again- now five inches wide- and his entire manhood had been welcomed over to the other side for some love. Joey could no longer see his dick or balls, but he was okay with that; he felt comforted and reassured by the plump lips softly pecking at his heavy balls. Closing his eyes, the boy was rapidly sinking into a sparkling pool of ecstasy, with no bottom in sight, until… he felt a different sensation. A prickle. A tiny tickle against the wrinkled skin of his scrotum. A scratchy feeling on the sensitive underside of his shaft. Beard burn…Pushing off the wall with both hands, Joey stumbled backward in fear and confusion, his range of motion retarded by his cumbersome sweatpants. Staring down at the wall, he saw a man’s bearded face- from nose to chin- wearing a mirthless smile. A man extended his tongue from his mouth and made obscene licking motions toward him. Spit bubbles fell onto a man’s dark facial hair. Unable to look away, Joey watched the fat tongue stabbing the air, and realized that a man had just sucked on his penis. A man had just tasted his ballsack… and now a man was taunting him through his own bedroom wall. It was no longer playful or cute… for Joey, this was no longer a game.He should have made a break for it and dashed out of the room. He should have grabbed his phone and called for help, summoning his dad from downstairs. But in that moment, the young man could only react with instinctive, adolescent gay-panic. His large penis was still bobbing up and down in front of him as he propelled himself forward- right arm raised behind him- ready to knock the intruder’s lights out. His fury was manifesting in physical violence, the way it had so many times in the past… but when Joey finally lobbed his fist, even he was stunned by the amount of force he displayed. He almost certainly broke the man’s nose.Except… there was no nose to break. The bearded face must have ducked out of the way at the last second, allowing Joey’s arm to disappear through the hole- reaching inside as deeply as possible- allowing the boy to stumble forward, his upper body slamming into the wall. After the painful blow to his own head, Joey collapsed onto his knees once again… and it took him a few seconds to focus. He tried to withdraw his arm, but couldn’t. The man on the other side had encircled Joey’s wrist with a strong grip, before quickly wrapping his other hand around the teen’s muscular forearm. A brief tug-of-war ensued, with the teenager trying frantically to free himself from the stranger’s grasp. Finally coming to his senses, Joey called out for help… only to realize that his music would make it difficult for him to be heard downstairs. If he wanted to get his family’s attention, he would need to really roar. Opening his mouth to inhale as much air as possible, the boy was startled when the unseen man suddenly loosened his grip and allowed him to tumble backward, his bare ass landing on the carpet. But this slack was short-lived. Immediately, the man yanked Joey’s arm back into the hole with brute force, savagely slamming him face-first against the drywall. And then it happened again. And again. And again. Joey was repeatedly given slack, only to be brutally rammed back into the wall. The boy could feel tears welling up in his eyes, and his ears began to ring. There was no way he could manage to scream for help now. His years of athletic experience informed him that he was thoroughly concussed. As his brain shifted within his skull, Joey eyes trailed blankly up to the posters above him, as if he were seeking their help. But Anthony Rizzo offered no helpful insight. Mitch Trubisky would not be able save him. Patrick Kane simply grinned.Not that it mattered, now that his own face was being swallowed by darkness. With dazed sluggishness, Joey realized that the hole had expanded yet again, and his head and neck had slipped through to the other side of the wall. With instinctive self-preservation, the boy reached up with his left hand- gripping onto the rim of the opening and holding on for dear life. He couldn’t see anything on this side; the light from his bedroom revealed nothing beyond Joey’s own torso. The air was hot and muggy, and it was becoming more difficult to breathe. The bearded man was still directly in front of Joey- relentlessly yanking on his arm- but the boy could not see him in this pitch-black void. Joey’s left hand was already struggling to maintain its grip on the rim of the hole, but when the invisible man began licking him- from the back of his right hand, all the way up to his elbow- his entire body shuddered in horror and his sweaty hand faltered. Plunging forward, his left arm and shoulder slid easily through the divide, joining the rest of his upper body inside the humid space. He reached down to brace himself so he wouldn’t fall on his face… but found no floor below him. Hearing his own shallow, labored breaths echoing all around him, Joey suspected that he was being reeled into shapeless, limitless darkness.Without any warning, he felt the collar