――同期がいない、カントリー・ガールズとの兼任など複雑な環境での加入というのも大きかったですよね。森戸知沙希「そうですね。もともとモーニング娘。が好きで12期オーディションを受けたけど落ちてしまったという過去があるので、うれしい気持ちと本当にそんな自分が入っちゃってもいいのかな?という不安みたいなものが両方ありました。そしてモーニング娘。には自分とデビュー時期が同じだったり、ハロー! プロジェクト歴は先輩だけどデビューは後輩にあたるメンバーなどが先にいたので、自分が入ることでグループの関係性をややこしくさせてしまったなとも思っていますし……。正直、こんな特殊なケースでの加入はもう誰も経験しなくていいと思います(笑)。でも全然個性が違う2つのグループを経験できたのは楽しかったし、それぞれにありがたみを感じることは多かったです。どうしてもできなくて焦っちゃう部分、おろそかになってしまう部分があった時も、それを補ってくれる心強いメンバーがどちらにもいることが本当にありがたくて。そしてカントリー・ガールズには当時私以外にも兼任メンバーが2人いたんですけど、彼女たちが『できない』と言わずに頑張っている姿を見ていると自分だけ弱音をはくことなんてできないなと思って頑張ることができました」― You joined Morning Musume alone, staying a member of Country Girls as well. Did that complicated situation trouble you?Morito Chisaki: Yes, I think so. I originally was a fan of Morning Musume and failed it’s 12th Gen member audition. That made me wonder if it’s really OK that such a failure join the band now, although I was glad at the same time. In the band, there’re some members who had made their debut in the same period as me, and some other members started their careers in Hello! Project (as trainee) earlier than me and made their debut later than me. So, probably my join brought some disorder to the hierarchy in the band. Honestly, I don’t want anybody to experience such an unusual case of join ever again. However, it’s interesting to be a member of the two bands having completely different characteristics, and I’ve appreciated it time and time again. I really appreciate the members of the both bands who are reliable and would cover me when I found something unmanageable and panicked or became careless. In those days there’re two other members of County Girls who also acted as a member of another band just like me. They never said “I can’t handle this” and hung in there. I think they’ve encouraged and helped me a lot to keep working hard like “How could I give up alone?”【モーニング娘。'22】森戸知沙希卒業記念インタビュー前編 ももち先輩から学んだ精神で乗り越えた怒涛の日々 -- source link
#morito chisaki#morning musume#country girls#hello project