ramblingradical: jacqueleeblebs: cool-daniela-fan: researchedreplies: cool-daniela-fan: researchedre
ramblingradical: jacqueleeblebs: cool-daniela-fan: researchedreplies: cool-daniela-fan: researchedreplies: cool-daniela-fan: researchedreplies: cool-daniela-fan: celtyradfem: skeleton-lad: celtyradfem: skeleton-lad: durkin62: gethighwatchgot: church-of-egalitarianism: the-eagle-atarian: Get this fucking propaganda out of my face. Hentai > porn. So hot. Why are radfems so fucking stupid? @celtyradfem why? Looks like someone is upset porn users were criticised. If you watch porn you are watching women being raped/abused/pimped. Many women who were in the sex industry have spoken out against the abuses in the porn industry. The women in porn don’t want to be there and they are only there because men demand it. I can go get you plenty of information backing up what I am saying. (This is assuming you’ll read it) Looks like someone is upset porn users were criticized. No. I just want to know why you’re so stupid? It’s not too much to ask for. What about women that watch porn? They must be pretty stupid too. If you watch porn you are watching women being raped/abused/pimped. No. If I watch porn I’m watching women have sex and getting paid to do so. Many women who were in the sex industry have spoken out against the abuses in the porn industry. And many other women in the industry don’t seem to have any problems. The women in porn don’t want to be there and they are only there because men demand it. Suddenly women are no longer able to make choices for themselves according to you. I guess those women in porn that really enjoy it are being held against their will. I can go get you plenty of information backing up what I am saying. “I can give you plenty of radfem tumblr blogs that confirm my bias and back up my point that’s totally not one-sided.” No thanks. I can’t expect honesty from feminists. No. I just want to know why you’re so stupid? It’s not too much to ask for. What about women that watch porn? They must be pretty stupid too. Actually the vast majority of women don’t watch porn. Though many men coerce there girlfriends into watching porn with them so they can act out on them. No. If I watch porn I’m watching women have sex and getting paid to do so. No you are watching sexual exploitation of women at best for the most part you are watching filmed rape. Which means you are masturbating to women being exploited/raped/abused. The women in porn don’t actually get paid all that much and have their money taken from by their pimps. They’d be better off working at Mcdonalds. And many other women in the industry don’t seem to have any problems. Are you sure about that? Because it seems to me you haven’t heard of Tracci Lords (over 70 popular porn films of were made of her when she was under 18) or Linda Boreman (she was marketed as the first porn star and she was trafficked by her pimp Chuck Traynor the whole time) or the many women who have left the porn industry with not much to show for it but trauma and stds. If you are willing to be honest I can go get you videos, articles, testimonies, research etc. Suddenly women are no longer able to make choices for themselves according to you. You’re right they don’t have a choice because in porn you don’t get to decide what happens because under contract they own you. There is no recourse when they rape and abuse the women in porn. Porn isn’t a choice. You have the choice not to watch it and educate yourself about the reality of what you are watching. I guess those women in porn that really enjoy it are being held against their will. They don’t enjoy it. This is a lie you tell yourself to justify your porn consumption. They have to pretend everything it ok or they don’t get their payment. Not to mention the porn which uses women who are held in captivity. The women in porn actually have high suicide rates and all of them are on drugs to get through it. (Can’t consent under the influence). “I can give you plenty of radfem tumblr blogs that confirm my bias and back up my point that’s totally not one-sided.” Well actually I was going to get you testimonies from former performers but I doubt you actually read it let alone comprehend it. I don’t see the point of wasting my time getting links when you are so determined to justify you selfish consumption of filmed rape. No thanks. I can’t expect honesty from feminists. Typical hyper aggressive behaviour and a denial of reality are common traits of porn users. Feminist: “Porn is male violence against women” Pornsick dudebro: “Source?” Feminist: “Here they are” Pornsick dudebro: “No thanks, can’t expect honesty from feminists” What are we going to do? They just don’t care. Here are a few interviews, though: Tamra Toryn 1 and 2 Jersei Jaxin Jessi Rogers Shelley Lubben (and before you say, “But she’s a conservative Christian”, read this) Jacqueline Homan Remainder: many anti porn activists, on tumblr and elsewhere, are “sex industry” survivors