anubianpagan:cisnowflake:bransrath:ad-hominem-sappies:iearthboy:ad-hominem-sappies:lastsonlost:lastsonlost:friendly-neighborhood-patriarch:lastsonlost:bel-cielo-invernale:lastsonlost:lastsonlost:the-rains-of-castamere:amarretto-cowboy:horchatamediana:amarretto-cowboy:horchatamediana:amarretto-cowboy:horchatamediana:If it is any level of “hard” for you to interact with women w/o being scared of sexual assault accusations you shouldn’t be around women period because you’re a fucking sick motherfucker. You should be stranded on an island with other perverted motherfuckers. Men or women. Period bitch. Yes. Because even a false and baseless accusation can completely derail someone’s life. Why should anyone be concerned about having their lives destroyed amirite?Homie the possibility of a woman lying to solely “destroy someone’s life” is so low, you sound mega stupid trying to be sarcastic. Stop thinking with your head up your ass, read statistics, and stop doing crack cause that’s what you making yourself out to be. A whole fucking crackhead. I’ve read the stats. It only takes one accusation to destroy someone’s life. Doesn’t matter how rare or common they are. What matters is that they happen and they do in fact ruin people’s lives.Fact.Youre such a fucking child it’s laughable, you extra cringe homeboy. I pray no one reproduces w you cause your DNA as a whole needs to end with you. Too late. Already married and had a son.@lastsonlost do your thing, bruh.All those links and it didn’t even post. Tumblr I hate you. Now it’s going to get triggering.How bad can a false accusation be?THIS BAD!Carl Sargeant got #metoo-ed my anonymous rumors it was practically kept in the dark the entire time.Timeline: The death of Carl SargeantA Swedish paper accused Benny Fredriksson of sexual misconduct that only was later proved to be unfounded and misleading. It was later even proven that one Swedish paper was deliberately looking for negative stories and when they couldn’t find any they lost interest.High-profile death prompts backlash against #MeToo in SwedenMan killed himself after false rape claim despite ‘texts proving sex was consensual’Student kills himself after being accused of rapeMother of son who hanged himself after being accused of rape commits suicide a year laterSource this kid was falsely accused in public at a women’s March because his accuser wanted to feel included.Trigger warning because now we’re going to get a little old school.I’m pretty sure a lot of folks in the notes don’t care about some white men kill themselves even if their lives were destroyed.So let’s look at the black folks who got their lives destroyed when they were wrongly or falsely accused.This is Brian Keith Banks You’re going to hear a lot about him and the coming weeks. In the summer of 2002, Banks was arrested and charged after classmate Wanetta Gibson falsely accused him of dragging her into a stairway at Polytechnic High School (Poly) and raping her. In March 2011, Gibson contacted Banks on Facebook! “SORRY I FALSELY ACCUSED YOU OF RAPE,MY BAD.” He was around sixteen when he went to prison and spent 10 years behind bars.This is the Central Park five Five Black and Hispanic boys between the ages of 14-16 were convicted of the 1989 assault and rape of Trisha Meili, a white woman who was jogging in New York’s Central Park, in a case that drew national headlines and outraged many in the city. They were convicted on the basis of coerced confessions and faulty scientific evidence. The convictions were vacated in 2002 when Matias Reyes, a convicted rapist and murderer serving a life sentence for other crimes, confessed to committing the crime alone and DNA evidence confirmed his involvement in the rape. Clarence Moses-EL,did 28 years in prison for a sexual assault conviction. Moses-EL was charged with rape in 1987. Initially, the rape victim named the three men she had been drinking with as her possible attackers. Then, a day and a half later, she dreamed that her neighbor, Clarence Moses-EL, was the attacker. She told the police, and they arrested him. The three men she first named were never investigated. There was no physical evidence linking Moses-EL to the crime.The dream was the only piece of “evidence” offered against him. LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN! The DREAM was the only ONLY PIECE OF “EVIDENCE” offered against him !!! The FUCKING DREAM was the only ONLY PIECE OF “EVIDENCE” offered against him !!!Mr McKinney was issued just $75 to start his life over after being wrongfully imprisoned for 31 years.Man who was wrongly imprisoned for 31 years gets $75 in compensationDarnell