I can hear them everywhere. The clicking of stilettos is deafening as they echo around the otherwise
I can hear them everywhere. The clicking of stilettos is deafening as they echo around the otherwise silent halls. None of us were wearing heels when we got here, not that it matters. After seeing what he did to Stephanie, I’m sure conjuring up some plastic platform heels is child’s play for him.A tittering giggle sends a chill down my spine, but I can’t seem to tell where it’s coming from. What the hell is going on? Why is this happening to us? Why is he doing this?The once-comfortable and safe halls of the University have become my own personal nightmarish hell. What was supposed to be a regular late night lab session with the group has taken on a tone too sinister to handle. From under the desk where I’m hiding, it’s impossible to even remember how it all started.Alicia had left the lab to use the washroom pretty early in the night and she never came back. I don’t know when the first of us noticed that she was missing: we had been pretty enthralled with our work. We just suddenly realized that she hadn’t come back, and when she didn’t answer her phone or respond to our texts, we all became a little worried.Our imaginations started running wild as we tried to consider what had happened to our peer. The school had always felt safe, even at night, but in the wake of a missing friend, the ominous darkness set our minds on fire. We decided, as a group, to go look for her. The bathroom wasn’t too far away, but we wanted to have the strength in numbers just in case there was someone dangerous on campus. In retrospect, I wish it was just that.It wasn’t until we checked the empty bathroom and left to go search for Alicia that we first noticed him. Standing in the middle of the hall, he still managed to be obscured by shadows, and accompanying him was a busty blonde bombshell with the most infuriating giggle. While it was hard, no… impossible, to make out any details of the man, her trashy and skimpy outfit was clear as day. The pink nearly hurt my eyes.Even though we couldn’t see him, it was still clear that he was facing us. Watching us.“H-hey!” called out Stephanie, “We’re looking for our friend! A mousy girl with brown hair, have you seen her?” His responding silence was deafening and was only emphasized by the giggle of his arm candy.We looked at each other with a mixture or confusion, fear, and anger and looked back to the duo. Were- did they somehow get closer?“Hello?” asked Maddie with a wave of her arm. Again, there was no active response. This made Stephanie’s rage boil over.“Hey!” yelled out the hot-headed brunette as she started stomping forward, “We’re talking to you! Have you seen our friend? It’s an easy fuckin que-” It was in the middle of her rant, that Stephanie just froze. She was only a couple of metres away from the couple, but seemingly frozen in place. I think at this point we were all confused and we started tentatively approaching the girl.What happened next will haunt me for the rest of my life… if I manage to make it out of here as myself. Stephanie turned on the spot, but she was still frozen. It was more like somebody grabbed her from above and turned her like a top. She turned to face us, and nothing could have prepared us for the horror. Plastered on her face was a wide eyed, toothy smile. It was like something out of a horror movie.Then the man moved for the first time: he raised an outstretched arm to chest height and snapped his fingers. Stephanie levitated into the air, still with the same terrifying smile. We wanted to rush over and pull her down, we wanted to be able to get her out of there, but none of us could move.Her brown hair started moving as well. It moved above her head as if she was in a giant electrical field. It wasn’t easy to notice at first, but it soon became obvious that her hair was actually changing. Starting from the tips, it was like the colour started to drain from them. We watched in absolute shock as inch-by-inch her beautiful brown hair took on a platinum blonde shade.To be honest, it probably distracted me from everything else that happened, and it wasn’t until her clothing literally exploded from her body with a deafening bang that I realized her hair wasn’t the only thing to change. Where before Stephanie had a fairly slim and athletic build, the creature before us looked like she was designed to be a walking wet dream.Great, gravity-defying cantaloupes adorned her chest, bringing in a perfect symmetry to her curvaceous hips and ass. Everything was accentuated by an impossibly tiny, wasp-thin waist. I hardly had time to take it all in before she started descending once again. Her bare feet delicately touched the ground, and her body finally reanimated.Framed by a halo of platinum