dprdom: I was actually filled with tiny fluttering butterflies of fear as he paced around the bed. &
dprdom:I was actually filled with tinyfluttering butterflies of fear as he paced around the bed. My headwas spinning, my tummy was fluttering and my kitty was electrified. I was busy trying to concentrate on what he was saying when hestopped and said, “Oh my god! This is exactly what I’m talkingabout you dirty little girl. I’m trying to lecture on you onobedience and maturity and you’re laying there in a soggy diaper andrubbing your legs together because you’re such a dirty littledesperate girl. You’re getting turned on even though you’re beingpunished for being such a dirty little pervert that can’t stop fromtouching her kitty! You admitted that you masturbated three timestoday and yesterday as well, is this what you do all day when I’m nothome?” His parental-like tone and demeanor waschilling and made me feel very small and dumb. My almost addictivemasturbation habit had been discussed before and he threatened achastity belt. I feel like I have no control whenever he treats melike a dumb little diaper girl. His little plaything to tease andhumiliate with embarrassment. I know I’m a naughty girl and deserveto be treated like a naughty girl.“You know I can’t do it on my own. I’m such a dirty little girl Daddy.” I said with puppy dog eyes andmy best princess voice. “You know I love you no matter whatbecause you’re mine!” he replied with a stern voice. “You’re mynaughty little girl and my dumb little baby. My little play dolly todress up how best brings me enjoyment. You, young lady are onplaytime punishment and you will remain on playtime punishment untilfurther notice. That means no more big girl sex and no moremasturbation until you have earned your big girl undies back.”….there was a little pause as he watched me writhe which caused mydiapers to crinkle. “Since your little kitty is off limits,we can make sure to keep the little baby double diapered startingtomorrow. You will be pinned into thick cloth baby diapers and keptin baby pants and a t-shirt while you waddle around the house. Thereisn’t anything in your diaper that would interest any adult, you dumblittle baby. You think a grown man is going to make love to a littlepeepee covered kitty that is wrapped in diapers? What do you have tooffer a grown man little miss poopy-pants? It’s definitely not thoselittle baby bits of yours or do you still like to think that you haveboobs? I can’t even keep a straight face when I call them that yousilly little girl. They don’t even qualify as baby boobies.. justlittle baby bits. Do you understand what I’m saying to you, diaperbaby?”“Yes, Sir” I offered meekly as Iwas speechless and in my own world of erotica as I was taking in allof his words and what they meant. Some of his words drove straightto my soul and erupted with butterflies giving me goosebumps and someof his words went like a ballistic missile…. straight to my kitty. “Yes, Sir what naughty baby?” withhis stern Daddy tone erupting with a low growl. “Yes, Sir…I’m a dumb little babyand Daddy’s precious toy” I replied as trained and memorized. Heknows exactly how to get to my core with the way that he treats me. I hate it and love it but my real satisfaction is knowing that ourdynamic brings him joy and satisfaction. The humiliation andembarrassment is a little difficult to take at times because it givesme constant butterflies and a tingly kitty but Daddy forces methrough and now I’m quite used to it and it makes my head all tinglyas well as my kitty. “Well, it’s amazing that such a dumb little baby can remember what she was taught. You are going to be atmy feet or in the playpen all weekend so that I can keep an eye onour dirty little masturbation baby.” he was ramping up as heusually does before a lecture comes along. He was standing directlyover me and looking down as I laid in the bed and he said, “You’rea dumb little girl that never matured and now you’re a broken littlebaby in the big world. Don’t forget, as pathetic as you are, You’reMY dumb little pathetic baby and I’m going to take very good care ofyou just like a favorite dolly; a little diapered dolly!” helaughed and added, “Should I say it a little slower so that babybrain of yours can understand it?” “It’s a 6 month punishment naughtygirl and I’m not afraid to extend it to a year if necessary! Am Imaking myself quite clear my little chastity baby?”“Yes sir, I understand, I’m going tobe Daddy’s little chastity baby because I’m a naughty masturbator”I muttered as I could feel the tears run down my face and my kittynearly exploded with the anticipated frustrations that I’m going toendure. “Oh, Please, please don’t make itthat long. Please Daddy, I’m going to be a good girl, I’ll be moreobedient…I’ll be a better baby ” I blubbered through the tears. I’m not even sure he understood everything that I was saying becausethe tears and snotty nose were both running full steam as I realizedhow serious he was about keeping me as his very own little toy, hisdiapered dolly and his naughty little chastity baby. The reality ofit all is much more psychologically profound than pure fantasy. Thesensations that course through my body and brain every time he treatsme like a helpless dumb little baby that can’t do anything withoutSupervision. Every time I blush red with embarrassment, my pantiesget soaked. I’m laying in bed wearing a little pinkt-shirt and a