fatphobiabusters:(In reference to this post.) This is so typical of angry thin people…&n
fatphobiabusters:(In reference to this post.) This is so typical of angry thin people… I’m going to go point by point. Bear with me, here.1. “In what world do you live in that the fat acceptance movement is that little text?” First of all, the post was about body positivity in general, not just the fat acceptance movement.Second, you’re right that the fat acceptance movement is more than just some small amount of text. But our message can be summed up with those words. Our goal is to make it so people of any size, shape, and level of health is treated with respect. Obviously, it’s more complicated and in depth than that, and how we go about it requires more steps than just saying “yay body positivity!!!” But that isn’t really the point.The point of the original post was to show the hypocrisy and the lack of congruence in the Body Positivity world. When a thin person says something about body positivity, there is a general agreement with the sentiment. But fat people say the same thing and get attacked, shot down, and harassed. That isn’t something I have made up, but is the real experience of a lot of fat people in the body positive movement, which is why a lot of fat people feel unsafe in the movement.You can read more about that here: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/149969600003/just-so-you-know-i-am-not-body-positiveAnd here:http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150082686123/people-experience-and-celebrate-body-positivityThe point is that everyone treats thin people and fat people differently, and it’s gross that thin people don’t see how hard we as fat people have it, because we really do have it hard. Not because we are fat, but because of how fatphobia affects us. Also, it seems you greatly misunderstand what fat activists are saying when we call out fatphobia. We are just asking people to not hate fat people because that hate is hurtful to people of all sizes. And ending fatphobia could benefit a lot of people who aren’t fat. It’s been scientifically proven that fat acceptance makes people healthier. I would take some time to educate yourself on the fat acceptance movement. It’s obvious you don’t understand it. See if this helps: http://bigfatscience.tumblr.com/post/150105163930/what-fat-acceptance-really-means2. “Sending death threats for drawing fat characters thing…” Um, receipts please? Look, I have never seen anyone be attacked for drawing someone thin. However, I have seen people make legitimate criticisms of about why it is wrong to draw a fat character thin. http://keepursulafat.tumblr.com/post/132119710128/hi-um-could-you-help-me-i-know-that-skinny-fyinghttp://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/148772199268/mmd-hell-and-heaven-ewnoundertaleThose are just a few examples, but you can certainly do research on that point yourself.3. “Suing airlines because they were too fat…”The problem isn’t our size. The problem is that airlines charge people who are fat twice as much as thin people for the same seats, even if the fat people fit into the seat perfectly fine. They also don’t make seats that are comfortable for fat people, just like hospitals don’t have equipment for fat people, even though they are more than capable of doing that. Plus, people on airlines can be rude to fat people, including the staff. If you actually read about these cases, you would know the problem isn’t the fat person who is suing, but the airline themselves.http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/fat-fly-passenger-sues-southwest-airlines-discriminatory-actions/story?id=16271932Quote: Tiggeman, who lives in New Orleans and blogs about weight loss on her website, AllTheWeigh.com, filed an injunction against Southwest in district court on April 20, alleging that the Southwest agents “did not follow their company policy and chose to discriminate, humiliate and embarrass” her in front of “airport onlookers,” and that the airline uses “discriminatory actions … toward obese customers.” And FYI, there was a case of a thin man suing an airline for $6000 because he was forced to sit by a fat man who didn’t fit comfortably in his seat:http://distractify.com/trending/2016/09/23/man-sues-airline-sat-next-to-fat-manSo are you honestly sure that fat people are the problem? Because thin people sue airlines too!4. “Demanding door sizes be made bigger…”And what is wrong with that exactly? Isn’t accessibility a human right?5. “Accusing doctors of fat shaming…”*clears throat* Excuse me