unicornsunderwater: My personal (trash) version of Thucydides’ “possession for ever&rdqu
unicornsunderwater:My personal (trash) version of Thucydides’ “possession for ever”, my first ever follow forever on this website.Thanks you guys for making me reach my goal. I can’t believe 260 people actually care about what I have in mind. Ily all.A-Gachillics amphitraete anchient argonauticae astronaughhty athanea aut-nihil boytoymalfoy brotticelli camillamacaulay cleopatra cmbeferre coltre creberus desecritsdivrogne desmoulinrouge diogenesthesassmaster dioynsus earlofmarsden facinaoris feminismandclassics femwreck fhreyja fiibonacci flores-et-dracones foremsic francisabernathy fydaenerystargaryen grantaere H-Mhadesreign hamvlct hardtobeagod hecahte henrywintere herautsurnaturel hheathcliff historicae ilvalentinos instrumentale jayalvarrez jewist karamazayn lannisteh lesrevolutionnaires life-of-a-latin-student literaturc lunaoakravenclaw markntony mathsisbad maynads mczarts medeae medieval-grunge mercuitio milkv mostlyitaly mrpheus mythaelogyN-Rnehmesis nereiids newrormantics newfavething oephelia okayodysseus olvmpian omorfius oliverrwoods oydsseus paintgod persaephonie philosoqher plantemoji pregoddess pthos qartheens quaffle queercamillamacaulay remuslupix rxealityS-sccrates sectvmsempras sedaeted seize-the-stars sekmets shaenatargaryen spazju strangeforeignbeauty sweatersnervously telemache the-fault-in-marys-life the-jaime-lannister things-chelidon-draws thordaily thunrian ufoism vanyougoghaway versacegods victorhuqo vethox violentstars volopindarico waldasfrey writingwillows zimmers -- source link
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