locks, Stephanie looked around with wide eyes and incredibly slutty makeup. It didn’t even look like she recognized that we were present. She looked down at her chest and slowly grabbed her globes with perfectly manicured hands.It was Tanis who broke the silence, “Steph, are you OK?” Nothing could prepare us for what followed.The naked vixen looked up at us, this time with a silly, dopey smile across her face and just giggled. It was then that we noticed that the duo had moved again. He was right beside her with his hand on her perfect bubble butt.I don’t know who ran first, but it didn’t take long for everyone to decide to get out of there. I don’t even know how we all separated, but I soon found myself alone, trying desperately to find somewhere to hide.I’ve been scurrying from hiding spot to hiding spot ever since, trying all of the exits and finding them all inexplicably locked. From the sounds of it, he’s found at least a couple more of my partners. It’s probably just a matter of time before he finds me too. I just hope I can make it until dawn, until people start arriving at school and I can find my salvation.I should probably move soon. It sounds like I have an opportunity. I can still hear the clicking and the giggling, but it’s faint right now. There’s a garbage can that I can hide behind just down the hall. It’ll bring me so much closer to an untested exit.I peek my head out from under the desk and look around. There’s no one around. If I’m quiet and quick, I can definitely make it. I make one more cursory glance and bolt from my protection. Without looking back, and silently carried by my chucks, I make it across the hall and to my new shelter.There’s nothing between me and the exit, so I only have to make sure I’m hidden from the other direction. As I catch my breath, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Something feels off. I’m not sure if it’s just my mind playing tricks on me or if…No, something is definitely wrong. Something is so terribly wrong. I strain my ears and hear nothing. Nothing. Dead silence. Where just five minutes ago, the giggling sent chills down my spine, now I would give anything to have them back.Slowly, I turn to face the garbage can so I can look over it. I start to raise my head, holding my breath the whole time. I let out a blood curdling scream. There, three metres away, are four perfectly blonde bimbos. Facing me. Smiling.In the wake of my scream, the hall fills with their titters and giggles. I stare, horrified, at the four women watching me. Their perfectly made up faces smiling at me and giggling, causing their big bouncing breasts to jiggle under their respective tops, each more slutty than the last.But wait, where is he? He’s not in the shadows behind them. He’s not…I feel a breath on the back of my neck. Instantly I freeze. My body moves and turns me to face my stalker. Even inches away, I can’t make out any details, except for thin lips curled into a daunting sneer. My body hovers slightly, until my face is level with his. He chuckles, and blows a single, putrid puff of air into my face.I’m taken back by it, but I can’t move. My body doesn’t even flinch. All I can do is stare as he retreats and evaporates into the darkness.It’s over. I know it. I can feel my body changing. I can’t move my head, but I so desperately want to see what’s happening. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a lock of my curly red hair. As if it is its own creature, it slithers and straightens out. But worst of all, the colour starts to bleed away. I watch in terror as it takes on the same platinum blonde shade as the cackling quartet behind me.I can feel my shirt start to strain against my chest. I feel like it should hurt, but instead all I feel is pleasure. I take notice again of my blonde hair. I can’t even see any …um… red anymore, it’s just, like, completely blonde. My lips feel like they’re pushing forward and I can see them move at the bottom of my periph-periph-per…at the bottom of my view.My belt creaks and groans as my new curvy hips fill in, and I can even hear it above the melodic chorus of giggles behind me. With a bang, my clothes, like, fly off, just like Stephy’s! My titanic titties are free and they feel, like, so good! I see the walls raise as I lower to the ground. I touch the floor with platform heels. They feel totally perfect on my feet!It’s completely …um… silent and I notice I can, like, move again! Oh my god! My boobies are so hot! And they feel so good to squeeze. I hear a cute giggle behind me, and I look at my totally hot friends. We all break out into a fit of giggles. It’s just so much fun!Mmm… I wonder what Tanis is going to look like! We should try to find her! -- source link
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#caption#transformation#mind control