PhillipsVirginia Beach man spent 27 years in prison for rape. Now his accuser says he is innocent.Three people testified that he was asleep at home when the rape occurred. The fingerprints at the scene were not a match.He is several inches shorter than the sole witness’s description of the suspect and the witness didn’t point to him as the suspect in two photo line ups.But he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for a 1982 rape and stabbing.Thirty six years later, Archie Williams had his wrongful conviction vacated.Man exonerated over wrongful rape conviction after 36 years in prisonJohnny Williams Exonerated: 14 Years Later, Attempted Rape Convict Cleared In California.Attempted Rape Convict Exonerated After 14 YearsFor them to be so rare they happened pretty consistently. Honestly I could go all night but I have other things to do.So I’m going to pass this off to my tag team brother @brett-caton and hope to God this post loads this time.But I think the thing that kills me most about this post is the grossly out of touch “stop being a baby response.”Forget everything I just posted. I have a simple question for everybody.How many people here have no problem serving time in prison?Who is okay with that?One of my sister in laws is always accusing male friends and guests of trying to do something with her. Kissing, flirting, staring…you name it. Doesn’t matter if they were never alone with her and everyone saw what went down (which is almost always the guy waving at her or, god forbid, saying “hi”. She blamed her mom’s bf of trying to lean in and kiss her (she hated him before the “incident” go figure) when all he said to her was “hey” and they were never even within five feet of each other. She was flirting with a friend at a wedding and when we told the friend that she wasn’t quite 18 yet and she loves to accuse men of rape he spent the rest of the wedding running away from her…she literally followed him around wherever he went completely disrespecting his wishes to be left alone. She left school grounds to go have sex with her bf and when she got caught she tried to say that she was kidnapped and raped until authorities told her what they saw on camera…only then did she fess up. She is just one of many that abuse the system and I hate it as much as anyone else. Her brothers are scared to death to be left alone anywhere with her because she’ll claim that they raped her. To the women who do abuse this system, you are not only hurting the men that are innocent, you are also hurting real victims of abuse. You are cheapening their very real and awful experiences and accounts in the eyes of people who have the ability to help them.Jesus H Christ. How much of your family knows of her fuckary. Normally I would say avoid her at all costs however it seems like normally has that option. Also it would appear that avoiding her only makes things worse.Now granted I’ll be the first person to say that I’m making judgements from the outside looking in. However I do know from experience that abusive people rarely stop themselves because they rarely see anything wrong with their behavior.From what I can tell this needs help for y'all sake. No offense but she sounds like another Jemma Beale.‘Attention-seeking’ Jemma Beale jailed for 10 yearsFor those who don’t know who Jemma Beale is, here’s a cliff notes.Jemma Beale made false rape and sexual assault claims against 15 victims.( the ones we know of)She claimed said she was a lesbian since the age of 10 with ‘no interest’ in men.Victim Mahad Cassim had sex with her after night out but was jailed for rape.Another man was charged for a sex attack and fled country with life his in tatters.Beale would even injure herself and use self-inflicted cuts and bruises as proof.She has been jailed for a decade by a judge at Southwark Crown Court.Also I might add the fact does she was even convicted a tall is the real rarity and that goes double considering that this happened in the UK.Breana Harmon Talbott made a wild hoax that three black men kidnapped and raped her in both the media and local law enforcement jumped jumped to believe her.