robotsquid: xmiox: Stencil HOMESTUCK T-shirt I made from a frame of the -[S] Wake- Flash. This took

robotsquid: xmiox: Stencil HOMESTUCK T-shirt I made from a frame of the -[S] Wake- Flash. This took
robotsquid: xmiox: Stencil HOMESTUCK T-shirt I made from a frame of the -[S] Wake- Flash. This took
robotsquid: xmiox: Stencil HOMESTUCK T-shirt I made from a frame of the -[S] Wake- Flash. This took
robotsquid: xmiox: Stencil HOMESTUCK T-shirt I made from a frame of the -[S] Wake- Flash. This took
robotsquid: xmiox: Stencil HOMESTUCK T-shirt I made from a frame of the -[S] Wake- Flash. This took