themselves Personal stories and opinions do not constitute proof. Show me a case where a porn actress said she didn’t want to perform, but was forced to, and I’ll show you an outlier. If you can show me proof that, en mass, porn actresses are sexually abused and forced to perform regardless of their feelings on the subject(excluding “you signed this contract, either perform or forfeit your pay”), I won’t just stop watching porn, I will fucking march on any place I need to to stop it. Just because you found five former porn actresses who speak out against the industry doesn’t mean they’re RIGHT. It just means that either A) they had a bad experience or B) they had a crisis of faith and decided that, since they regret what they did, everyone must. Many, many porn actresses are fine with the industry, or actively support it. I really don’t know how often we’re gonna have to discuss this, people, but PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IS NOT EVIDENCE OF SOCIETAL ISSUES. PERIOD. You either bring me statistics, or you just accept that I’m not clicking through your interviews and discussions, because they aren’t PROOF. Because people can lie. Or do I need to remind you of Sarah Silverman’s infamous wage gap lie? Hell, I never even see proof that “most” porn actresses feel this way about the industry, and that’d be really easy to collect. Contact a few porn companies, ask them if they’d be willing to participate in a research study on the attitudes of women in the industry(they will be, can you imagine being the company that wouldn’t let a research company find out if its employees were being abused?), disseminate a questionnaire between the female and male staff rating general satisfaction and any specific issues you feel are relevant, hide the important stuff in a lot of chaff to keep them from lying, then compare the results to a similar questionnaire from an unrelated industry, preferably one with no standing issues regarding sexism. But no, we just have to believe what people tell us because they “might be scared it’ll hurt their job prospects”. Because that’d work with an anonymous survey. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/lisa-ann-on-how-demand-for-extreme-porn-is-damaging-new-performers-that-does-break-you-down-as-a-a6838751.html http://exgynocraticgrrl.tumblr.com/post/104311005989/anti-porn-mega-pack My post is full of resources Gay porn http://www.fightthenewdrug.org/ I recommend watching the videos I linked previously in their entirety. And with this I’M DONE. I SWEAR. I read a bit of three of those, none contain studies, just unverifiable hearsay. Personal. Experience. Does. Not. Constitute. Proof. That was literally the whole point of my post. Did you even read what I said? If personal experience does not constitute proof, what does? The Holy Ghost? Anyway, thank you for proving my point I already told you. Statistics. Studies. An individual person can have an experience that does not represent the whole. I didn’t “prove your point” because I described the issue with your “proof”, told you what kind of proof I needed to see your side of the issue, and you provided me with the exact same kind of “proof”. If you can’t take the time to read my posts and actually ruminate on them, don’t pretend like you have some kind of intellectual superiority. I could find just as many videos of porn actresses who are happy with their jobs and the culture around it, but it wouldn’t prove shit, because just as people can have a bad experience in an otherwise good workplace environment, people can have good experiences in otherwise bad work environments. Just because noone punched Joe Whatshisface over at Face Punchers Inc. doesn’t change the fact that they punch people in the face, just because June Whatsherface has an asshole boss doesn’t mean that the entire company is corrupt to the core. The reason we ask for studies and statistics is because you’re making sweeping claims about what the industry, as a whole, is like. I believe these women had bad experiences, and they should pursue legal action if their situation warrants it, but that has no impact on the state of the industry as a whole unless you can show that this is the norm, and not a violent exception. http://luaren.tumblr.com/post/79627230804/yeah-because-you-can-totally-tell-how-smart-i-am-based “Personal stories and opinions do not constitute proof.” For what? Because the assumption in this post was “women in porn are abused / raped”. That’s it. There was no number. No percentage. No amount. Nothing. Just this, women in porn are abused and raped. Provided was stories of women (more than one, hence the plural noun was justified) in porn who were abused and raped. There’s your proof. We are proving that women in porn are raped and abused. You apparently expect something else, but you know what, your high and mighty attitude doesn’t work here because you can’t just move goalposts around like that when talking science. Nope, this