‘Hoax’: Texas teen made up widely publicized story of being kidnapped, raped by 3 black men, police sayNow I don’t like bringing race into things but you have no idea how fucking dangers that is. That kid gave every local want to be skinhead the white Justice wet dream that they have been waiting for.However do you know what happened when she finally had her day in court?Woman Who Falsely Accused Three Black Men Of Rape To Receive No Jail TimeI swear to God we almost have Rosewood 2.0 and she received no jail time. don’t you know the standard response by now?flapping around bloated statistics saying men are more likely the perpetrators.And those men who WERE victimized? you know the answerCOLLATERAL DAMAGEAnd they say exact words.But of course then there mask slips off. But hey if they’re okay with this that’s their business. Also before anyone says that race was only the fuel for the fire. A false rape accusation was the catalyst that started the fire.let’s hear it for the citizens of Rosewood who had the entire town burnt to the ground all because of a lie.Started when a black Rosewood resident was lynched because of unsupported accusations that a white woman in nearby Sumner had been beaten and possibly raped by a black drifter. When the town’s black citizens rallied together to defend themselves against further attacks, a mob of several hundred whites combed the countryside hunting for black people, and burned almost every structure in Rosewood! let’s hear it for Robin Stacy who didn’t have it that bad he was just lynched.Reuben Stacy, a 37-year-old black man, hangs from a tree on Old Davie Road in Fort Lauderdale, blood trickling down his body and dripping off his toes. Behind him, a white girl, about 7 years old, looks on, a strange smile on her face as she takes in the sight of the “strange fruit” her elders had just created that hot day in July 1935.Stacy was accused of attempting to assault a white woman in her home after first asking for a glass of water. According to a 1993 telling of the story, he was arrested three days later 25 miles from the scene. But no trial was ever conducted, and mere hours after his arrest, Stacy was hanged and shot.The infamous photograph of Stacy’s death might be one of the few visual accounts of a lynching in Florida, but a new report from the Equal Justice Initiative about lynching across the American South reminds us that the Sunshine State was among the most brutal in the country when it come to race-fueled executions of black people. Per capita, Floridians lynched at a higher rate than any other state.WILLIE BROWNthe story of a black man who was hung,had his lifeless corpse dragged through the street and set on fire to the cheers of the Omaha citizens all for a false rape accusation.“Sensationalized local media” reports of the alleged rape of 19-year-old Agnes Loebeck on September 25, 1919 triggered the violence associate with Will Brown’s lynching. The following day, police arrested 41-year-old Will Brown as a suspect. Loebeck identified Brown as her rapist, although later reports by the Omaha Police Department and the United States Armystated that she had not made a positive identification. There was an unsuccessful attempt to lynch Brown on the day of his arrest.The Omaha Bee, which published a series of sensational articles alleging many incidents of black outrages, publicized the incident as one of a series of alleged attacks on white women by black men.A political machine opposed to the newly elected reform administration of Mayor Smith controlled the Omaha Bee. It highlighted alleged incidents of “black criminality” to embarrass the new administration. more hereThey burned him alive in an iron cage, and as he screamed and writhed in the agony of hell they made a sport of his death!!His name was Jesse Washington.Here is the photograph. Take a good look at Jesse Washington’s stiffened body tied to the tree. He had been sentenced to death for the murder of a white woman. No witnesses saw the crime; he allegedly confessed but the truth of the allegations would never be tested. The grand jury took just four minutes to return a guilty verdict, but there was no appeal, no review, no prison time. Instead, a courtroom mob dragged him outside, pinned him to the ground, and cut off his testicles. A bonfire was quickly built and lit. For two hours, Jesse Washington — alive — was raised and lowered over the flames. Again and again and again. City officials and police stood by, approvingly. According to some estimates, the crowd grew to as many as 15,000. There were taunts, cheers and laughter. Reporters described hearing “shouts of delight.”When the flames died away, Washington’s body was torn apart and the pieces were sold as souvenirs!! more thereThe 1920 Duluth Lynching began much like the Marion Lynching - a girl, 19 year old Irene Tusken and her man, 18 year old James Sullivan claiming rape and assault against six black laborers in the James Robinson Circus. Though a physician’s inspection of Tusken showed no sign of rape or assault, rumors began to spread throughout the town that Tusken had died from the incident. The six