blackoutforhumanrights: “On May 20, 2015 the African American Policy Forum, the Center for Int
blackoutforhumanrights:“On May 20, 2015 the African American Policy Forum, theCenter for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies at Columbia Universityand Andrea Ritchie, Soros Justice Fellow and expert on policing of women and LGBTpeople of color released #SayHerName: Resisting Police Brutality Against BlackWomen, a document highlighting stories of Black women who have been killed bypolice and shining a light on forms of police brutality often experienced bywomen such as sexual assault.” Please Read this Important Report: via AAPF“Tanisha Anderson. Rekia Boyd. Miriam Carey. MichelleCusseaux. Shelly Frey. Kayla Moore. These names are etched into tombstones thatstand over the graves of black women killed by police – and were echoed at avigil in New York City on Wednesday, where dozens gathered to show that thesewomen should not be forgotten.” Lilly Workneh: Huffington Post“We will not remain silent. If we remain silent, whowill march for us, who will speak for us?” Joanne Smith, executivedirector of Girls for Gender Equity, told Mic. “We are literally fightingfor our lives when we demand that the deaths and atrocities against black girlsand women in this country be made known and included in our nations racialjustice fight of the 21st century. ” Derrick Clifton: via Mic“Black Women Are Getting Killed by Police Too — So WhyAren’t More People Discussing It?” Derrick Clifton: via Mic -- source link
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