Tease Theory: Crying thefunsideofteasing: masters-littleone: I have a feeling I am so going to regre
Tease Theory: Crying thefunsideofteasing: masters-littleone: I have a feeling I am so going to regret saying this lol. This really is a major turn on for me. As much as I may protest and cry and argue at the time, nothing turns me on more than having my orgasm controlled. I want to hear “No, you do not have permission to cum” all while you continue to tease me. I want to hear your teasy words, mocking how much I want to cum but cant. I want to be teased so much that it is unbearable and I am begging so hard to cum. To the point where I am shaking and screaming. You will know when I have reached my limit. But god…. all this… such a big big turn on and kink of mine. daddysaysslutobeys: I plan to… Exactly!!!!! This is hot, really hot, but there’s a major piece missing. Teasing until tears is like climbing a mountain, declaring “mission accomplished”, and heading back down. You better bet that if I ever climb a mountain, I’m bringing a chair, some tea, and Imma gonna sit mah ass down on a ledge and drink in the beauty! I’ve teased women to tears… and beyond… and I can definitely say that for those who love T&D, tears can be cathartic and teasees often find it wonderful to reach that state, betraying ‘defeat’ and still continuing to bear it, and in such a head-space they are unable to stop it even if done by direction over the phone. Tears are a form of submission all their own, and teasing through these tears is acceptance of this submission. There is a point where it can be taken too far but that point lies well beyond tears and, if one consents to that beforehand, even that is likely a memory they will love. As a teaser, it’s… Truth. It’s being entrusted with your tears, trusted to take you there and witness you in place of consensual nonconsent, teased beyond tears to see a side of you that probably no one else sees. For me, it’s a rush and an honor. In 2011 I saw a presentation called “Rope Intentions” where Lochai spoke of a scene where the bottom wanted to “orange”, i.e. reach the point where the she still wanted more but the body simply cannot continue. For example, predicament bondage where the bottom is in a very hot mental space but the body just… gives… out. In this example, the top must be skilled at recognizing this and be prepared to step in to prevent injury. Unlike “oranging” in predicament bondage, the dangers of “oranging” from teasing is nearly all mental; if you tease someone to that point you must be prepared to spend a lot of time in aftercare if necessary. Interestingly my few experiences at doing this suggest that allowing orgasm at this point is more likely to trigger sub-drop than forestall it. YMMV. Mmmmmh, I’ve yet to tell someone this in scene, but wow that would be hot to inform this to someone who was teased past tears “I’d let you cum, but you’ve let me get you so desperate that it’s best to deny you. Really, it’s for your own good that you’re not going to cum, slut!” If this appeals to you, definitely (negotiate it and) go for it! After something this intense, the sub/bottom might be done with teasing for a few days but don’t worry, patience pays off. Once, I pushed someone past her limits, and the next day she wanted to pause teasing activities for a while. She had flamed out, so to speak, and the fetish she loved just didn’t hold any appeal. I instructed her to take the weekend, pamper herself, take a sensual but not necessarily sexual bath, masturbate all the liked, even play with fuck-buddies, but only if it wasn’t with any thoughts or intent of T&D. I knew she’d come around, but by the end of the weekend my instructions worked better than I’d dreamed! She started to become aroused again from ideas of teasing, but then couldn’t touch as a result of that, which drove her crazy, which kicked things into high gear, spinning her around and around in a vicious cycle where she couldn’t stop thinking about it which meant… which meant… which meant… :-) Problem solved. :-) … and isn’t that what a major part of BDSM is all about? To fling or be flung off of “safe” ground, inner parts of you revealed by stripping away the rest, rattling the chains until things break free, and coming back to earth safe, appreciated, somehow feeling more sane and with more clarity than before you submitted? Related note: check out Why We Cry: The Fascinating Psychology of Emotional Release -- source link
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