dairyisntscary: sebbysheepie: graycrayon: warning-ihaveopnions: wolfthedragon: salty-vegan: wolfthed
dairyisntscary:sebbysheepie:graycrayon:warning-ihaveopnions:wolfthedragon:salty-vegan:wolfthedragon:salty-vegan:wolfthedragon:salty-vegan:wolfthedragon:salty-vegan:Those same animals eat other animals.It’s nature Bitch. They’re natural predators that need to hunt to surviveWe’re humans with developed senses of morality that go to the store to buy pre killed and cut meat when we could easily notThere’s no fucking comparison hereSome humans go hunting for food?? In fact we had to hunt long ago to substain ourselves. It just has gotten easier because we developed more as a species. And that makes it morally justifiable in this day and age, how exactly?Apart from completely isolated people living in small villages who may still rely on hunting to survive, humans have absolutely 0 need to kill animals.Yeah there is. It taste good and my doctor actually told me to eat more red meat cause im anemic.Yeah okay. Hate to break it to you but your taste preferences don’t make things morally acceptable. And medical conditions wouldn’t matter if you really gave a shit about animals; anemic vegans exist and they get plenty of iron without killing animals. I’m not going to be vegan. Not interested. I noticed the posts been deleted, but I still want to address this because that Is just a really fucked up thing to say. Medical reasons DO very much matter and this is some ableist shit if I’ve ever seen it. Im fully aware that anemic vegans exists, but not all anemia is the same. Some is due to a minor deficiency in iron which is easily fixed with suppliments.Others, like mine, are much more complicated. I’m a genetic carrier of a kind that can cause or worsen b12 deficiencies. If I’m not careful with my diet I suffer. A lot. I’ve already experienced audio-visual hallucinations (may also have been caused by anxiety though), chronic fatigue, loss of taste, muscle weakness so bad I couldn’t even turn over in bed without my limbs burning and feeling like I’ve run a marathon. If I’d gotten any worse I would have experienced permanent nerve damage. And I’m a lucky one. I have family members that lost their children at birth and others that need monthly blood transfusions to live on a normal diet. I cannot sustain myself on a vegan diet without putting myself at risk of destroying myself. Vegan b12 supplements are not common. As far as I know only 1 exists, and its unavailable to me. Not to mention that the b12 found in plants is much harder for humans to absorb in the first place.I nearly lost the entirety of my wellbeing because I thought I could take shortcuts in my diet. Not even trying to go vegan. I was just trying to sustain myself with TV dinners and reheated fast food because that was all I could afford.There are several others in similar situations. And you tell us that our lives are worth less than animals’ who are very well taken care of if you actually know anything about agriculture and welfare standards. Farmers will call in a vet the second their stock so much as sniffles, but will refuse to go to the hospital about a broken leg for MONTHS so that they can save money to help pay for vet bills. Pleanty of livestock is better taken care of than most pets.Tldr: I was told by medical professionals that if I dont eat meat I’ll die, after I started eating slightly less meat and nearly died. But that doesnt matter because save the animals that are treated better than the majority of the working middle class.Hunting is fundamentally human and it absolutely has a place in the “developed” world in this day and age, not just in isolated pockets. If you exist in a place where industry and urban sprawl are actively encroaching on natural ecosystems you have hunters to thank for preserving those habitats, in both the active population control sense and the monetary sense. The same way you have animal ag and beekeeping to thank for sustaining the produce you eat. Sustainable agriculture means providing what everyone needs to be healthy while taking into account the longevity of our planet. If your version of sustainability doesn’t include animal ag then you’re not only an ableist, you’re doing yourself dirty by suggesting that we switch to an entirely plant-based monoculture, which is not possible. Hold on one second here. You say. “Hate to break it to you but your taste preferences don’t make things morally acceptable. And medical conditions wouldn’t matter if you really gave a shit about animals; anemic vegans exist and they get plenty of iron without killing animals. “. Taste preferences and medical conditions are two different things. You also are saying it’s better for someone to be sick and die over eating an animal? Please tell me you’ve never needed a blood transfusion because your taking something that’s not yours. Anemic vegans exist and that’s telling you they lack and are not getting better. Maybeee it’s the diet? But you think you should try and use them as a good example? Here’s my sick vegan friend. She can’t do much and she’s always weak cold and tired but she lives her life without eating a cow! Sure it might help but if she tries to help herself she’ll be shunned by the rest of the vegan community and belittled because cows are better then her quality of life. Fuck ppls health amirite XD -- source link
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