rosesloveninjas: melek90: threezerohk: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Raphael and
rosesloveninjas:melek90:threezerohk:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Raphael and Donatello 1/6th scale collectible figures will be available for pre-order for a limited time at starting from January 17th 9:00AM Hong Kong time for 230USD/1780HKD each with International shipping included in the price.As part of the special Threezero Store exclusive offer: We will have both Raphael and Donatello collectibles purchased together offered for a special combined price of 380USD/2950HKD with International shipping included in the price. Raphael and Donatello collectible figures come in 1/6th scale and are designed after the characters on-screen appearance, both collectibles feature bodies with over 25 points of articulations, and movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles, skin texture and tattoos. Raphael stands approximately 33,5cm / 13nches tall, comes with exchangeable hands, Shuriken, Army Knife, Arm pads & Knee Pads; Ninja Sai x 2; Kama x 2; Walkie Talkie and Exchangeable hands. Donatello stands approximately 33.9cm/13.3inches tall and comes with Goggles; Glasses; Backpack; Quadrone; Headset; Walkie Talkie; Headphone; Handheld Game; Game Control Pad; Extendable Fighting Bo-staff and Exchangeable hands.1/6th scale Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Raphael collectible details:Stands ~33,5cm tall/13inches tall;Authentic, detailed and fully realized likeness as seen in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows; Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles, skin texture and tattoos;Soft PVC dermis on the arms;Body with over 25 points of articulations;Realistic paint application to highlight all the details along with battle damaged effect as seen in the film.Raphael comes with following accessories: Shuriken (Throwing stars);Army Knife;Arm pads & knee pads;Ninja Sai x 2;Kama x 2;Walkie Talkie;Exchangeable hands.1/6th scale Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Donatello collectible details:Stands ~33.9cm / 13.3inches tall;Authentic, detailed and fully realized likeness as seen in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows;Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles, skin texture and tattoos; Body with over 25 points of articulations; Soft PVC dermis on the arms;Realistic paint application to highlight all the details along with battle damaged effect as seen in the film.Donatello comes with following accessories: Goggles; Glasses;Backpack;Quadrone;Headset;Walkie Talkie;Headphone;Handheld Game;Game Control Pad;Extendable Fighting Bo-staff;Exchangeable hands.* Final product may vary from prototype images.Please check our Facebook page here for more images of Raphael and Donatello.《忍者龜:魅影突擊》拉斐爾(Raphael)及多納太羅(Donatello)再譽歸來!1月17日上午9時正開始於 接受預購,定價1780HKD/230USD(全球包郵)。我們特別為喜歡忍者龜的粉絲推出threezerostore限定套裝,只需2950HKD / 380USD (全球包郵)即可同時擁有拉斐爾及多納太羅一對!如此優惠價錢只在threezerostore獨有!為忠實重現電影中的忍者龜造型,我們根據電影設定資料將忍者龜完全1:6立體化!全身超過25個可動關節,完美還原電影的面部表情,細節紋理及個別具個性的紋身。拉斐爾約33.5厘米/13英寸高,配備一對可交換手, 手裏劍,陸軍刀,手臂墊和膝蓋墊,一對三股叉,一對鎌刀及對講機。多納太羅約33.9厘米/13.3英寸高,配備兩對可交換手,護目鏡,眼鏡,背包,航拍機,耳筒,對講機,手提遊戲,遊戲控制器和可伸縮的長棍。1:6比例《忍者龜:魅影突擊》拉斐爾(Raphael)可動人偶詳細內容:*33.5厘米/13英寸高可動素體及度身定做的特色服裝;*完全忠於電影設定的精美頭雕;*精緻的面部表情,細節紋理及個別具個性的紋身;*PVC包膠手臂;*超過25個可動關節的可動素體;*真實的舊化塗裝及上色;拉斐爾的專用配件:*手裏劍;*陸軍刀;*手臂墊和膝蓋墊;*一對三股叉;*一對鎌刀;*對講機。*一對可交換手;1:6比例《忍者龜:魅影突擊》多納太羅(Donatello)可動人偶詳細內容:*33.9厘米/13.3英寸高可動素體及度身定做的特色服裝;*完全忠於電影設定的精美頭雕;*精緻的面部表情,細節紋理及個別具個性的紋身;*PVC包膠手臂;*超過25個可動關節的可動素體;*真實的舊化塗裝及上色;多納太羅的專用配件:*護目鏡;*眼鏡;*背包;*航拍機;*耳筒;*對講機;*手提遊戲;*遊戲控制器;*可伸縮的長棍;*兩對可交換手。*圖片只作參考,產品以最終貨物實物為準。映画『ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズ:影<シャドウズ>』より、ドナテロとラファエロの1/6スケール可動フィギュアが登場!日本時間1月17日午前10時よりthreezero公式ストアにて予約販売開始です。価格は各230USD(全世界対応の送料込み)。また、threezero公式ストア限定販売品として、ドナテロとラファエロの2体セットをお買い得な380USD(全世界対応の送料込み)でご提供!詳細仕様はこちらをご参照下さい:※画像は開発中の物です。最終商品とは異なる場合があります。ORDERING !!! OMFG YES @fear-the-antiverse -- source link
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