but:http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/149587434308/not-all-fat-people-are-sick-indeed-the-fact-thathttp://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/148712635973/normalizefatbodies-what-most-people-think-fathttp://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/148114956113/ledarosignal-i-love-how-doctors-tell-fathttp://thisisthinprivilege.org/post/150370444556/youre-the-first-doctor-to-actually-touch-me-in-17http://thisisthinprivilege.org/post/150361300220/what-its-like-going-to-the-doctor-as-a-fathttp://thisisthinprivilege.org/post/150053726815/nhs-to-save-on-costs-by-refusing-surgery-onhttp://thisisthinprivilege.org/post/149947591506/decision-to-deny-surgery-to-obese-patients-is-likehttp://thisisthinprivilege.org/post/148803526958/thin-privilege-is-not-feeling-the-need-to-dresshttp://bigfatscience.tumblr.com/post/151129621045/in-tv-a-doctor-said-overweight-is-an-indicator-forhttp://bigfatscience.tumblr.com/post/150777153280/afatblackfairy-bigfatscience-well-i-myhttp://bigfatscience.tumblr.com/post/150759861505/i-saw-the-anon-who-asked-about-weight-vs-cancerhttp://bigfatscience.tumblr.com/post/150328622515/i-know-this-isnt-quite-your-field-but-i-had-tohttp://bigfatscience.tumblr.com/post/150127957000/im-fat-and-i-have-a-restrictive-eating-disorder*sarcasm* But, sure, let’s pretend it’s us, the patients, who are out of line. *end sarcasm*6. “Demonizing men who find thin women more attractive…”Actually, we don’t demonize them. WE don’t give a damn if they don’t want to fuck us. We aren’t saying people automatically have to want us or have to start dating us. We are just asking people not to be fatphobic dicks. That’s it. It’s that simple. You misunderstanding that is not our problem.Besides, we also have a huge problem with people who have fat fetishes, so it really isn’t about us wanting people to be attracted to us.Please do some reading on this too:http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150928455841/on-being-fat-and-beautifulhttp://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150567533608/why-do-you-hate-bbw-and-fat-fetishists-why-sohttp://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150479898878/mellthevirgo-fatphobiabustershttp://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/149910174108/theres-a-difference-between-feedism-fathttp://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/149897637858/user-submission-how-i-became-a-fat-acceptancehttp://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/149967790698/bodylovecakesandfeminsim-kristineirl-fatAnd, lastly, I have something to say:You really don’t think thin people attack fat people for speaking out against fatphobia? Or just being fat in general? Then what is this: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150877120468/obesity-shouldnt-be-praised-its-fucking-hazard-toOr this: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150871723953/youre-going-to-die-an-early-death-i-promise-ifOr this: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150871108113/fat-people-are-ugly-and-dont-deserve-to-liveOr this: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150840576808/please-tell-me-this-blog-is-an-joke-and-you-guysOr this: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150840213348/do-you-actually-believe-its-healthy-to-be-300ThIs: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/151201369248/bodyposxfeminist-calispaniardThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150637107888/you-cannot-be-fat-and-healthy-delete-tumblr-andThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150623667913/do-you-realize-that-being-fat-isnt-always-good-iThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150578120318/bilt2tumble-peachyfat-littlecthulhuThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150568776398/bodyposxfeminist-bodyposxfeminist-fit2k17This: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150567867398/red3blog-afattieandhercats-brattyfattyThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150523264813/whatbigotspost-veganmort-said-asshole-onThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150522788508/people-are-furious-at-aeries-cruel-april-foolsThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150522748678/this-is-life-actually-comedian-mike-favermanThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150480406748/interstellarspider-fatphobiabusters-this-isThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150475783493/the-fat-anon-here-you-know-the-worst-part-aboutThis: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150474774608/forcing-fat-acceptance-on-people-is-not-onlyOr this: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150473154703/wildheartsfox-burnthemfattiesHow about the fact people make blogs dedicated to attacking fat people like this: http://fatphobiabusters.tumblr.com/post/150569872933/image-description-a-blog-description-and-blogAnd these are all just mild examples. There are plenty we haven’t posted because they are too horrific and triggering, especially for people who might have mental health issues.You want to talk death and rape threats? Our blog has gotten messages from Nazis, and I literally mean Nazis, making threats on our lives. I have gotten more of that than I can count. I’ve had people send me gore and porn and rape threats, I’ve had people suicide bait me, I’ve had people physically attack me in real life just because they hate me for being fat. You haven’t experienced shit. The fat acceptance movement has done nothing to you. Thin people are privileged, even when they have a shitty life, even when they are oppressed in other areas, etc. Yet thin people act like victims when a fat person has the nerve to love themselves.Quite frankly, I am sick of it.-V -- source link
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