harunosakurasmoved-deactivated2:I don’t act superior. And I’m not treated better either. I know that

harunosakurasmoved-deactivated2:I don’t act superior. And I’m not treated better either. I know that
harunosakurasmoved-deactivated2:I don’t act superior. And I’m not treated better either. I know that
harunosakurasmoved-deactivated2:I don’t act superior. And I’m not treated better either. I know that
harunosakurasmoved-deactivated2:I don’t act superior. And I’m not treated better either. I know that
harunosakurasmoved-deactivated2:I don’t act superior. And I’m not treated better either. I know that
harunosakurasmoved-deactivated2:I don’t act superior. And I’m not treated better either. I know that