206t:grimoireandfaeries:deedeecontroversy:justwantobehere:intheindigo:akfangirlindisguise:thefreckledavantgardegoober:mysticmisfit89:Meanwhile, in prehistoric Canada…..No no, you don’t understand, moose really do get that big. Take it from a Canadian. I’ve seen that bullshit in person. Scary as all heck.I live in Alaska and this exists. Trust me. It exists.I thought this was one of the optical illusion camera trick thingies. I saw one when I was canoeing it was amazing, they are really this huge.:)They’re like North America’s version of elephants @_____@I MISS THIS SO MUCH. When I was a child and I went to Maine to go camping for a few weeks every year, this was such a common sight but it was always awesome. It never got old. Do you know how cool it is to HAVE TO STOP YOUR CAR BECAUSE AN 8 FEET MOOSE IS CROSSING THE STREETWhat The Fuck is This -- source link