very thick cloth diaper with big puffy baby pants andmy body is craving for some relief at the thought of not being ableto touch for six months… the thought is almost unbelievable and Idon’t know how I’m going to survive that long. My hate for beingpunished with chastity is obvious because I usually cry a little whenhe announces it. It’s usually only a week or a month at a time so Ijust naturally started blubbering like a baby when he announced SIXmonths! When he threatened me with a one year chastity punishment ifI get caught masturbating without permission, I felt like crying evenmore because I don’t know think I can make it that long!He walks back in and smiles when helooks down at me, “You’re just a dumb little baby and we are goingto work together to make sure that you never forget it! Maybe we canjust unpotty train you to be Daddy’s little bed-wetter too! Hegrabbed my chin and held it to elevate my face to look directly athim and he said, “You’re mine little girl, you’re all mine. Myvery own little pleasure toy to love and to play with.” I nodded my head affirmingly as heslipped his thumb in between my lips and ordered me to suckle. “Suckle baby girl. Daddy’s going to train you to be a littlethumb-sucking baby. I expect to see that thumb where it belongswhenever its not busy doing something else. If you’re not suckingyour little baby thumb then you will have a big baby pacifier…thatlittle mouth must be good for something other than talking.” Heremoved his thumb after causing drool to run down the front of mychin and replaced it with a really large pacifier. I went to wipethe drool off of my chin and had my hand slapped. “Don’t you darewipe that off little baby, that’s to remind you of what a patheticlittle baby you are.. drool and all.” he lectured as he smiled ather sucking her pacifier. “I can’t suck on this Daddy, it’s toobig and takes up my whole mouth!” I attempted to talk but not muchwas understandable through the big pacifier.” I felt completelyhumiliated as I just lost control of my speech.“Don’t you sound just like a littlebaby! You look cute sucking your little thumb but I never realizedhow tiny your thumbs were. Lift your shirt and put your baby sizedthumb next to your baby sized boobies. Go ahead young lady, I don’tcare how many shades of red you turn….you will do as you are toldwhen you are told! Do as your Daddy told you or it’s going to be aspanking for you.” he said with a stern voice that made my eyesopen wide and my brain to be obedient. I held up my thumb to the front of myboob and I just could feel the melting shame that was coming and Icould already feel myself flush as his words hit me like a cannon. He went directly to his condescending tone and said, “Oh, littlepotty pants! Are you not the most adorable little baby! I told youthat you deserved to be treated like a big baby. You’re little babyboobies match your little baby thumb! I guess not very much of youmatured, huh potty pants! You’re just a underdeveloped immaturelittle girl that can’t find her way in the world and needs a Daddy. Don’t you worry little precious, Daddy has a lot of plans in storefor you. One of those plans is to remove all your big girl undies, anything of silk or lace. We are also taking you shopping so we can find some childish clothes for you to wear that’s more fitting. Most of your clothes and big girl undies are entirely too adult for you. Weshould be able to fill your undie drawer with cartoon and babyishundies so you can remember what a baby girl you are when you’repretending to be a big girl.”I felt overwhelmingly helpless andloved every minute of it. He forced the submission that I asked forand has pushed it beyond my comfort zone to something completely newand unexpected, something that I love even more… he’s pushed mythoughts and dug deep to discover what I need and what I want withouteven telling him.“That’s enough poking fun at the bigbaby. You go sit on your blankie and entertain yourself. I enjoywatching the little dolly being confined to her blanket, it’s veryentertaining.” he said as he took my shirt off and added, “Noshirts needed. You’re going to be a little diaper baby so that’s allyou get to wear tonight, just your diapers. You will learn that yourdiapers offer comfort, safety and security. They will also offer youa bare bottom blistering if you ever try to take them off yourself. You are not allowed to even touch your diapers because dumb littlebabies can’t be trusted..” he grabbed my chin and asked, “Who’smy dumb little desperate baby?”“I’m your dumb little desperate babySir.” I answered. He gave me a big bear hug andwhispered, “Who loves the little diaper baby?”with a smile, I replied, “ You doDaddy! You love the little diaper baby.”“I better find you out on yourblanket with that thumb exactly where it belongs or it’s going to bebig trouble little missy!” he said in his Daddy voice… With a pat on my diapered bottom, hemotioned for me to go to my blanket as I was told. The completelyhelpless feeling of toddling through the house in a flurry ofcrinkles with a pacifier between my lips was just too much to handle. My steps were slow because the thickness of the diaper between mylegs was providing just a little too much stimulation and I wasextremely wet and messy without even wetting my diapers yet. I’msuch a dirty little baby that deserves my diapers… I love it! -- source link
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