hachhiko: It’s been a little over a year since I made this blog and I’ve hit my follower
hachhiko:It’s been a little over a year since I made this blog and I’ve hit my follower goal. I never would’ve thought this would happen. It wasn’t until the beginning of this year that I think I decided to become an Asian photography blog. This year, I’ve made a few friends and have been noticed by a few senpaitachi. O///OSo without further ado, here’s my first follow forever!aaozora | aemei | afalling | aitakut-e | aoitory | asianbloom | chihaku | chlzt | cloudsintherain | colormyworldd | demech | desui | doryoko | esotericful | etheralis | fluoric | hach-iko | hachimitsu | hanatae | hokkaiiido | japanlove | japan-overload | jinkouu | kyotopia | kyouretsu | lunairi | mahhou | minuga-hana | ochabang | omotteru | peachsky | plasticcrowns | qing-xi | reminiscencee | rittou | sakurablossms | samuraibleu | senbeiii | soobender | tokyoghosts | tsuyu-rin | uchi-ni | wixm | yasurau | yeolumrain | yukeru | yukiko | yuu-imnida credit [x]ps you guys are all amazing and you make my dash beautiful ❤ -- source link
#thank you