men said to be responsible were imprisoned in the Duluth city jail in the local police station. Thousands of whites gathered outside, armed to the teeth, pelting the facade of the jail and took six men, including Elias Clayton, Elmer Jackson, and Isaac McGhie. Not a shot was fired by police, who had been ordered not to resist.A false trial was held for the six men, and Clayton, Jackson, and McGhie were found guilty by the mob of raping Irene Tusken. They were then beaten and hung on a lamp post in the main thoroughfare of the town; the mob thereafter dispersed. The men in the mob believed to be responsible for the killings either slipped through the fingers of authorities or were acquitted by sympathetic juries; ultimately, the only resulting convictions were related to charges of rioting. more hereThomas Shipp and Abram Smith were African American men who were lynched on August 7, 1930, in Marion, Indiana, after being taken from jail and beaten by a mob. They had been arrested that night as suspects in a robbery, murder and rape case. A third African American suspect, more hereNot seen in the picture above is James Herbert Cameron the third boy to be lynched. HE MIRACULOUSLY SURVIVED!!On Aug. 7, 1930, 16-year-old Cameron and two older teenage friends, Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith were arrested and accused of murder, robbery and rape. A whyte couple was parked in a lovers lane when the trio came upon them and one of the group suggested robbing the couple. Cameron later said he changed his mind and ran away before the man, Claude Deeter, 23, was fatally shot. The woman later denied being raped. The three were caught quickly and arrested and charged the same night.A lynch mob broke into the jail where Cameron and his two friends were being held. According to Cameron’s own account, the two older boys were taken out first, beaten and lynched by a mob of 12,000-15,000 at the Grant County Courthouse Square. Shipp was taken out and beaten, hanged from the bars of his jail window; Smith was dead from beating before the mob hanged both the boys from a tree in the square. The bodies of these two men, Tom Shipp, 18, and Abraham Smith, 19, hanging from a tree is depicted in a famous and disturbing photograph.People can call me anything you want as long as it’s not the defendants. No matter what said it does not change the fact that this is the shit that’s being endorsed. The minute you can dump the unjust punishment and death of one innocent life you can donate them all.Forgot oneEmmett Till. His false accuser lived a nice long life and never seen one day of jail.Never forget Emmett Till.Especially since we almost had another Emmett Till.HIS NAME IS JEREMIAH HARVEY AND WHAT HE WENT THROUGH IS THE FAULT OF EVERYONE RIDING THIS METOO WITCH HUNT. “BUT FALSE ACCUSATIONS ARE RARE AND DON’T HURT ANYONE.”A GROWN-ASS MOTHERFUKING WOMAN ACCUSED A NINE-YEAR-OLD OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT. WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR MINE AT WHERE YOU THINK A NINE-YEAR-OLD WANTS A PIECE OF YOU?I honestly think God that this kid was not at least 14 or 15 otherwise this child would be in prison right now. I am not even being facetious right now because Brian Banks was WRONGLY CONVICTED and sent to prison when he was around 16 YEARS OLD!But go on with this “yes all men” - “teach boys not to rape mentality”. If things went as bad as they could have, this child’s blood would have been on the hands of everybody in the notes following behind OP.SOURCE‘I felt humiliated’: 9-year-old boy in ‘Cornerstore Caroline’ video speaks out‘I don’t forgive this woman’: Black boy wrongly accused of grabbing white womanNOW GO AND BLOCK THAT.It’s intresting they don’t mention him anymore. I wonder why.BtfoIt just blows my mind that so many feminists think women are like these ethereal creatures that would never lie to hurt somebody else or better their own position. Part of “gender equality” should be understanding that men and women are equally capable of being awful, but feminists never really gave a shit about equality anyway.It’s their eternal victim narrative, how else can they garner more and more power and rights to enslave men to their ideology? They gotta play up how somehow, the more rights and privileges they have, the less they have and more victimized they are…almost like it’s a cheap political ploy, a delusion, a lie, a smokescreen……but then again to feminists, men aren’t people and so they don’t count.Feminism as an institution can achieve anything except obsolescence. -- source link
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