fromrussiawithcrime:fromrussiawithcrime:fromrussiawithcrime:fromrussiawithcrime:fromrussiawithcrime:16 September,2018, Petrozavodsk, Karelia. 28-year-old Anton Ipatov attempted to kill hisfemale acquaintance by stabbing her witha knife and choking her. When shefinally got a chance to escape she called ambulance and police and told them who attacked her. For unknown reason policedecided not to arrest Anton even though they knew for sure where they can findhim. 19 September,2018. Anton Ipatov called taxi and askedthe driver to take him to a hunting shop where he purchaseda knife. When the taxi driver asked him why he needs a knife, Ipatov respondedthat his sister has been raped and he wants to revenge for her. A few hourslater Anton attacked 20-year-old Lyudmila Serebryakova (second picture) on the street,repeatedly stabbing her to death. 20 September, 2018. Anton Ipatov attacked 27-year-old Alexandra Trifonova (third picture)in the city center. Just as Lyudmila Serebryakova, she was repeatedly stabbed and didn’t survive. Petrozavodsk citizens were horrified by two murders in just two days. Police refusedto give any comments on the situation and the city began to fill withrumors of more than two bodies found that terrified people even more. 21 September, 2018. Police finally broke their silent mode and informed people that 28-year-old Anton Ipatov has been arrested. Anton Ipatov committed his firstcrime in 8th grade when he stabbed a female classmate. No criminalcase has been opened back then. In 2009, Ipatov stabbed a woman in the neck,and once again he got away with it. The girl that Anton attacked on 16 September was his 16-year-old neighbor. Anton was in love with her, however when he professed his feelings to her she rejected him. He tried to stab her in the heart, but instead injured her lung. After that he was holding her hostage in his apartment for 24 hours. When she regained consciousness, Anton told her “I resurrectedyou”. He stated to the police that the rejection was the reason behind his murder spree.Anton Ipatov claims that on 20 September of 2018, he also killed a homeless man. He said that he disposed the body in a river, however, investigators are not sure if the murder really happened or Ipatov is just seeking attention. Police searched the river two times and wasn’t able to find the body. Turns out that on10 June, 2018, Anton Ipatov attacked his male acquaintance and broke the base of his skull.A criminal case has been opened only on 10 September, 2018, but even then policedid not arrest him. On 13 November of 2018, a criminal case has been openedagainst the police officers that did not investigate this case and didn’t preventthe murders that Ipatov committed later. They are facing up to 7 years of imprisonment. Meanwhile, Anton Ipatov confessed that he would kill more people if police wouldn’t stop him. “I willnever be able to fully pay for what I did because human life is priceless”,said Anton Ipatov when the judge offered him last opportunity to make astatement at the end of his trial. He also addressed the victims’ families,saying to them that he realizes what kind of horror they had to endure becauseof him. AntonIpatov also explained that at the time of the crime, he has been drinkingheavily, and it impacted his judgement. He believes that detectives didn’t takethis fact into account during the investigation.He askedfor “any sentence except life sentence”. Ipatov argued that life sentence wouldprevent him from paying monetary compensation to the victims’ family and thathe wants to be able to spend the last years of his life on the outside, withhis family.The judgewill announce the verdict on the 3rd December,2019. On 3 December, 2019, Anton Ipatovwas sentenced to life imprisonment. He is the first person who received such sentence in the last 10 years and the third person ever sentenced to life in the Republic of Karelia. Since there are no prisons for lifers on the republic’s territory, Anton Ipatovwill likely serve his sentence in a prison for lifers called VologodskiyPyatak, also known as Russian Alcatraz. -- source link
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