of his T-shirt being grasped and- in one brusque motion- torn away from his body entirely. Light from the bedroom shone through the hole and illuminated thick beads of sweat along the expanse of teenage back muscle. Trickling downward over exposed ribs, the perspiration clung heavily to the dark hairs on Joey’s broad chest, before slipping off and plummeting into obscurity. The man kept his grip on Joey’s right wrist while he scooped up the other arm and resumed pulling- stretching the boy parallel to where the floor should have been. Pulled taut, the strain on Joey’s back was becoming genuinely unbearable. But he did not have to focus on it for very long… Suddenly, the bearded man’s wet tongue was licking the left side of Joey’s torso- tracing the length of a protruding rib, from flank to spine. WHAT THE FUCK?! How was he in two places at once??Even as his brain continued to swell inside his skull, Joey knew that this did not make any sense. Almost immediately, a second tongue appeared beneath him, drawing concentric circles over his right pectoral muscle before finally narrowing in on his pebbled nipple. A third tongue glided across the contours of his Adam’s apple, while a fourth came out of nowhere to wick the sweat off the teenager’s furrowed brow. Writhing and twisting, Joey struggled to evade the many mouths that kept manifesting all around him… but the grip on his arms was too tight. Before he knew it, at least a dozen slippery mouths were molesting his upper body. Hot breath warmed his sensitive skin, and scratchy facial hair tickled it mercilessly. The rapidly-multiplying tongues probed his ear canals and dug into his flaring nostrils, before being pushed out of the way by even more invisible faces. Below him, several maws took turns sucking on his thick nipples, while numerous sets of teeth tugged on his sweaty armpit and chest hair like sheep munching on grass. Staring wide-eyed at nothing, Joey opened his mouth to scream for help once again… only to have it stuffed full with three twirling tongues. The entities moaned sensually between his forcibly-spread lips, nullifying his ability to vocalize over them. Their voices were deep and raunchy- like the men in some of Joey’s favorite hardcore porn videos- but they all sounded exactly the same, as if it was just one man harmonizing obscenely with himself. All along his torso, the other bearded faces let out low, lusty moans which blended into the vulgar sucking and slurping noises. Every time Joey tried to make sense of his surroundings, his mind collapsed like a sandcastle in the tide (and not because of his fresh, mild traumatic brain injury). He estimated there had to be at least thirty men huddled around him now… but somehow he was only able to feel their noses, mouths and chins (sometimes within centimeters of another bearded face) and none of their other body parts! More horrifying, perhaps, was that all of the faces felt identical when they were pressed against his vulnerable skin- like carbon copies of the bearded man whom Joey had seen through his wall. But that man was still a few feet in front of him right now… threatening to dislocate his broad shoulders as he brutishly wrenched on his arms. Much like his own body, the laws of physics were being thoroughly raped. How was this happening?! In the dark, Joey could not see any of the entities with his naked eye, but he sensed their presence as they shuffled over each other on every side of him. They were all trying to find a bit of sensitive young flesh to latch onto… like a litter of playful puppies, fighting for a teat to nurse on… or a swarm of vicious piranha ganging up on an outnumbered fish. The boy was blind as a bat on this side of the wall… but these nebulous beings (whatever they were)… could apparently see every centimeter of his naked, stretched-out form. As he struggled against these invisible, innumerable opponents, Joey strained to look behind him. With herculean effort, the boy ripped his head away from the mouths attached to his face (suctioned onto his forehead and cheeks like cups on the underside of an octopus’ tentacle), and gasped for air as the three tongues finally plopped out of his mouth. Looking over his left shoulder, Joey was relieved to see his bedroom through the hole in the wall… until he noticed the circular opening beginning to shrink.Wait… no, no, no, wait!!!Now that his shoulders- the widest part of his anatomy- had been heaved though the hole, he watched with horror as it slowly narrowed around his midsection. His body was still being pulled out of his bedroom, however… further and further away from the only source of light! Joey predicted that the hole would not close until his entire body was dragged all the way through… so he knew he needed to act fast. He tried to scream again, but his body was too exhausted to make any noise. He didn’t want to look away from the hole… it was his only escape route. Beyond it, the tiny bedroom- which had come to feel like a prison cell over the past few weeks- now looked like a