archatlas:Ecce Hommo Tsang Kin-Wah “Ecce Homo” is a phase used by Pontius Pilate wh
archatlas:Ecce Hommo Tsang Kin-Wah“Ecce Homo” is a phase used by Pontius Pilate when presenting Jesus to the public before crucifixion, which also became the title of a book written by Nietzsche. By making reference to the last judgment of Jesus and Nietzsche’s philosophy, ‘Ecce Homo Trilogy’, a series of multi-channel video installations, tries to question the impartialness of a judgment, its existence and the powerlessness of the one being judged at a particular period of time and environment. At the same time, it attempts to depict the emotions of the one being judged and, the dense and tense atmosphere throughout the whole process. -- source link