katypotterhead7: desukelove: colinmorgay: 1x13 / 5x13 But seriously though, do you realise that that
katypotterhead7: desukelove: colinmorgay: 1x13 / 5x13 But seriously though, do you realise that that is the most fucking beautiful thing you could say to a person? He’s basically telling Merlin he is perfect just the way he is and he wouldn’t want him any other way. He doesn’t care if he’s clumsy or annoying or anything else, because he loves those parts of him too. And that is fucking beautiful #not to mention #merlin just told arthur he has magic #which arthur has been fighting against since his fathers death #and now arthur #after struggling with the fact merlin has magic #has just come to the conclusion #that he loves merlin for who he is #no matter if he has magic or not #because merlin has always loved him and looked after him #and thats whats important #the person within #and not the magic he cant control #the magic hes always used for good #because hes always loved arthur #even in his own strange way -- source link
#fuck you#merlin#arthur