spacious luxury suite, filled with comparatively fresh air (and devoid of wet, moaning mouths). His music- still thundering out of the large tower speakers- sounded like it was a mile way. Joey sobbed as he looked back at his comfy bed… before a meaty tongue smeared his right eyelid with drool, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut and turn his head forward once again. This time, four tongues invaded his mouth… burrowing even deeper than before.Directly in front of him, the invisible man was pulling on his arms harder than ever. Behind him- ten feet away from his flailing legs- another text message arrived from his father. “Music is too loud. Last warning or speakers come out of room. Won’t ask again.”In the airless heat, droplets of sweat simmered on Joey’s skin as his belly button was probed by a slimy tongue. Pulling back against the man’s grip, the teenager lifted his legs off the ground and tried to brace his knees against the wall on either side of the hole. He needed to gain some leverage in order to prevent himself from being dragged any further inside. Unfortunately- with his sweatpants still wrapped around his powerful thighs- Joey was once again unable to spread them the way he needed to. While the boy’s feet were up in the air, the bearded man was able to easily reel in a few more inches of teenage torso. Joey’s entire body lit up with vibrant panic as he struggled to quickly shuck the sweats off his furry legs. But his adolescence had been comprised of baseball and hockey games, and his thighs were simply too thick for the cotton material to move downward on its own.When his erection snagged painfully on the edge of the hole, Joey briefly thought it might be enough of an obstruction to halt this otherworldly abduction. But within seconds, his body was finessed- rocked back and forth by a sea of bearded faces on either side of his tummy- until the bulky penis cleared the smooth rim and snapped back up against his abdomen. Immediately upon breaching the wall, Joey’s slim waist glided forward and was bombarded by additional mouths. They battled it out in the dark, licking the juicy contours of his bubble butt, and inflaming the meaty rump with sticky stubble. Broad tongues wedged themselves inside his moist ass crack and extracted damp nuggets of lint left behind by the sweatpants. After spilling over the rim of the hole, his pendulous scrotum was swallowed up by two greedy pairs of lips- one per testicle. Pesky teeth chewed on his pubic hair, while a dozen nostrils breathed hot air against the flesh of his taint- competing to get a whiff of his ripe undercarriage. And, of course, Joey’s stone-like erection became a popsicle for the bearded, sexual beings, congregating directly beneath the downward-facing boy and slurping on the straining, eight-inch phallus.Joey could only yelp as the mouths kept piling on.He refused to surrender… he refused to go limp and allow his body to be extricated from his own bedroom! In desperation, he began feeling around with his feet, blindly searching for something to grab hold of. He punted and flailed his legs in midair and down across the carpet, until his left foot happened to snag a thin, flexible cable. The cord to one of his speakers! Joey tried to grasp the wire, but a thick pair of crew socks made it difficult for his plump, dexterous toes to grip it. So instead, he dragged the cable across the carpet toward the wall, and pressed it between both of his large feet. He was so relieved to have something “anchoring” him to his bedroom, that he briefly stopped struggling to try and catch his breath.Unfortunately, Joey underestimated how much slack the cord had. Before he knew what was happening, his thighs, knees and shins passed effortlessly over the rim of the hole- made easier by his sudden idleness, and the smooth fabric of his sweatpants- until the tops of his feet collided with the wall. The hole shrunk again- now only six inches wide- holding his ankles firmly in place. His heels rubbed against the rim, but it seemed that his feet might have been too big to fit through. Joey pressed them flush against the drywall, and hoped that if he kept them flat and stationary, he would not budge any further- no matter how violently his arms were yanked. Keeping his feet close together, he still held the speaker cable tightly between them, hoping that the hole would dilate again soon and he could use the cord to pull himself back to his bedroom. No easy task… but it would have been so much easier without these motherfucking socks on his feet!!!The young man was now trapped on the other side of the wall from the ankles up, and he could hear his pants being shredded over the moaning and sucking. With his legs finally freed, he instinctively spread them open and began to thrust his hips up and down- unintentionally providing easier access to his private parts. Joey had never felt so naked and vulnerable in his life; his face blanched with despair as he wailed into the mouths of his assailants, all of whom gulped down his