CAN I SIT ON YOUR LAP WHILE YOU’RE POPPING?Can I Sit on Your Lap While You’re Poopin
CAN I SIT ON YOUR LAP WHILE YOU’RE POPPING?Can I Sit on Your Lap While You’re Pooping? è una delle tante domande che la piccola Morgan, tenerissima bambina di tre anni, ha rivolto al suo papà Matthew Carroll, un papà single che non avendo sempre al suo fianco qualcuno con cui condividere il divertimento o lo stupore per queste assurde e folli domande ha deciso di trascriverle, per non dimenticarle e per farle leggere, un domani, alla Morgan adulta.Tra le mie preferite:“Why do you have hair in your nose?”“But I whant to have diarrhea. Give me more berries!"It’s my job to find candy”“Do you know how to say toenails in Spanish? It’s "toenailas.”“When you’re old I’m going to put you in a wheelchair.”Un libro meraviglioso nella sua semplicità che descrive molto bene la leggerezza e la spontaneità dell'infanzia.english ________Can I Sit on Your Lap While You’re Pooping? is just one of the questions the 3-years-old Morgan asked her father Matthew Carroll who decided to collect them to share the fun and wonder and not to forget them.My favourite are:“Why do you have hair in your nose?“"But I whant to have diarrhea. Give me more berries!"It’s my job to find candy”“Do you know how to say toenails in Spanish? It’s "toenailas.”“When you’re old I’m going to put you in a wheelchair.”A gorgeous and simple book that shows the candor and authenticity of children.Author: Matthew Carroll / Publisher: Abrams / English edition / ISBN: 9781419720246 / £7.99 -- source link
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