guy’s got nothing and is not worth even a second of our time - we just read these comments because entertaining, meaning yeah, @cool-daniela-fan I’ve read their new answer to your last comment too, their last sentence literally is: “I’m not coming out and saying “porn is amazing”, I’m saying that I’ve never seen any proof one way or the other. Just be intellectually honest about it.” We are. He is not. The science Bubu grrrs at him! Bad science! No! *grrrrrr* @researchedreplies For you and the other misogynists who can’t seem to care about women unless a man has studied them and deemed their suffering credible, here’s some numbers: 88.2% of top rated porn scenes contain aggressive acts. In 70% of occurrences, a man is perpetrator of the aggression; 94% of the time the act is directed towards a woman. Only 9.9% of the top selling scenes analyzed contained behaviors such as kissing, laughing, caressing, or verbal compliments. Open-hand slapping occurs in 41.1% of scenes. Porn scenes have sexist and racist themes through out. Websites often contain menus where users can select genres of women’s ethnicities, body types, and ages. There are also choices such as “amateur,” “interracial”, and the ever popular “teen” category. Men and women who are anything other than white are represented in stereotypical and demeaning ways. Approximately 20% of all internet pornography is child sexual abuse. (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2013). Check here for more on that: http://stoppornculture.org/about/about-the-issue/facts-and-figures-2/ Here is just one quote from a detailed study on Prostituted women (yes this includes women in pornography and the author explains why if you bother to read more than half the study) “We thought that prostituted women’s PTSD was so high that it could not go up any higher. We did not expect to show that the making of pornography or the coercion to imitate it had a statistically significant effect on the PTSD suffered by the women we interviewed in prostitution. But in fact our results showed that when women had pornography made of them, it hurt them even more. It is data that causes you to weep.” (Melissa Farley, 2007, ‘Renting an Organ for Ten Minutes’: What Tricks Tell Us About Prostitution, Pornography, and Trafficking, In Pornography: Driving the demand for international sex trafficking, Los Angeles: Captive Daughters Media. http://www.prostitutionresearch.com/FarleyRentinganOrgan11-06.pdf).The rest of the study is here: http://www.prostitutionresearch.com/Prostitution%20Quick%20Facts%2012-21-12.pdf But perhaps one of the most important facts you should get through your thick skull is: “It is difficult to find statistics about sex workers and sexual violence; due to the once widely-held perception that sex workers could not be victims of rape, scientists only began to study the prevalence of sexual violence against sex workers very recently.”Understanding women as individual people might not hurt either, even though I know it hurts your brain to read the massive amount of testimonies we’ve made. Try to fathom how difficult it would be to even report this as a prostituted woman. The shame and secrecy surrounding sexual abuse make it difficult to get accurate data regarding incidents what kind of these incidents among women in the sex industry. The studies that have been done reveal that: Between 66-90% of women in the sex industry were sexually abused as children. Compared to the general population, women in the sex industry experience higher rates of: Substance Abuse Issues, Rape and Violent Assault, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Domestic Violence, Depression & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder The women in this industry face a myriad of issues that impact their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They are a largely unreached population and many feel desperately isolated and alone. Even those who would contemplate going to church wonder if there truly is a place for them there. Will they find the restoration they are seeking in the house of God? http://crossculturalconnections.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/sex_stats.pdf When women who have been through this shit are telling you that this abuse happens and happens more often than not, you listen. Perhaps the reason there is little to no statistical evidence on this stuff is not because we are making it up, but because no one cares. Even as they enjoy the output of abusing women, they deny the abuse itself. I get that it might be a little uncomfortable to realise that you are jerking off to the pain of another human being, but putting your head in the sand won’t change it and is really just the act of prioritising your orgasm over women’s lives. If that isn’t male sexual entitlement in action, I don’t know what is. Thanks to the posters who added links and argumentation… -- source link
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