rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between

rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between
rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between
rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between
rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between
rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between
rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between
rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between
rosequart: Rose and I talked about tons of important stuff. Music, comic books, getting sand between