misery like water. There were mouths everywhere… but at least twenty of them were huddled under Joey’s penis and testicles alone. They bobbed up and down to match the pace of his frantic humping, following the boy wherever he moved as he struggled to cope with the oral onslaught. It was difficult for Joey to focus on just one of the invisible mouths at a time… but occasionally, a particular entity would do something especially distracting and stimulating. He sobbed when a cow-like tongue drew figure eights on the underside of his full, swinging ballsack. He screamed when a full, prickly beard grazed his anus. And he squealed when a panting mouth deepthroated his entire dick and proceeded to gurgle on his frothy precum. All the while, the bearded man’s pulling only grew more violent. Overwhelmed by arousal, fear and pain, Joey finally broke down and began to cry, his tears being tenderly licked away. As he listened to the countless orifices suckling on him, the boy shuddered to imagine how many hickeys he was going to find on his body… if he ever got out of here to see them. “Joe, open up!” Joey’s father was standing directly outside his bedroom door, but the man’s authoritative voice was strangled by the shrieks of an electric guitar as he fiddled with the locked doorknob. “Joseph! I know you hear me. Please open the door now!”In fact, Joey could not hear anything through the narrowed hole- not his father, not his phone, not even his ear-splitting music. All he heard now was deep moaning, heavy panting, deranged grunting… and the wet, slippery sounds of mouths on his bare skin. It was too much. The boy’s bearded foes had pushed him to the edge of orgasm so many times over the past ten minutes, that it was almost impossible for him to come back down from it now. He found himself trapped at the threshold of euphoria… teetering precariously at the “point of no return.” Surrounded by humid darkness and the bombarded by sensations of raw sex, Joey had a sobering thought. A nuclear climax was preparing to detonate inside him, and he realized what that would mean for him. He knew he needed to keep his feet pressed flush against his bedroom wall… but he also understood that certain reactions were beyond his control. In this brief moment of clarity, there was only one thing he could control. Joey needed to decide for himself: should he lean into panic… or lean into pleasure…?Suddenly, a bearded face blew a sloppy, filthy raspberry against his taint, and Joey knew it was all over. Allowing his eyes to roll back into his head, the boy made peace with what was about to happen. The orgasm blossomed within Joey’s loins and tunneled outward in all directions, deep-frying brain cells and neutralizing voluntary body movement in its wake. A dam broke inside him… and endorphins flooded through his body, washing away the debris of fear and pain. His cockhead bulged and his piss lips gaped wide open. His large testicles climbed up and spread apart inside their sack, and his tiny sphincter began to rapidly clench and unclench. His teenage body strained furiously in the darkness as it began to ejaculate, and in response… all of the bearded faces went into a cruel overdrive… Despite being incapacitated by his unfurling climax, Joey screamed louder than he ever had in his life; an inhuman wail that echoed throughout the darkness… for no one to hear.On the other side of the wall- like so many times before- his toes spread wide inside his socks. They curled tightly. And finally, they pointed straight out toward his bedroom. It was this last, involuntary reflex that allowed his giant feet to be squeezed through the hole, slipping out of sight once and for all as the orifice resumed shrinking. The cable- still gripped in between a strong pair of boy feet- was violently torn out of the speakers. Joey’s bedroom fell silent as the cord whipped around in all directions, lashing the walls and furniture before being slurped up into the hole. The frayed end passed through just in time for the wall to seal with a low hiss- fusing shut and leaving behind nothing but smooth, unblemished paint. Outside the bedroom, Joey’s dad heard the music turn off. All was silent.“Thank you. Can we talk, please?” When he did not get an answer, the man leaned against the door frame and sighed. His voice was warmer, now that he did not need to yell over the music. “Listen, Joe… I know you’re crawling the walls right now, but you have to remember that you are not the only person trapped inside this house. We’re all feeling overwhelmed. But we need to keep the peace, okay? It’s not just about giving each other space… we also need to be respectful. Sound good?”Once again, there was no response from inside the bedroom… but the music had not been turned back on. Joey’s father did not want to press his luck and risk starting an argument, so he reasoned that his son’s silence was better than nothing. Turning to leave, he spoke one more time. “Okay… thanks, bud.” -- source link
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